
November Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges November Scavenger Hunt Challenge

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  • #49866
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      I am offering you a scavenger hunt where you have to find some elements and combine them to create a layout or a project. Are you up to the challenge? Although you don’t have to create those elements, you also have that option, so either you use what you have downloaded or you can still make them from scratch. Your end result must include ALL of those elements ;). I added some links to tutorials (only accessible to our DIAMOND members) but you can also use elements created from scripts.

      • a button (tutorial here)
      • scallops (tutorials here )
      • a metallic element (tutorial here)
      • a paperclip (tutorial here)
      • a torn edge (tutorial here)

      You can choose any theme you want, so what will you create with those elements?

      Sue Thomas
        • 1598
        • Superfan

        The November scavenger hunt, couldn’t have come at a better time. A welcome change. Between creating calendars and Xmas ecards for many weeks, I created this very summery flowery page. I must admit I got a bit carried away, Lots of different techniques, not just the 5 I had to create for the scavenger hunt. Translucent envelope, out of bounds flowers, photo booth frame, text on a curve, vectors and pen tool on the word FLOWER, so I could add the date. for the hunt I created the paperclip, button, scallops, torn edge, and metallic element

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Sue this is such beautiful work! I would say “challenge well met” my friend. You are a person whose work just gets better and better … I love it. ;D

          Sue Thomas
            • 1598
            • Superfan

            Thank you ever so much my dear Annie.  I enjoy the scavenger hunt challengers.

            Ann Seeber
              • 1372
              • Superfan

              My entry in the November Scavenger Hunt Challenge. I think I got them all: a paperclip (I made my own); a metallic object; a button; torn paper edge (I followed the tutorial) ; and scallops (I used Cassel’s script). I know the journaling is also on what looks like torn paper but it’s not.. it’s burned edges I got from Cassel. The title is Impact font that I filled with a pattern made from the orchid photo and then duplicated in white to add depth. The trees are tubes; papers and embellishments from various kits on hand. I like that frog!

              The story about the orchids is real; I “rescue” them from supermarket neglect and try to revitalize them. I just picked up that tiny one in the clay pot last Friday. They’re looking ok so far! *knock wood*

                • 1424
                • Superfan

                Sue, such beautiful flowers. It’s a very cheery page.

                Great job, Ann. And you get the good citizen’s award for saving those wonderful orchids.

                Corrie Kinkel
                  • 1078
                  • Superfan

                  Okay, it is december by now, but I started this one in november . It is a quicky because I used a template from PixelScrapers but left out some of the papers and elements. The papers are from the Fire-and-Ice -kit I have just as the other elements. I did not make anything myself, not enough free time left.   Nice to do for a change between all the christmassy cards etc. I like these scavanger hunts. Now back to the Xmas LO’s.

                  Ann Seeber
                    • 1372
                    • Superfan

                    Nice, Corrie.. looks good enough to eat! 😉

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Ann, a lovely page … three cheers to the orchid rescuer! ;D

                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Corrie, may I have another one please? 😉 It sure looks good enough to eat. You have done beautifully with the kit and they are so handy when time is at a premium. ;D

                          • 1424
                          • Superfan

                          Corrie, I’m with Annie. I want that cupcake! Pixelscrapper is a wonderful resource. I just downloaded some stuff from there today.

                          Corrie Kinkel
                            • 1078
                            • Superfan

                            Thank you ladies. When I’m need of a specific element/paper and I don’t have the time to make it myself or when I cann’t  I always turn to pixelscrappers.

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              A bit late with this one seeing as it was a November challenge but I put the work into it so thought I should post it.  All done following Carole’s tuts.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

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