
Story Time Workshop (2022)

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Story Time Workshop (2022)

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  • #81663
    cindy harris
      • 449
      • Enthusiast

      Hi Carole,

      Is there a pdf on how to make outside folders to aim all 3 of my Versions at like you talked about? thank you

      I tried 6 times to do this lesson still trying.   I cant get it yet. 🙁

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Cindy, I think you need this tutorial.

        Corrie Kinkel
          • 1078
          • Superfan

          Although I was a very good girl in school I once was in a conspiracy with my friends to do something bad.

          For this layout I used papers and embelishments from Escale Amoureuse that. The poster I found on the internet and if have a template for a ticket but I don’t recall where I found it, when I started with scrapbooking I did not always documented  my stuff. The font is Balloon

          Julie Magerka
            • 144
            • Junior

            I got stuck on Day 2 template. Everything was going fine until I was trying to add text. Then I couldn’t change the font colour and the whole thing was a bust! Still working on it. But this is a rather full-schedule time for me, and some of it is paid work, so that has to come first.  <sigh>

            cindy harris
              • 449
              • Enthusiast

              Our Teacher is the Best!  in case no one told her today

              STill trying on the 2nd but I keep messing up   Still trying to complete

              I get the layers messed up very hard, for me anyways lol

              Julie Magerka
                • 144
                • Junior

                Got the font issue worked out…just a small thing that I overlooked (as usual). This is Day 2 StoryTime.

                Harmony Birch
                  • 38
                  • Rookie

                  I think of all he promects I have done so far this has to be my favourite, papers and elements coming from tons of different places in my stash, more than a few, the alpha included coming from Marisa Lerin over My main problem with all these projects is choosing which elements and papers to put together to complement the story I am telling. I think the waterdrop tube just finished this one off nicely.

                  Because I think the story may be too small to read on the reduced file it says :

                  When it came to sports day your house got a point if there was someone in a race no matter where they came, and obviously more points for those who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd. When sports day came there was no one for the Breast stroke 100 metres so I volunteered. On the day I prepared as usual and didn’t expect anyone to cheer me on due to my lack of popularity. The whistle went and in I dived, concentrating on nothing but my swim and making good turns at each pool end.

                  On my final length I could hear people shouting, “Margaret, Margaret” (my birth name) and I remember thinking oh there must be someone else called Margaret in this race. The shouts got more excited and as I touched out at the end of the final race a cheer went up. It seems the combination of racing dive and good corner turns had made up for my slower swimming and somehow I had won. I don’t think I have ever been more surprised.

                  cindy harris
                    • 449
                    • Enthusiast

                    Dear Teacher 🙂 thank You for the url and I d/l it

                    I started to try in between spinning my wheels on ST 2  ugh,  But back to my Problem,  it wont let me made a

                    file with a / in it like you did and why?   To point psp resources to  took a pic it wont let me?

                    Harmony Birch
                      • 38
                      • Rookie

                      Cindy you can never use an / as part of a file name as it is one of the characters your computer uses for knowing where locations are, the hash shows up in the file path all on it’s own when there are subfolders, so if you open the cindy folders and make folders inside it then when you navigate to the subfolders from within psp you will see a / even though you have not used one in the name.

                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Harmony Birch.
                      Diane Lochala
                        • 30
                        • Rookie

                        Sports and Activities during my school age days were very awkward. I loved to read, sing, and sew. I do remember each time I had a turn to bat during softball season, I made an OUT. When it would be my time to bat for our team, the opposing team would chant, “Instant Out”, and it was …LOL!
                        I admire Cassel in sharing her swimming abilities. I never learned to swim. I would sink and choke each time.
                        Everyone, keep telling these precious stories because they are all a part of our lives!
                        Items I used:
                        CoffeeShop Bredon Hill Texture blue; bwhite_ps-april21_flower1,2,3,4; ps_commons_dawn-prater_175356_flower-power-border-2_pu; ps_commons_sharin-johnson_314975_4x6-pastel-pointy-journaling-card_pu

                        Julie Magerka
                          • 144
                          • Junior

                          I had to think a bit to decide which story about “mischief” I could tell. Haven’t thought of this one for many years! But I remember the smears of lipstick all over the bathroom – the towels, the mirror, the sink, my hands and lips! I don’t remember what happened after I was caught red-handed, so to speak, but I’m sure I didn’t do it again, at least for a while!

                          Julie Magerka
                            • 144
                            • Junior

                            Dr. Zhivago!!! OMG, that brings back some memories, CORRIE. I loved that film and saw it many times. I chuckled at your story of “misbehaving” by skipping out to see the movie. Such an innocent act of mischief, by the standard of any time period. I would have let it slip, somehow, at home that I had seen it, I’m sure, and been caught out.

                            Bonnie Ballentine
                              • 1643
                              • Superfan

                              I’m still behind…the Active page may come easier…tomorrow will tell.

                              Here is my mischief.

                              Jannette Nieuwboer
                                • 183
                                • Junior

                                Carole, Am I allowed to give some tips??? Here I have a tip for everyone who is searching for something on their pc. Download the program called EVERYTHING. It has an orange magnifier as a symbol. type in the search bar what you are looking for and the answers are coming beneath. her a prtsc. of it.

                                Ann Seeber
                                  • 1372
                                  • Superfan

                                  STORY TIME-DAY 5 – FOOD – (Rerun) I have to drag this out of storage as it’s one of my favorites from my early days here.

                                    • 335
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    Here is my page for Day 4
                                    the child is not me – just a photo from free image bank

                                    Rene Marker
                                      • 204
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Day 5. Had to use PSP X8 to do this layout because every time I started with the text tool in PSP2021 I got a runtime error. Need to look into this further. I did not do a title on a path since I wanted to use word art for my title. I actually used several different kits which is not something I do very often. I’m a one kit scrapper! Kits used were all from The Lily Pad. Kristen Aagard’s Veggie Garden and Sunny Side Up. The 3rd kit was a collab kit that is no longer available called Roots. The journaling font is Rustys Hand and the photo was grabbed from the internet.

                                      My story is a special memory for me. Yeah, it is about food but also something that my grandfather and I shared. He had something special that he did with each of his grandchildren when they were young. This was mine.

                                      Susan Ewart
                                        • 763
                                        • Superfan

                                        Here’s my sports layout Day 4.  I was an active kid and a somewhat weird kid (refer to second story in the paragraph).  But Nadia and gymnastics was a big one for me.  Nothing competitive, just me and my bestie learning some gymnastic moves.   As a young adult I took up weightlifting (body building), something I do to this day.  I wish Crossfit had been around when I started that would have suited me better.

                                        Fonts are Puritan (journaling) and Gill Sans Ultra Bold.  papers from digital scrapbook, olympic rings, map and picture of Nadia from google search. Stars are from the Carole’s template, they seemed to fit the page just how they were.

                                        Bonnie, I had to laugh at your story.  My brother and I and our friends used to eat these yummy grapes (that we stole from our neighbours vines (see I really am a thief!) and we’d suck out the inside and decided to throw the skins at passing cars.  We threw them at a motorcyclist passing by and he stopped and we ran into your tin shed and he came and there was wire just inside the door that he grabbed and tied the doors shut.  We were cowering in the back of the shed.  My brother found the little hatchet and freed us.  We never did that again!

                                          • 367
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Carole, thanks for the feed back #81459.
                                          I actually didn’t think of that, I tried it in the meantime, but it doesn’t work. Either I’m not doing it right, or it’s because of the font, everything jumps in such a way that all the text is either gone, or all the way up, or down, but the lines don’t come closer together.
                                          It might be something for the September Q & A session ?

                                            • 2522
                                            • Superfan

                                            Marie-Claire, sure, you can add that to the Q&A thread for September. In the meantime, try to set it to -0.1 or even -0.05 (and not -1)

                                            Cindy Sheets
                                              • 3
                                              • Rookie

                                              I am working through Day 1 and just viewed the tutorial. Blown away by Carole’s knowledge again. I had no idea about using a selection box with the text tool and especially the awesome ability to make a shape.

                                              cindy harris
                                                • 449
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Oh man loved everyone’s

                                                That cool lynda you have the frame script and flower one Love those

                                                I have bought a lot of scripts  They make it super fun and love them.

                                                Harmony Thank You i was watching the screen pop up on Carols instructions, I have ready problems, and today was

                                                reminded not that I needed it but I have reading problems I just need to slow down mostly reread ect.  Thank YOU and

                                                Carole.   All

                                                cindy harris
                                                  • 449
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Hey Cindy I am on 2nd one for days, still on it   and yes shes so cool and self taught

                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Day 5-Story Time-Food: Here’s my very own Venison Flambé. I used Carole’s hamburger alphas! 😀 The kit is called Boozy Wine Mini. The flames were in my stash and the deer is from a free .png site.

                                                    Jannette Nieuwboer
                                                      • 183
                                                      • Junior

                                                      This was a difficult task. But it worked. the hardest part was Getting the text to fit the shape exactly. It’s nearly midnight now but here is the result. The scrap kit is Bella Grace (just so scrappy)



                                                      Gerry Landreth
                                                        • 173
                                                        • Junior

                                                        I only have one sports story, which I used the last time I was in the Storytime workshop. I was 10 and dribbled to the wrong goal in a tragic basketball game of Shirts and Skins. Other than that, my extracurricular activity was piano. Hours upon hours upon hours were spent practicing for recitals and competitions.

                                                        Diane Lochala
                                                          • 30
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Whewww! Cassel, those fonts can be persnickety to try and line up with the correct angles! I may be off on a few but I understand the concept. I love to bake cakes, pies, cookies, and make candy. I was surprised that I did not have very good pictures of the desserts I have made for my family each time we gather. Enjoy!

                                                          Linda J Walker
                                                            • 142
                                                            • Junior

                                                            I know I fell off the StoryTime wagon this week after Day 1! My excuse is I had to do a newsletter this week, and now that it is done, Day 2! Not sure I will be able to catch up tho. I used the quick-page for Day 2, but I guess this could be Day 5 for Food, but don’t think I can get credit for 2 days with one page 😉


                                                              • 2522
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Strangely, my long post from last night DID show up after I posted it, but now, it is gone 🙁 Gremlins again? Did anyone get a notification of that post?

                                                              Jannette (#81621), some stories, although sad, still need to be told. (#81642) Don’t hesitate to make another page to tell that story to go with the photo. (#81686) You are surely allowed to give tips,  however, this one might get lost in this thread. Why not post it in the Let’s Talk section? (#81739) What version of PSP are you using? Are you unable to use the Text Wrapping to say it is difficult? Or is it something else?

                                                              Petra (#81624), honestly, who has NEVER cheated in school? Maybe I should reply to you in French?

                                                              Corrie (#81626), how long did the other hamster live? (#81666) That is something I have never done: skipping class. I guess I liked school too much!

                                                              Ann (#81644), you might need another page to say how you will use this story to embarrass her next! (#81693) That sounds like a lot of calories to start your day! (#81735) I hope you didn’t automatically associate venison to fire!

                                                              Rene (#81647), bowling is certainly a sport! That definitely counts! (#81709) This story makes me smile because my husband also likes pickled beets and in the last couple of weeks, has done jars and jars of them, hoping to make money selling them. He just broke even!

                                                              Susan (#81656), many kids will have done something like that, once in their life. I did twice: once for an ice cream cup, and once with a Joe Louis. I got caught both times! That was it! (#81711) In 1976, I was living in Montreal and I had tickets to watch gymnastics at the Olympics. Unfortunately, it was for the men’s qualifiers. I would have loved to have had tickets for the women’s.

                                                              Gerry (#81662), I guess you were mischievous in your mind! That counts! (#81749) I can only assume YOU won?

                                                              Julie (#81670), what was that font issue and how did you solve it? Maybe it could help others? (#81680) I am sure if it had happened more recently, someone would have taken a picture. Aren’t we lucky that all those things we did happen before those portable cameras on smartphones?

                                                              Harmony (#81672), isn’t it nice to have fans? I am sure it also helps high-performance athletes in their competition.

                                                              Diane (#81678), I guess we can’t all be gymnasts! (#81752) Don’t worry about the photos; they are not essential to tell the stories!

                                                              Bonnie (#81684), you started young to play with balls! I guess the scare was just as effective as a punishment would have been!

                                                              Pirkko (#81697), the only thing I can think of is… OUCH!

                                                              Cindy (#81722), looking forward to seeing your projects.

                                                              Linda (#81755), just continue as you can. There is no deadline. I think the only time I had pizzelles was when I was a judge at a national competition and those were provided to us at lunch, for dessert.

                                                              Linda J Walker
                                                                • 142
                                                                • Junior

                                                                Day 3, trying to catch up a bit! – I don’t remember getting into trouble much as a kid. My brother was the oldest, and he had a corner on the trouble market 😉 I was child #4, of 5 kids. Us 4 girls were pretty good, or that is how I remember it!


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