
May 2022 – TUT/TECH Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges May 2022 – TUT/TECH Challenge

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  • #76583
    Susan Ewart
      • 763
      • Superfan

      You know the saying…”it takes a village” (to raise a child).  In this case the village is the Campus and I’m the young grasshopper (child).  Here’s a tongue-in-cheek layout of what started my journey into learning more about Data Files in PSP.  I was missing some of the creative content that comes with PSP and through the help of Carole and Campus members Sue T, and Rene M I was able to get my content…and even found a creative pack from another version on PSP and i have that now too.  The stamps and eyelet paper are from the Open House tutorials.  I have much to learn about data files.  I used my brush tool and it was unhappy with me as I seem to have many duplicates (the brush still worked after the initial stink-eye it gave me).  Out of curiosity I told it to save it to the clipboard and I copied it into word thinking I’d just go delete the few copies.  It’s 276 pages in a word doc. ?.  I think there could be a teachable moment here on how to understand these setting, how to organize and set them up.  Where i had maybe 2-4 items in the file locations list for one of the resources, I now see many locations.  I have lots to learn about this and I think it’s important stuff to know and understand.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Susan Ewart. Reason: spelling, grammar, AKA the usual culprits
      Sue Thomas
        • 1598
        • Superfan

        You did it! Your perseverance paid off. Beautiful page. Don’t be in to much of a rush to try and learn everything about PSP. Even seasoned PSPer’s have only scratched its surface. May I make a suggestion, and it is not a criticism. Good idea to use the eyelet pattern to fill the text, but instead of using 100%, try reducing the size, so you get more of the pattern in each letter. It’s only a small detail, but will make a difference to the overall look. See what you think.

        Susan Ewart
          • 763
          • Superfan

          I will do that Sue, thank you.  I am just off to work.  Look for it tomorrow.  I agree, I could live till I was 300 and still be learning.

          Susan Ewart
            • 763
            • Superfan

            Here’s the revision with the Eyelet Paper filled at 40%.  I played around with a lot of size and settled on this one.  the original I see I put at 75% (of the eyelet paper used in the patterns-materials palette).  What a difference the small pattern makes.  The 75% one looks more like it has measels.  the 40% looks more like a mini version of the paper.  Thank you Sue, keep prompting me to push my design to better heights, this is how I will learn to “see” better.  It’s really helpful, especially when I put them together, the smaller pattern is more balanced.

            Sue Thomas
              • 1598
              • Superfan

              I’m pleased you like the adjustment you made. As do I. As you said it’s all to maintaining a balance.

            Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)
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