PSP2020 trial version issue

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Let’s talk PSP stuff PSP2020 trial version issue

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  • #36669
    Dorothy Donn
      • 202
      • Enthusiast

      You asked about my problems with 2020. On December 6th. I downloaded it, forgot to reboot first and opened it right away. It started with a video which I  watched for a bit. Went to bed and the next day it says the 30 day trial was over. Corel support is working  on it for me . Their last advice was go ahead and buy it and then see if it works. Now the sale price for the ultimate version I  could afford is over.  Not sure what I will do next.

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Dorothy, are you still waiting on Tech support for the next steps? Were you given the instructions to uninstall your current version to reinstall it?

        Dorothy Donn
          • 202
          • Enthusiast

          Cassel:  I had not been told to try your suggestion by Support.  I tried your suggestion and the uninstall of the 2020 Ultimate  trial version only goes to 42% and hangs. I am now waiting on a new response from them.

            • 2522
            • Superfan

            Dorothy, if you didn’t get any other instructions from support, you might want to download the cleanup program for 2020 HERE.

            Dorothy Donn
              • 202
              • Enthusiast

              Thanks Cassel. I was just given the cleanup link from support with the suggestion I also set up a new Corel account and then download the trial version.  I will try this later tonight.

              One question though, is it possible to do the lessons here with PSP version 9.01 or  version 10.10?

              I am also going to look for last years version on line and see if that will work.

              I sure do appreciate the help you have provided and truly enjoy the folks in the forums.


                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Yes, you can do the lessons with an older version of PSP. All the tutorials use a newer version so the look of the interface is going to be different but most of the functions used are common to all versions. I would say that 95% of the tutorials can be done with any version.

                Dorothy Donn
                  • 202
                  • Enthusiast

                  Today I had a long talk with Santa an he agrees I should order PSP Ultimate 2020 boxed.

                  Hopefully it will arrive before the holidays are over.

                    • 2522
                    • Superfan

                    While waiting for the boxed version, you should also be able to download it (and install it). Check that out!

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                  Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.