Question; about installing 2023 psp

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Let’s talk PSP stuff Question; about installing 2023 psp

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  • #82004
    cindy harris
      • 449
      • Enthusiast

      On this page to get you started the  d/l newest copy that will work for 30 days.  Will it bother the test one my other

      3 versions and the programs that came with them?  ( never even tried them but dont wont to loose anything)

      thank YOU

      this ————->

      You can do it; just follow these easy steps.

      1- Download your copy of Paintshop Pro (the trial version is free and good for 30 days) <———————-

      2- Install your Paintshop Pro on your computer

      3- Set up Paintshop Pro and configure your resources for convenient use

      4- Play around with layers; they are the main foundation to create projects in Paintshop Pro

      5- Create your first scrapbook project

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Cindy, no. Installing a trial version of PSP2023 will not affect any of your other previous versions.

        cindy harris
          • 449
          • Enthusiast

          Thank You for the Anwser

          Maybe I can do the #2 using it, going to try

          Sept Starts Tomorrow!   🙂

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