
Story Time Workshop (2022)

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Story Time Workshop (2022)

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  • #81774
    Ann Seeber
      • 1372
      • Superfan

      I did this class in 2020 and this is what I came up with for Story Time: Fear. (I’m doing another for this class, too.)

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        I was inspired by Carole’s tale of worrying about falling down the bathtub drain and I remembered an incident from my school days. I was always very skinny and was teased about it. So my friends wrote a song about me. They sang it to me in private so at least it wasn’t “trending” in my classes! So here’s “Annie, Where Are You Going?”

        I started with a white background and added Carole’s musical paper which I Multiplied. I might add, I initially rotated the template 90 degrees because I wanted a horizontal photo which I found using Google Images. The scalloped paper I treated to Blinds texture. The colors were coming from a palette I chose from PSPs collection called “Monet.” For the blue photo mat I used the Effect/Illumination/Lights. The musical décor I already had. The arrow is from Heather T “Love Spoken Here” which I colored using the Monet colors. The font for the journaling and title is Babilonia.

        I honestly always thought this incident was quite amusing! 😀

        Rene Marker
          • 204
          • Enthusiast

          Day 6. Fear. I really don’t remember anything from my childhood that I was really fearful of. So I went with a movie that I have never been able to watch in one sitting. I know others in the past have done this same movie… glad I’m not alone! I pulled the movie poster from the internet. I used a template from Scrapping With Liz’s “Now Showing” collection and a kit by Kristin Aagard also called “Now Showing”. Both were part of a mega collection at a previous shop they sold at but are both available at The Lily Pad.

          For the string elements, I did a flood fill of a color in the kit then added noise to them. Very subtle but can be seen when I zoom in. I tried adding texture to it but didn’t like it. I like the noise addition.

          Corrie Kinkel
            • 1078
            • Superfan

            What causes it when something doesn’t go according to plan, in the end everything goes wrong apart from Murphy’s law? This week I’m in a rollercoaster of all kind of things, but in between I managed to do day 4, more or less as a diversion from the problems. I used 3 photos, sorry I cann’t do without them but they are complementory to the story. I used 2 papers from my stash and colored the other 2, the orange with some noise. The ribbon I did for an earlier project from the flower at the bottom; and a hobby tag from Carole. The fonts are Bauhaus and Bernard condensed. Hopefully I tomorrow will give me some time , but I doubt it.

            All the stories are a joy to read and the layouts suit those stories

            Ann Seeber
              • 1372
              • Superfan

              Corrie: Best of luck to you! I’ve only been hiking once or twice, and that when I visited Debbie in California. They have always been big into fitness. For myself now, I have an Under-Desk Elliptical that I’m supposed to use twice a day. (I don’t always make it)

              Jannette Nieuwboer
                • 183
                • Junior

                Carole, I usually work in the ’21 or ’20. they both have the same problem.  The difficulty is difficult to explain even in my language.  I will give it a try. Placing text in a shape is in the three possibilities of the lining, left, middle, or right.  The roll-out screen doesn’t come by using the left or right to paste. I tried more ways for example making the selection smaller. But still, it was not possible. I only can grab the outline with the midst, wherever I place the cursor. Then the right roll-out screen pops up immediately.  There is something wrong with the kerning I’m sure. When I want to write verticle the letters are very far apart from each other. Then I start kerning it’s alright but when I want write back horizontally the letters are on top of each other. it’s not normal. I didn’t have that in former PSP numbers. This problem stops me from writing vertically. In using day 5, I had placed all the letters in the black circle but the letters were selected as well as the circle. I’m writing in an outside source, a text processor. But when I write in PSP the same problem pops up.


                Lynda DiGregor
                  • 1047
                  • Superfan

                  This is a bit behind as I didn’t really know what to talk about and then my husband reminded of this story that I told him.

                  Creative Fabrica BG and favpng graphics

                    • 367
                    • Enthusiast

                    Carole (#81714 ) Thank you ! I understand now what whas the problem. The right setting whas -0.1

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Marie-Claire.
                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Marie-Claire.
                      • 367
                      • Enthusiast

                      And here’s day 3, I’m way behind. And I also have a lot to read. A lot has already been posted!

                      Papers come from from Marisa Lerein and the top one from Janet Kemp
                      The flower with checks by Marisa Lerein, the clock by Sheila Reid.
                      The other elements come from PNGwing.

                      Bonnie Ballentine
                        • 1643
                        • Superfan

                        Oh, my goodness! These stories are wonderful! Thank you, Everyone, for sharing.

                        Day 4/Activity/Sports

                        Background paper: Gold Leaf Foil Papers Kit – Gold Foil 02 at Pixel Scrapper.

                        Gerry Landreth
                          • 173
                          • Junior

                          As my mother’s health declines and she slips a little further into dementia, small things like reaching for a jar of peas or beans that isn’t there become important moments for reflection.

                          Corrie Kinkel
                            • 1078
                            • Superfan

                            Ann thank you, I’ll let know when I’m absent for a couple of days and hopefully I can do some scrapping it will depend on how the surgery goes.

                            Bonnie an impressive story of your athletic lifestyle, you are an inspiration for a lot of people!

                            Gerry I know what you are going through, I have been there already and it is in my experience that in the unexpected little things I miss my mom the most.

                            For Day 5 I didn’t used the extra template (I’ll keep that for another project) because I wanted to do the title in the circle and I didn’t have time enough to make a layout from scratch. The kit I used is boozy wine by Marissa Lerin and an alpha I have in my stash, also by Marissa. The photo is mine as always and the font is Calligraphy; in this page it fits despite the fact that it is a bit harder to read.

                            Susan Ewart
                              • 763
                              • Superfan

                              Day 5 Food!  Who doesn’t love food, as I type this I’m looking at Corrie’s Creme Brulee.  Yum.  Good luck Corrie on your upcoming surgery.  Bonnie, I was a tom boy too.  I played with the boys when the girls wanted to do girly stuff.  I still don’t do girly stuff (what was considered girly stuff in 60’s – 70’s).  I am inspired by all of your stories and layouts. I never realized when I signed up for this that I would love reading the stories as much as I do.

                              Here is my foodie layout…I am not a foodie, or cook.  I am good at forgetting I’m cooking and burn a lot of food.  Papers and elements from Digital Scrapbook.  Arial for the font.  Alpha letters from Cassel’s giveaway (thank you!).  the ampersand (&) is from Gina Jones at Digital Scrapbook and I used hue/saturation/lightness to get it as close to the Cassel’s alpha color as possible.


                              Linda J Walker
                                • 142
                                • Junior

                                Day 4 – sports….there are no althetics trophies in my family, not for me, not for the rest of my family. But Mom did have a bowling trophy or two. Ironically, my youngest daughter did take up bowling for a couple of years, but I do think it was just because there was a boy she liked who bowled. She did date the boy, then she broke up with him…lol.

                                Carole–the text shadow on a new layer, you said it would follow the text if you moved it? Mine didn’t follow the text when I moved it! It kinda made a mess and had to undo.

                                Oh, and these stories! Triggering some memories for me.

                                  • 2522
                                  • Superfan

                                  Linda (#81758), did Thumbelina’s hair ever grow back? LOL (#81829) The shadow would be linked to the text, but if you use the Pick tool, it ignores the links. That can be good or bad, depending on what you want to do but if you use the Move tool, the shadow will follow (unless you changed the link set).

                                  Ann (#81774), I guess your cousin attended a radio show! It might have been as scary with the sounds too. (#81778) You remember that song after all those years???

                                  Rene (#81793), yeah, those monkeys are definitely made to look scary. I guess they succeeded!

                                  Corrie (#81794), as long as you can walk on your own, you are good to go. No need to climb mountains to have fun. Have you tried geocaching? It is a way to “walk with a purpose” and discover new places too. (#81819) Interesting how something simple can be so elevated (especially when we don’t have to do the dishes afterward).

                                  Lynda (#81804), that is an interesting fact about Japanese. I didn’t know about that.

                                  Marie-Claire (#81806), yes, it makes more sense when seeing those lines and the text aligned. Or maybe it is just me being picky? (#81813) That is definitely a strange punishment! But what an ending!

                                  Bonnie (#81815), why am I not surprised reading that you were always into sports?

                                  Gerry (#81817), you never took on canning yourself? I guess back in the days, boys were not necessarily taught much about kitchen stuff.

                                  Susan (#81825), those memories of smell and taste are so vivid for so long! Isn’t that fun to read all those stories?

                                  Ann Seeber
                                    • 1372
                                    • Superfan

                                    Cassel: No, that was the first King Kong film in 1933. (Yes, they had films that long ago! LOL) He sat through the entire film in a darkened auditorium with his hands over his eyes. Poor Bobby never lived it down!

                                    I’m showing you two movie posters from that year: one that’s pretty scary (in French) and the other because they styled it in Art Deco that was all the rage in the 1930s.

                                    Diane Lochala
                                      • 30
                                      • Rookie

                                      Day 6 about childhood fear, I don’t remember being afraid of very much. We lived in a rural community of aunts, uncles, cousins, and family. I knew I would not be able to fit the story on the page. There was one time that was terrifying, though! My mom and dad inherited several acres of land that had a creek with an artesian spring at the very back. They spent about a year building a lovely frame house. It had the most beautiful fireplace and oh how my mom polished those hardwood floors! When I was about five years old during one season it had been raining for several days. My dad woke one night to people banging on our door. When dad jumped from the bed he landed in a foot of water! There was a rescue team from the community there with boats to take us out of the house. I was so terrified!

                                      I used several elements and techniques, especially the kerning, leading, and warp text. ps_commons_dawn-prater_188815_layered-page-template-white-space-3_pu; ps_commons_sonya-stover_241312_memories-and-stories-frame-cluster1_pu; It was a fun workshop for learning to manipulate text!

                                        • 335
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        My page for Day 5

                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                          • 1047
                                          • Superfan


                                          Now the Japanese have dogs as household pets but at the time I was there,1960-63, people didn’t own dogs. While few, the dogs in any given neighborhood just ran free and picked up scraps from whoever would give them something. Sort of like community pets. I actually found the same thing in San Felipe, Mexico where my Mom had a house on the Baja Peninsula. Dogs were just running around everywhere, especially in town. That was not too long ago ,probably around the 90’s. I don’t know if that has changed in recent years.


                                          Gerry Landreth
                                            • 173
                                            • Junior

                                            I can overcome or compensate for almost any fear except the one of snakes.

                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                              • 1078
                                              • Superfan

                                              Carole yes I know about geocaching, but that isn’t anywhere near where I live, so I will be doing short walks and immediatly after surgery there will be crutches, therapy and being very patient and obidient; both of which I’m NOT. I will be happy if afterwards I still can do my normal walks, go swimming and travel on my own, so fingers crossed. I don’t mind getting older but all the annoying things that come along…. By the way the other hamster lived his life to the end.

                                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                                • 1643
                                                • Superfan

                                                Corrie, best of luck with your hip replacement. As difficult as it will be, be sure to do all the rehab…that makes all the difference. I’ve had friends who would not do the rehab and they were not much better after the surgery. My friends who stuck with the rehab are like brand new.  The social aspect is one of the reasons I enjoy sports so much…

                                                Gerry, you and I share the same fear. I think I saw that movie…the ending was disturbing. I don’t think you will like my page very much…I’m sorry…but it is near the end of the challenge…so you can just skip by it and not have to return to this page but once or twice more.

                                                I got stuck on the foood page so I skipped it for now and went on to my fear. Last night as I was unable to sleep, I thought of a topic for the food page…now to find the time to do it!…and the page for today…good deed.

                                                Jannette Nieuwboer
                                                  • 183
                                                  • Junior

                                                  I’ve not that much to mention today. As I only used the template Carole sent us. And a background that was in my files nameless.


                                                  Susan Ewart
                                                    • 763
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Here’s a fear that lasted into my 40’s at least.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not an anti smoker. I don’t care if people smoke (it’s their body and their choice), I just don’t want them sticking their hands in my mouth afterward.   I also have a fear of needles, combine throwing up at the dentist with fear of needles and well, I don’t like dentists.  I still go because I care about my health more than my fear. I’m older now and if I can withstand back surgery I can surely withstand a little needle now and then. Although, I would rather have 100 snakes all over me than get a needle (i like the feel so it’s not a fear)…it’s strange how irrational and yet paralyzing my fears are.

                                                    This is the first time I used one kit and one kit only (Jessica Dunn Snow Whispers from Digital Scrapbook).  It was hard.  Title font is Alosia and journaling is Arial.  I did use the kerning and leading.  I like that tutorial, it explained  how to use it nicely.

                                                      • 335
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Result for Day 6
                                                      the thunderstorm image from free image bank

                                                      Gerry Landreth
                                                        • 173
                                                        • Junior

                                                        Corrie – Both of my hips have been replaced due to an uncommon form of arthritis. I have had no problems. Surgeries went well, and the recovery was OK. Definitely follow through with the rehab.

                                                        A therapist once told me that 80% of the healing comes in 4-6 weeks. The other 20% could take a year. My experience tells me she was right. Pretty soon, you won’t even notice it.

                                                          • 367
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Corrie, veel moed voor de operatie, en dat komt in orde hoor! Ik ken een drietal mensen waaronder mijn neef, hij heeft beide heupen moeten laten doen, en was vlug hersteld. Daarna reed hij terug met zijn zware motor alsof het niets was.

                                                            • 367
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Cassel (#81834) I also like it better this way, and had already tried it, but because I always used -1 or more, it didn’t work of course. It makes sense to use even less, but to use 0.01 has never occurred to me. Numbers have never been my cup of tea

                                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                                              • 1047
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Still trying to catch up… things keep getting in the way  🙂

                                                              Day 4

                                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                                • 1047
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Day 5

                                                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Lynda DiGregor. Reason: added text to image
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