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  • #3965

    hello cassel

    Cassel may I ask for the course Pleated Ribbon next time and the knot course?
    I’ve been curious about these classes for a long time.
    Thanks for the new course !

    love lisa




      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Thanks for the suggestion Lisa. I’ll put those in the next set of tutorials.

      If you think of other effects, elements or techniques not even mentioned in the list, you can still do so too.



      i ask a wile ago for a psp script but I think it has never arrived?

      I would like to have a psp script that can (for example) lace draped around a round frame, I have a muscle disease
      manually is very difficult for me cassel, and i still like to know how to make raffia cassel.

      love lisa

      ps very happy Easter!

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Elisabeth, i hope you had noticed that i had such a script released a while ago!

        As for the tutorials, i am in the process of finishing one for Ruffles, which would be similar to pleated ribbon, in a way. Probably, for a pleated ribbon, you would use something similar to the Folded ribbon tutorial, but repeated over and over again.

        Keep an eye on the tutorial for this week.

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