Basic Scrap Course 1 – Project 1
Level adjustments was something new to me and I will not forget it any time soon. I did try to change the alphas using various means to no avail.<i> I was convinced hue and saturation was the key. That would have worked if all the alphas were of the same color. Magic fill is a joy to use and got rid of the darn cable box out in front of the house. A pity that it does not work in real life. I have used crop, duplicate, move and pick a lot in the past so it was kind of an old hat but still fun. I can not seem to break the habbit of vector text and shadows in Jasic’s version 9 and Corel’s version 10. I plan to work with that a while tomorrow to get into the swing of this way of doing vector text. I also hope to get some time to change my presets in 3D shadows. Just keep pointing out my problems Cassel and I will try to amend them.</i>