
October Tut/Tech Challenge – Vampire

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges October Tut/Tech Challenge – Vampire

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  • #21841
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.

      This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.

      This month’s Tut/Tech Challenge is the Vampire effect using that was described in the October Master Class, Spooky.

      HERE is the whole class you can watch (you just have to be logged in).

      For this challenge, you don’t have to create a layout (although it could be fun too), but just use a photo and turn the subject into a vampire. You can use your own photo, a friend or relative’s photo or a stock photo. You can add other details to your subject to make it really spooky!

      Teri Cleaveland
        • 81
        • Junior

        Although I posted these in Facebook, I decided to post in here as well. This is my middle grandchild Brennen. He posed perfectly at our family reunion on Labor Day this year and when Carole did the Spooky class, I figured that this pose would fit just right.  I took the backdrops off of the internet, searching for “Dark Woods”. Just don’t look real close!  😀

        DeLoris Musick
          • 264
          • Enthusiast

          Here’s my vampire try.  I had posted it on Facebook, but forgot to put it here till I saw Caroles email tonight.  Teri, I love yours too!



            • 1424
            • Superfan

            I forgot, too, DeLoris. LOL. The original is a stock pic that I thought was perfect for this exercise.


              • 858
              • Superfan

              Hello Teri, DeLoris and Michele, you have all done good work with this technique…. each page looks great.   Thank You for posting your projects, because, like me, there may be others who don’t do Facebook but would enjoy viewing your projects here in the forum.

              best wishes to you all,


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