
Love Story Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge

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  • #17486
    Sue Thomas
      • 1598
      • Superfan

      Day 7,  disappointed that it’s the last day, I’ve enjoyed  viewing what everyone has  submitted, such great work by all. Thank you Cassel for all the time and effort you have put into  this challenge.  My handsome son Tim and beautiful daughter-in-law Emma.  I don’t see nearly enough of them as they live at home in Wales.  Thank goodness for technology, we skype  regularly. The photo isn’t a very good one, it was rather small and grainy, as I got it off Facebook.  Taken at one of their friend’s wedding.

        • 367
        • Enthusiast

        Day 6
        Happy with the Bokeh tutorial !

        Teri Cleaveland
          • 81
          • Junior

          Carole, I checked the menus and the shortcuts I needed weren’t there. (I use X9 now, btw) I reset all of my menus, etc and now they all show up. They should have worked before, but just didn’t. I think it will be a lot easier now. Thanks. Waiting on my new challenge for today!

          Sandra Farnham
            • 8
            • Rookie

            Sure was fun and a great learning opportunity

            Wanda (Sue) McGuire
              • 143
              • Junior

              Teri Cleaveland I hope this is not a dumb question but are you looking on your computer keyboard for the shortcuts?  I don’t think the PSP program version would make a difference.

              Jnet Allard
                • 179
                • Junior

                Jour 7

                Merci Carole pour toutes ces belles leçons.  J’ai déjà hâte au prochain 😉

                Je termine avec une photo de mon mari et moi il y a 4 ans


                Teri Cleaveland
                  • 81
                  • Junior

                  No, I wasn’t, but they weren’t showing up on the program menus and even if I tried them, they wouldn’t work (which doesn’t make sense) They are there now and seem to work just fine.

                  Leslie Pugs
                    • 30
                    • Rookie

                    This is my attempt at Day 5. I used a frame I found. I hope I did it correctly.

                    The pix is one I took in the Galapagos Islands. You can get within 6 ft of the animals.

                    Bonnie Ballentine
                      • 1643
                      • Superfan

                      Day 5 This almost looks like one photo but it is two…my backyard and Poppy…taken the same day in different locations. Poppy does not like snow. I don’t think she has been out in the snow since. She is an indoor cat so I have to make an effort for her to be outdoors. She usually wears a red harness and a blue,leash.


                      Wanda (Sue) McGuire
                        • 143
                        • Junior

                        Teri Cleaveland I probably did not understand what you meant.  I was not aware that the shortcuts were in the menu on the PSP program.  I just use the shortcut keys on my computer keyboard.

                        Wanda (Sue) McGuire
                          • 143
                          • Junior

                          Here is my Day 7.  I used the Refreshment Stand font and it needed a lot of fixing.  The wire holding my photos looks kind of kinky.  I did it freehand and I am not good at that at all.

                          Carole I have really enjoyed this challenge and sure hate to see it come to an end.  Thank you so much for your time and effort.  It is much appreciated.


                            • 858
                            • Superfan

                            here is my Day 4………  the photo was not that good as it is an old one but I did my best to fix it and the masked helped. we had our adopted cats with us for a few more years after Lassie.   we never replaced them all as we felt they couldn’t be. Don and I still  reflect on the joyful times that we had with our dear little friends.



                              • 42
                              • Rookie

                              Day 7
                              Todays is based on my husbands cousin, who he ‘found’ on Facebook a few years ago, when she came out to meet us in 2015.
                              She loved meeting the family and she loved our country so much that she is coming back in November this year.  It will be great to see her again.
                              My ‘polka dots’  reflected the Canadian connection.

                              I’m sad this is the last challenge as I have really enjoyed doing these.  Learnt new ways to do masks so after PSP’ing and even having written many tutorials for teaching PSP and digital scrapbooking myself,  I had never used/made masks this way.   Plus it has been a long time since I’ve had time to partake in anything like this,  so a big Thank You to Carole for putting it up.  Hopefully I can join in more of them.

                              I have loved seeing everyones work….. some great work ladies.

                              The font I used for my wire text was Sandscript BTN

                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                • 1643
                                • Superfan

                                Day 6

                                I enjoyed making this…I don’t like my results…

                                  • 858
                                  • Superfan

                                  Day 5 …. a little more of my Mum’s life journey…….. Mum was only 48 yrs old when Dad passed away, so when Jack came along it was nice to see her smile again. Jack was a bit older than Mum and they had 10 happy years together before he passed away. As a Step Dad his care and kindness will never be forgotten. and I was always grateful for the love and care he gave to my Mum.


                                  Bonnie Ballentine
                                    • 1643
                                    • Superfan

                                    I have not done a page for Day 7 yet but I did manage polka dot papers and metallic wire text. I did not have a gold pattern so I used a pattern from Corel that was close to a gold color. My text doesn’t look as good as it could. I have metal brass and metallic gold in my gradients…could I copy them to textures to use?


                                    Carol, I echo Wanda’s sentiment. I have really enjoyed this challenge and have learned a great deal. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us wishing to learn PSP. This challenge is a wonderful example of your generosity.


                                    Britt Marie Halonen
                                      • 21
                                      • Rookie

                                      Another great Challenge, I had some trouble with the text, made it too small, My PSP went down twice, seems it does not cope with many pictures open  simultanius. But anyhow here is my try, Many thanks for these Challenges, they sure mede me want to use PSP more.

                                        • 1424
                                        • Superfan

                                        I know I’m way behind, but here is Day 3. I used the lamp in the background of the original pic as my kaleidoscope background. It was a bit bold, but I think using the yellow for the two small frames and the text balanced it out. Maybe, maybe not as Cassel would say. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears.

                                        ~ Michele

                                        Carole, will these links stay permanent or do they expire?

                                        Teri Cleaveland
                                          • 81
                                          • Junior

                                          Managed to complete day 2 of the challenge last night but didn’t upload. I spent a lot of time going back to day 1’s tutorial!  I think I’ll redo them both (days 1 & 2) for practice. I also want to redo my plaid paper!!

                                          @cassel, for some reason I couldn’t resize using my pick tool.  I did for day one so I was disappointed when I couldn’t. I could move it and distort, but not resize.

                                          I am really enjoying these lessons and challenges.  Thanks

                                            • 2522
                                            • Superfan

                                            @micfin, the links will stay permanently except for the one kit that I was hosted. That was a special permission from the site owner and only for the duration of the challenge. As for the bold color, it is a matter of taste. If you find it too bold, you can always reduce the opacity and add a solid color layer underneath.

                                            @ Terri, Is it possible that the image is very large, and you just don’t see the corner handles to resize? If that is the case you can either resize with the Image > Resize function and make sure you resize only that one layer, and then you would finalize with the Pick tool for finetuning, or you can first move your image in one corner of the project so you can see the corner handles. Another way would be to zoom out so your image shows very small on your workspace, and then, pull the edges of the image. It will add some grey around it, and you might be able to see those handles outside of the actual image. Then you can grab them there.

                                            @ Bonnie, your Bokeh effect is great. Maybe you could enlarge the photo and reduce its opacity so it won’t show the “blurriness” that comes with enlarging. I think that is what makes the photo not stand out as is; its size. For your cat photo, it is a great montage as I would never have guessed that it was not a single photo!

                                            @ everyone, your participating is very inspiring, and thank you for your kind words on this challenge. And yes, I plan on having more such challenges in the future. 🙂


                                            Teri Cleaveland
                                              • 81
                                              • Junior

                                              The second try for day 1’s challenge went so much better!

                                              @Cassel  I solved my PICK problem! One the pick toolbar, the MODE was not set to scale. Works perfectly now. Don’t know how I mess these things up. I think I know what I did wrong with my plaid and the second try on that is coming up next.

                                              Teri Cleaveland
                                                • 81
                                                • Junior

                                                Completed my second try of day 2 and it went so much better. I’ve done digital scrapbooking before but through and I’ve accumulated a bunch of elements and embellishments, most for free!

                                                  • 1558
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Really amazing and lovely new pages here!

                                                  This is my Day 3… I made many papers with the kaleidoscope pattern because is really fun and they are so different from each other.

                                                  So, I decided to make the elements using these papers. I also use them for the adhesive tape, but those were done with Cassel’s AdhesiveTape Script. So much easier and faster!


                                                  Jennifer Kendrick
                                                    • 8
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    Loved doing the bokeh! Here is my granddaughter about five years ago. She has had a camera in her face from the day she was born, so she is not shy about it at all! I thought this photo went very well with the bokeh! Her face takes up the entire photo, so I didn’t unmask a lot! I previously tried this effect earlier and her face was too big!

                                                      • 367
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Day 7

                                                      Carole thank you for the tutorials. I learn a lot. I enjoyed this challenge, and I will miss the emails everyday with the surprise of what I whas going to learn this day.

                                                      <span id=”result_box” class=”” lang=”en” tabindex=”-1″><span class=””>It was also very nice to see the works of the other members.</span></span>

                                                      Cheryl Jentz
                                                        • 16
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Day 5 – This is ZIM, a Savannah, who had been abandoned and wandered in to my yard one day. I located the previous owner, but they didn’t want him as he is quite the handful and he does not like other cats. Savannah’s are worth a lot of money and while I was trying to find him a new home, he was stolen. After a long investigation and 54 long days, gratefully the police and animal control brought him back to me. He was in bad shape. ZIM is now living on 60 acres outside of Lake Tahoe, California. He is loving life as an indoor and outdoor cat and his family adores him. I love and miss him so much, but so grateful that he’s loved, happy and safe. As for this page, I know it’s ‘busy’ but I’m happy with it and thankful for learning new stuff. Day 5 is the last link I received, the group mails come through fine, but the links somehow get lost. LOVE everyone’s pictures!

                                                        Cheryl Jentz
                                                          • 16
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          <span style=”color: #333333; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400;”>Day 5 – This is ZIM, a Savannah, who had been abandoned and wandered in to my yard one day. I located the previous owner, but they didn’t want him as he is quite the handful and he does not like other cats. Savannah’s are worth a lot of money and while I was trying to find him a new home, he was stolen. After a long investigation and 54 long days, gratefully the police and animal control brought him back to me. He was in bad shape. ZIM is now living on 60 acres outside of Lake Tahoe, California. He is loving life as an indoor and outdoor cat and his family adores him. I love and miss him so much, but so grateful that he’s loved, happy and safe. As for this page, I know it’s ‘busy’ but I’m happy with it and thankful for learning new stuff. Day 5 is the last link I received, the group mails come through fine, but the links somehow get lost. LOVE everyone’s pictures!</span>

                                                          Jennifer Kendrick
                                                            • 8
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            My grandson, who is always smiling! I used the heart shape for the background pattern.

                                                            Thank you, Carole! This was a lot of fun, and I look forward to trying some of these newfound skills on my own!!

                                                            Cheryl Jentz
                                                              • 16
                                                              • Rookie

                                                              Cassel, I posted my day 5 and had to edit for spelling. It won’t let me re-submit. It states that it’s a duplicate post? I don’t see it, lol! It was right underneath Marie’s Day 7 of her pretty dog. I also did not receive the links for days 6 and 7. The group mails come through fine, not the links.

                                                                • 2522
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                @ Cheryl, the forum platform is sometimes picky and editing is often not possible (I could not change that, sorry). I have a hard time figuring it at times too! Can you just repost it from scratch? As for the missing days here they are:

                                                                Day 6       Day 7


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