
Open Book


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  • Author
  • #83930
    Brian Dowling
      • 29
      • Rookie

      This family history website decorative image features the ‘Open Book’ script.  Easy enough when I followed the instructions.  That meant having Page 1 and Page 2 lined-up ready… I kept them relatively simple as the book was to be quite small on the website, but for a scrapbook it could be crammed with content.  As is often the case I enjoy watching the scripts work, and this makes Page 1 adding the curves on a new image.  I then loaded in Page 2 and ran the script again and it added page 2 to the new image and did its curves, then added subtle shading, and my choice of colour for the book edges.  I tilted it a little (so as not to mess the shading too much) and it does what I wanted.

      Other scripts used in this image: ‘Bookshelf’ (for the background); ‘Ribbon Factor A’ and ‘Folded Ribbon #5’ (for the bookmark); ‘Distressed Edge” (around my hole-in-page frame).

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