
September – Theme Challenge – COMMUNICATION

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges September – Theme Challenge – COMMUNICATION

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  • #14763
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Since this month, we have a COMMUNICATION theme for the blog, and there are lots of ideas to inspire you, I am challenging you to create your own layout about communication; there are many ways one can communicate so let’s see what you have. And you can always grab the freebie on the blog to add some speech to your projects.

      Are you up to it?

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        This might be a little “off-topic” of communication, but what other theme could it be?

        My boys looked so much like each other when they were young, that I was asked over and over again if they were twins. And honestly, although the layout says it is Sébastien, I am not sure if it was him, or his brother. Neither of them remembers this photo/situation.


          • 1558
          • Superfan

          Cassel, hehe…definitely communication! 😀

            • 1558
            • Superfan

            I had no photos that I could use for this challenge, so I thought I would write a journaling saying how communications have changed my life personally in the last 27 years.

            Alphas= cass- 2016 Calendar Challenge 07

            Postcard / Stamp= cass- 2017 Travel Tale Challenge day 5/6 tutorials

            Telephone Booth Photo= cass-TornEdge Script

            Quatre Foil Pattern= cass-Lab 07-07 tutorial

            Arrows= KGArrow.ttf (Lab 07-08)

              • 858
              • Superfan

              Hello Cristina, your page is very nice.. Your photos , elements and journaling go well together for the Communication Theme. Your Quarter Foil pattern paper turned out great………. Sorry it has taken me a while to leave you a comment, however, my 98 year old Mum had a fall and broke a bone near her hip a few days ago and is in hospital. So until now I haven’t had a chance to pop in and leave you a note.


                • 1558
                • Superfan

                Dawn, I thank you so much for your lovely comment on my page. To tell you the truth I was concerned about not seeing you here posting your project as you have said before that you were not feeling well.

                I am so sorry to hear about what has happened with your mom. Hope she is feeling a little better now and I do wish her a speedy recovery.

                My best wishes for you and your mom! s3

                  • 1424
                  • Superfan

                  Wishing your mom the best, Dawn. <3

                  Marlene Lingham
                    • 241
                    • Enthusiast

                    Cristina your page looks really good, love the way you’ve done the title and the colours match so well.

                    Dawn sorry to hear about your Mum, hope she gets out of hospital soon, broken bones at her age will take a while to heal.

                    So here is my contribution to Communication. I didn’t have any photos that suited either but thought I would tell the story of when my sister-in-law had to nearly sit on my husband to get him to write home to his Dad: we cornered him in a motel while on holiday. He only got to see his father one more time before Bert died, so it was nice that he had at least had the letter as well.

                    The alphabet paper was a freebie from somewhere, the lined paper was from a pack called Three Two One GO, and the letter and envelope were scanned from Mum’s originals. The rotary phone was clipart, the push button one is on my wall at home! The font is Dr Sugiyama (if it’s not very clear I’ll type in the journalling – it is ok when full size).

                    The photo of Russell’s Dad was taken not long before he died in his early 80’s. Mum’s was taken I think when she was about 90 – she was 94 (by two days) when she died.


                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Marlene, thank you for commenting on my page. I do appreciate. 🙂

                      I really loved your page and journaling.

                      With this project, you created a lovely memory story, and you gave me ideas for others pages I can make scanning envelopes and letters my mother had sent me.

                      I like the alphabet paper background. The coincidence is that I was thinking of using something similar (LAB 05 module 09-Text Background Paper) on the project I am working on now (1-2-3 Challenge) but decided it would be more suitable for a different project. I made a triangle pattern instead.

                      Great work!

                        • 858
                        • Superfan

                        Hello Cristina, micfin and Marlene…. thank you so much for your kind comments and well wishes for my Mum.  We are still just taking one day at a time.

                        Marlene, the page you have created is really nice also. all the elements you have included  especially the journaling and photos make  a great memory page.

                        best wishes,


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