
November Theme Challenge – ON THE ROAD

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges November Theme Challenge – ON THE ROAD

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  • #35576
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Everyone has photos of some travel on the road, whether it is across the country or just in the next town.  Show us a project with those places you visited. Tell us where you went, what you were doing, who you were with. Tell us about that day, that week, that vacation. Let’s travel the world with you.

      Let’s go!

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        I found a photo … Yay!  This is a photo which I took of my Kia Soul in January 2010.  I had purchased the car brand new in September 2009 and took her for a road trip to Hughenden in 2010 … a distance of 1260 kilometers so it was a round trek of 2520 kilometers!  It was a trip down memory lane as I had lived there for a couple of years on a sheep station in the early eighties.  Hughenden is in outback Queensland and is just shy of being a desert.  Well … it was the monsoon season and Hughenden experienced a mini flood … unheard of!  Except, the same thing had happened when I lived there in 1981 … go figure, lol!  I used a scrap kit by Marisa Lerin titled “Discover”.  The sticker of the little blue car that is piled with luggage was created from a tube that I have had for an age.  Thanks for takin a peek!

          • 1424
          • Superfan

          Wow, Annie…a sheep station? I feel like I’m in the Thorn Birds! LOL Love your layout.

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Thanks Michele! I think at the time I thought I was in the Thorn Birds, LOL!

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              This is my story of the 3 yrs I spent in the outback.  Papers and elements used are from Marisa Lerin’s scrap kit “Homestead”.  Photos are all freebies off the web as mine were destroyed in a flash flood in Brisbane in 1984.  The car is exactly the same as my Big Bertha … long gone now … as they do!  Thanks for takin a peek!

                • 858
                • Superfan

                hello Annie  you must have some great memories of your time in the outback !….. my hubby spent a long time in the outback when he was young on cattle and sheep stations but unfortunately, like you, does not have any photos of the experiences he had … however he treasures the many memories  of those years ….  you created great pages.

                best wishes,


                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Thanks dear Dawn, always appreciated my friend. Photos do help our memories, without them it is a lot more work for the aging brain cells, 😉

                    • 1424
                    • Superfan

                    Your page about your time in the outback is wonderful, Annie, even if I did have to google yakka. LOL

                      • 1558
                      • Superfan

                      Annie, you sure took us on a trip to the Outback 🙂  You always surprise us with amazing and diversified layouts. Great work!

                      Bonnie Ballentine
                        • 1643
                        • Superfan

                        Beautiful work, Annie…as usual. I love the way you find photos on the web if you don’t have the photo you need.

                        My road trip was last January from Virginia to Florida. Pickleball related…ambassador’s retreat. I used the template from this month’s lab but turned off a bunch of layers. I also tried the kidnap alpha part of the Lab lessons. Didn’t like the first one I made and changed the colors. Works much better with my page. My friend, Helen, is in the photo with me. She and I played basketball together for years. She is 10 years my junior and eventually I moved up to my own age group. In senior competition you can play down if you choose. She is my “boss” in the pickleball world and a breast cancer survivor. She gifted me the shirt I am wearing. We are both Alpha Females so we do butt heads on occasion. Still we are friends. I will attend the retreat again January, 2020.


                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Michele, Cristina, and Bonnie … thank you very much my friends for your delightful comments … always appreciated.

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            I love this page Bonnie and especially the colors you have used, it really compliments your photos. Great use of Lab 9’s module 11’s alpha tutorial, well done my friend. <3

                            Bonnie Ballentine
                              • 1643
                              • Superfan

                              Thank you, Annie! Now I need to try the other lessons. It was fun.

                                • 858
                                • Superfan

                                well done Bonnie !…  your Pickleball  memory pages are always  a joy to view and it is great you have wonderful friends to help create those memories.

                                best wishes,


                                  • 1424
                                  • Superfan

                                  Your latest pickleball page is great, Bonnie. I love the bright, bold colors you chose. And it’s fantastic to have a friend like that with whom you can share your love of something.

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Hi Bonnie, you created a lovely and memorable page of your road trip. Great job!

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