
The BIG 10 Showoff

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom The BIG 10 Showoff


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  • #64151
    fiona cook
      • 112
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      I had been experimenting with playing with masks after Cassel’s  tutorial and created this peculiar image of my cat. I used a couple of masks and my cat photo.

      PS Sue and Corrie, I’m an F1 fan too! The Dutch crowds that day were amazing.

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Carole/Cassel: Actually, Adam was already answering to that name at the humane society so I was loathe to change it, also, he had arrived there with a sister, who was named Eve. She was adopted out long before him; he was already there 2 years when we adopted him. A few years later, we adopted our own Eve from a different humane society. She had been named Mango but I wanted to re-create the original pair and since she didn’t answer to Mango I felt I could change it to Eve. Adam and his actual sister Eve were born in a nearby farming area called Pine Island which was drained swampland and famous for its black dirt. Amid all its flatness, Pine Island boasted a mini mountain range that they called
        Adam & Eve (actually 2 low hills 🙂 ) It was a local joke.

        Bonnie Ballentine
          • 1643
          • Superfan

          Ann, great story! You could journal that story on a page…it would be a fun page.

          Sue Thomas
            • 1598
            • Superfan

            It has been a jolly trip down memory lane.  Today is the last day, this week has slipped  by ever so  quickly.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Carole, for the time and effort you have put into making this 10th anniversary celebration a success.  Masterclass:  Using element templates.  Until this class, I didn’t  know that element templates, and paper templates existed.   I found some very delicate, fine  papers from Pixel Scrapper, which I could  colour to suit my projects.  In this autumnal page, all the elements are  templates.  Aren’t the background papers just divine! The frame is  my own, which I created from using a selection  from the photo.

            Sue Thomas
              • 1598
              • Superfan

              Creative scrap:  Ticket.   Tickets are another great way  to  add information to any project.

              Creative scrap:  label

              Creative scrap:  oval frame  (I added a rope)

              Creative scrap:   Pin

              The background paper is the photo of the butterfly, using a blend mode, opacity, brightness/contrast.

              The frames are my own, also the word art


              Sue Thomas
                • 1598
                • Superfan

                Creative  scrap:    Flag

                The flag is a  rather nice addition to any project.  This flag was used to wish  a friend Happy Birthday in Welsh. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the card.

                Susan Ewart
                  • 763
                  • Superfan

                  Sue, that is stunning.  That paper is perfect.  I love the papers at PS, I could become a paper hoarder if I’m not careful. And Carole, WOW!  What a fabulous week.  Thank you for this fun ride and allowing us all to celebrate along with you.



                  Sue Thomas
                    • 1598
                    • Superfan

                    My last project.   Back in 2015, Corel posted on their site, which I downloaded and printed off, this tutorial.  ( Create a simple double exposure portrait in Paintshop Pro- Points of view/ Corel photo blog).

                    I have posted one of the  double exposures I did back then.  Nell, and  the landscape of  the area, where I ride.

                    Masterclass: Blending through.  This  masterclass demonstrates many techniques, including how to create a double exposure. Carole used an elephant in her tutorial.

                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      I couldn’t be here for the last few days, and again it is a joy to browse each entry… I have to repeat myself,  Everyone here, at all levels, is creating inspirational and great work.

                      Val, thank you so much! You are so kind. <3

                      Sue, my friend, your work is outstanding, and you know I am a big fan… I could name this or that layout, but it would take too long!… You are for sure a source of inspiration for many and me included. 🙂

                        • 387
                        • Enthusiast

                        Oh wow, Sue!

                        I could repeat myself a thousand times, but  it’s been so wonderful to see what everyone created:)

                        Lynda DiGregor
                          • 1047
                          • Superfan
                            • 734
                            • Enthusiast

                            As I’m not only a flower lover :-), I created for example something I called “spooky”, November 2019, but I just can’t remember if it has to do with the challenge.

                            So I just promised me, I will try to write down for the next projects, what was the base of the work and the effects I applied. I must admit if you do not regularly use some functions, you have to search and search ….

                            Sue Thomas
                              • 1598
                              • Superfan

                              Susan,  thank you ever so much for your kind words.  I genuinely hope that I have inspired many of you with my  style of  creativity. I’m very much a  minimalistic,  non fussy or frilly creator, not even in real life.  I always aim to maintain focus on  my photos. Again, Susan, I thank you.

                              Val, thank you ever so much for your kind words on the snow globes. Xmas will soon be upon us, I hope you will watch the masterclass, and  create some stunning snow globes to be  used in  your festive projects.

                              Cristian, my dear  long term campus friend.  Although I  joined before, we have travelled this particular creative path together, along with many others.  It has been a stupendous journey.  It isn’t over yet. I’ve said it before, I’m a huge fan of your work.  You put so much emphasis on  fine details, which  blows me away.   Thank you my dear friend.

                              I  only  ever use my own photos in  my pages.   I’m  not a professional photographer by any means, but if anyone would like to use a photo I have used, or you don’t have any snow photo for instance,  I will be more  than  happy share them  with you, for you to use in your projects.

                              Susan Ewart
                                • 763
                                • Superfan

                                Libera, that is so cool.  I love the horse Sue.  My husband and I worked/lived at several horse breeding farms (race horses, quarter horses and international hunter/jumpers) in the past, as my husband was a stallion handler/horse exerciser and was part of the breeding team. I was a general horse handler, worked with the mommies and babies. I miss living on a farm.

                                Lynda DiGregor
                                  • 1047
                                  • Superfan

                                  Out of Bounds

                                  Out of this World

                                  Sue Thomas
                                    • 1598
                                    • Superfan

                                    Libera, I see that the titles for the pages, are Fantasy. I wonder  if you watched the Masterclass: Fantasy World, which inspired you to created those two lovely pages.

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan
                                      Sue Thomas
                                        • 1598
                                        • Superfan

                                        Thank you Susan.  I’ve had  horses all my life.  Before moving to Canada, my life revolved around horses.  Competing at an intermediate level in  3 day eventing  (show jumping, dressage, cross country).  Hunter Trials.  Team chasing. During my younger days, I rode point to point ( which is  a bit like steeple chasing, except over a country course of fixed fences.  Point to Point meaning, racing from one church steeple to another church steeple.

                                        Ann Seeber
                                          • 1372
                                          • Superfan

                                          Bonnie: I did tell that story in a layout last year. It was the Good Deeds Challenge.

                                            • 734
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            I loved the pop art challenge too. It must have been in August 2019. I add the original photos, so you can see again the difference, playing with this function.

                                            I discovered the double exposure, which Sue presented just above in a fantastatic creation, a few weeks ago and did a simple try with a visage and thunder in it. Another fascinating work you can achieve with PSP.

                                            As Corrie and Sue I have Carole’s book “Tips and Tricks” for PSP on my desk, in addition of the Kindle version on my PC of “101 Super Easy Tricks to Work Faster with Paintshop Pro”, Book 1 and 2,  I can truly recommend for beginners too.


                                            Lyn Lou
                                              • 70
                                              • Junior

                                              Love the pop art Libera

                                              You’re welcome Sue 🙂

                                              Thank you Val 🙂

                                              Thank you Carole 🙂

                                              • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Lyn Lou.
                                              • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Lyn Lou.
                                                • 734
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Thank you Susan and Sue. I changed the titles, I can’t remember exactly why, but the name of the folder is “spooky”. I shoud look at the Master Class you mention, Sue. Maybe a confusion …

                                                Another Pop Art girl

                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  I feel a bit sorry that this BIG 10 is coming to its last day; it was wonderful to see each and every entry at all levels. And again a great inspiration for projects to come! So Carole again a big thanks to you for letting us in on the party and even if we aren’t going to win a prize, we all have won by joining here!!! Now I’ll go and make new pages, follow new challenges, masterclasses and learn new techniques in the diamond membership alongside chatting with some of you who I have come to know a little bit better.

                                                  This is my last entry and it is a card I made. I used a photo from the lime tree in front of our house and I wish I could have incorporated its heavenly smell. Background is the photo with blur and bokeh effect. A mask on the same photo with a simple frame and a butterfly. A quote (I like using quotes), a flower of the tree inside a leafy frame and two corner punches.

                                                  Sue Thomas
                                                    • 1598
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Monique,  thank you ever so much!

                                                      • 78
                                                      • Junior

                                                      simple Texting 1, 2, 3 with PSP but so used )) and Masking with PSP & Changing colors in PaintShop Pro (for the watering can in origin red)


                                                      Ann Seeber
                                                        • 1372
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Nadine: That is beautiful. Well done!

                                                        Susan Ewart
                                                          • 763
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Corrie, I agree, this feel like a special event doesnt it.  I know…it IS a special event.  But it’s like a big seminar to you go to with hundreds of like-minding people. I love your layout, so beautifully done.    I’m inspired at where this can go for me (being at the beginning).

                                                          I just did the letter tutorial, here it is.  It’s very funky looking.  I dont know what number ‘S’ is in scrabble so I picked my birthday. My ‘S’ is too high and it doesnt look as cleanly indented as Cassel’s.  More practice required.

                                                          Sue, wow! how exciting your life with horses.  I loved watching 3 day eventing.  Point to point sounds really exciting.  May I ask the breed of your horse?  Thick neck, beautiful shaped head, I’m leaning toward Friesen (my fav. breed) or a Aussie thoroughbred, they are so big and beautiful, or perhaps a warmblood of a sort.


                                                          Sue Thomas
                                                            • 1598
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Fiona, wonderful to  hear that you are a F1 fan too. I have been a fan for most of my life.  The only way I can watch it now is live on an American sports channel.  TSN.  Sky Sports UK has taken  over from BBC1. Which is great, because we had to subscribe to the BBC1 channel here in Canada in order to watch it.  Now we get to watch it as part of our overall package, which includes a lot of American channels. I was amazed to see a  seas of  orange in the stands last week, and their overall support was deafening, for their  Dutch driver Verstappen.  Did you watch the Italian race today?    Max and Lewis  collided.   I was delighted to see Lando Norris, another Brit on the podium.  He is an up and rising  young star in F1. I’d like to think he’s another  Hamilton in the making.

                                                            Sue Thomas
                                                              • 1598
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Susan, Nell, which is in the  double exposure image,  is a   reg. quarter horse, she is 11 now, I bought her as a weaning.  Meg, who I featured in the  latest love story challenge with Nell, and posted here in the  projects,  is  also a  quarter horse, she is now  21.  I bought her as a yearling when  we moved here.  These days I gather and  trail cows for ranchers.  I also trail ride.  I don’t train horses any more.  The horses I’ve had over the years at home in Wales, were  TB (Thoroughbred) x Hanoverian.   Crossing TBs with  warm blood breeds give you the speed of the TB and the  temperament and  build of the   warm bloods.  A perfect combination.  Of course these horses were 16 hands plus, unlike the  14-15 hand QH.  Although Meg is 15.1, and Nell is 14.1.  My childhood  mounts were section A, B, C and  section D Welsh Cobs and Welsh mountain ponies.

                                                                • 78
                                                                • Junior

                                                                @Ann Seeber thanks )))) @Cassel thanks so much, love this short tutos ))))
                                                                here’s a page with no kit (with photos perso & some royalty free), and technique Photo-Graphics with PSP about the city of Rouen (bordering my city)


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