
Scrap Bootcamp – March 2019

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Scrap Bootcamp – March 2019

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  • #26970
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      @Angel, you need 4 to be considered for the draw. Can you squeeze one more?

      Jeff Lapworth
        • 4
        • Rookie

        Hi All!

        Here is my day 5…  Learning a lot and finding myself getting caught up in the many options to explore.  I tend to be more analytic than artistic – spending a few hours on each project.


        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Hello Scrapbook Campers.  Such lovely work from everyone.  It is a real pleasure to login and view all the pages, thanks everyone for making my day!

          Day 6 project completed.  I used the lovely scrapkit “G’day Mate” by Scraps N Pieces at Ginger Scraps.  The photos are of my brother, Peter, his wife, Kathy, their two children, Sophie and Max, and Steff is from Kathy’s previous marriage.  They all live in the Outback along with Kathy’s 2nd child, Nick but he is a most elusive young man when it comes to photos, 🙂  Peter’s other children keep closer to their mum here in Bundaberg.  All told they have 7 offspring between them … 3 from Peter’s previous marriage, 2 from Kath’s previous marriage and, 2 of their own!  They are a most delightful family and get on so very well together, we are blessed.  Thanks for takin a peek.

            • 519
            • Enthusiast

            Day 7.    I used some elements/papers from Day 6 and Day 7 scrapkits as well as one I already had.  Because the image is busy, I decided not to place the squares on it.  To finish it off, I added a small white border and a larger blue border that matches the photo frame, then selected the blue border, applied a bevel and used Alien Skin Snap Art – Oil Paint plugin on it.

              • 24
              • Rookie

              Day 5 layout.  I love the “control y” for the shadows.  What a time saver!

              I used the kit Army Forever, by Paula Kesselring.

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                I must say again what wonderful work everyone has done, the pages are a joy to view.

                Well, I have completed my Day 7 project.  The photo is of my daughter, Simone, and was taken by webcam so is not the best of quality but it does show the inner beauty of a very caring individual.  Simone has Turner’s Syndrome but, fortunately, escaped some of the major afflictions associated with it.  She is a very intelligent woman and after securing a degree in psychology decided to become a carer for the mentally and physically disabled.  Of course, her mama is very proud, 🙂  The scrap kit used is “Mysterious Blue” by Marzena … a little different but I really like it.  Thanks for takin a peek.

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  @Jean.  I think you did a really beautiful job on the Day 5 project.  Bella is gorgeous and Alfie is too.  It takes a long time to develop the confidence to make a scrapbook page using papers and elements that you created yourself but we all eventually get there.  I have heaps of papers and elements that I have created myself but, probably more often than not, I use freebie kits or kits I have purchased for the very reason I have them … because I love them.  <3

                  Vicky Holden
                    • 9
                    • Rookie

                    Day 6 Finally got to upload No internet for 2 days. Traveling New Zealand in motorhome (RV for those in America) so sometimes dont have connection. At least I can still play 🙂

                    My grandsons Caleb & Mason Used the free kit Tranquility Thank you & a couple of extra elements. Only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to go back to change the color of the photo borders later on

                    WOW there is such creativeness here with fantastic pages.

                    Anne Tobin Love your outback page & Your daughter sounds like an awesome person

                    Sue Talbot-Bloor
                      • 5
                      • Rookie

                      Day 6  Nothing quite beats the perfume in a field of Oil Seed Rape.

                      Sue Talbot-Bloor
                        • 5
                        • Rookie

                        Day 7. Ella (front) was sick, so she had a day with Granny. Olivia went to school, then decided that she too was sick so that she could have a day with Granny as well!

                        Jean Naumann
                          • 53
                          • Junior

                          @Annie Tobin, thank you for your lovely words and encouragement.  I’ve had a great time during the Boot Camp, hopefully I’ll get lots of time to continue with it.  I’ve loved everyone’s pages too, it’s amazing how everyone creates something different using the same tools.

                          Jean Naumann
                            • 53
                            • Junior

                            Day 7, and while I’ve just basically copied the layout, I think I have used what we have learnt today.  I know I have learnt heaps this week.  I am “in to” Family History, and that seems to go hand in hand with scrapbooking, so now I’m planing on using my new skills to create some layouts to get printed into a book for the family.  Thanks Cassel, I’ve had a ball.

                              • 24
                              • Rookie

                              Day 6.  This one was a bit tougher for me to do.  I will defintely be  practicing on doing selections and the magic wand tools.  They are neat tools, but been hard for me to figure out.  Cassel makes it look so easy.  Still loving the control y for the shadows.  Doing shadows is not tedious anymore.  Thanks to Cassel  they are easy and fun!  🙂

                              I used the freebie kit Tranquility by Kim B and Beautiful Mess scatters by ETC.

                              The pics in my LO are at Princess Lodge in Copper River, AK.  We have spent long weekends there is past years.  The main attraction there are the Wrangell Range. On this visit, we were resigned that we were not going to see the mountains.  Our second day at the lodge, after we ate supper, there they were in all their glory.  We went out to enjoy them and take pics and when I turned around, there they were in the reflection of the windows.  The flowers were beautiful, but the mountains made it even more beautiful.

                              Barbara Hall
                                • 99
                                • Junior

                                To Vicky Holden:  Just saw that you were traveling through New Zealand.  Don’t know if that’s your home or you’re a visitor.  In any case, I wanted to express my great sadness at the horror that took place there–we in America have experienced so  many similar tragedies but it seems, to me, somehow worse happening in a such a peaceful country.  .


                                Barbara Hall

                                Here is my last project–it’s not the one I wanted to submit, but my computer is unhappy with me right now and is just about to shut down so I thought I better send something before it quits completely.

                                Later:  I think my computer is feeling better.  I’ve attached the other page I was doing.  The embellishments are from

                                Vicky Holden
                                  • 9
                                  • Rookie

                                  To Barbara Hall : I live in New Zealand. It was quiet unbelievable that that something so horrendous could happen in our beautiful friendly country. I first heard someone talking about it & was wondering where it was So So shocked when I found out. Thankfully it was only one person & he was caught.

                                  We have enjoyed out trips to America & found such friendly people there

                                  Vicky Holden
                                    • 9
                                    • Rookie

                                    Day 5 This was my very best friend who was taken from us in 2005 with Brest cancer She was only 37 with 4 children. I still miss her very much

                                    I used booland kit sentiment.


                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hi everyone, you all did an amazing job…It is really a joy to come here and see all the layouts. Great work!


                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Thanks Vicky for your kind words regards my pages. Simone is a treat and I love her to bits. I love the job you did on Sleepy Time, and Caleb and Mason look like little darlings but I expect they have their moments of devilry, 🙂 The tribute you did for your friend Diana is truly gorgeous and I expect she is smiling down on it. Some go too young and some live too long … go figure! <3

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Thanks to everyone who commented/complimented my work. Congratulations to all for making it through! <3

                                          Annie Tobin
                                            • 2938
                                            • Superfan

                                            A pleasant and nostalgic result Jean, beautiful work. Good luck with your upcoming projects, I am sure you will do well. <3

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan

                                              Day 7 Project

                                              I had a lot of trouble saving this project. I don’t know what the problem was so I reinstalled PSPro 2019 Ultimate and I got the same problem. I had to do the project all over again but I was finally able to save it and reduce it. I was not able to save it with the layers intact.

                                              If you have any insight please let me know.


                                                • 858
                                                • Superfan

                                                Hello Everyone … just popped in to say to you all that it has been a pleasure to come and  view all of your wonderful projects…  well done to you all !

                                                best wishes,



                                                  • 24
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Day 7 layout.  Wow!  I actually did the whole bootcamp!  Whoo Hoo!

                                                  Learned so much about using PSP for digi scrapping.  Now I need to get lots of practice on what I have learned.

                                                  Thank you Cassel!

                                                  Antonia Chiarico
                                                    • 6
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    3rd project – Friendship

                                                    Thought I’d share some photos of my beloved nephew who left this world too soon.

                                                      • 25
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Here is my day 6 project! Pictures are from Unsplash.

                                                      David Smyers
                                                        • 4
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Here is day 5 still learning, Dave

                                                        Teri Cleaveland
                                                          • 81
                                                          • Junior

                                                          David, I think we are all learning, all the time! Nicely done, by the way.

                                                          I love looking at all of the creative and imaginative layouts!!


                                                          Annie Tobin
                                                            • 2938
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            A beautiful result Antonia …… and it made me cry. You obviously loved Tony very much, my commiserations. <3

                                                            Annie Tobin
                                                              • 2938
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              You are getting there Dave, very nice result. <3

                                                              Annie Tobin
                                                                • 2938
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                A very nice result you have achieved AngelStarr57, I think it is adorable. I love sourcing photos from Unsplash, they have some lovely photos and also, some very unusual. Well done Hon. <3

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