
Love Story Challenge 2019

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2019


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  • #25961
      • 519
      • Enthusiast

      Beautiful bird pics, Annie and Sue!   Nice jobs showcasing them!


        • 68
        • Junior

        Barbara, that is a great shot of your granddaughter jumping off the diving board, and a creative layout that puts the focus right on her.  Very nice!

        And I love Cassel’s photo for the Day 6 tutorial — what a beautiful bride and pleased groom!

        I like the Bokeh effect and have a set of tubes from Corel for it in different colors but haven’t used them much.  I wanted to try Cassel’s Bokeh tutorial for this page however.  Once created, I had to further blur the merged Bokeh layers and place them above a light pink background layer at 50% opacity or else it was too busy-looking for the photo.  I used the Touch My Heart Lite brushes I got for yesterday’s project, this time with no rotation, and added extra hearts in different sizes in salmon pink in addition to the hearts around the perimeter of the mask (which were stamped with 20% rotation).  The font is Baroque Script from 1001 Free Fonts.  Thanks for looking!


        Teri Cleaveland
          • 81
          • Junior

          Day 6:  Not really a BOKEH fan, but I wanted to follow the instructions so that’s what I did.

          This is our lovely granddaughter who will be training to be a diesel mechanic!

          I took the colors from her graduation picture because I wanted the red for the Valentine’s Day theme. I used several fonts, mc-sweetie 1, I found my valentine hearted 2, allura and the hearts on the ribbon are the bonus hearts font.  The ribbon is one I had in my stash, VF_Oakley_Ribbon_04. I recolored it, but it isn’t quite the color I was looking for.



          Barbara Hall
            • 99
            • Junior

            @Sue:  gorgeous day 6! The colors, the flourishes, the frame, everything . . . wow!  Also, that is one plump sparrow.  I just realized that I didn’t comment on your fox.  It’s hard for me to imagine living somewhere where one could photograph foxes (I’ve never seen a live one), much less get such a lovely picture.  Now that I know how you manage to shoot wildlife in subzero temps, I’m curious to know what kind of zoom lens you use.


              • 519
              • Enthusiast

              Redradar, your Bokeh picture looks great!  Nice work!

                • 68
                • Junior

                Thank you for your kind words, Shutterpixi!

                Sharon Cope Carriere
                  • 51
                  • Junior

                  Completed my 5th project in the Love Story Challenge. I get so busy with the creation process that I forget to write down whose elements, frames, etc. that I used in the process. For that I do apologize to the very talented crafts people who created them. I will try to do better next time.

                    • 23
                    • Rookie

                    Ok people, been busy, so here’s day 3. I had trouble with this one. Then tonight I just said, well you know. Everyone’s work is amazing. You inspire me. Here’s to visiting friends at Mardi Gras.

                    Nana Ray
                      • 12
                      • Rookie

                      How do you  make a mask?? I don’t understand how to make the opening for the pic to show through.. I did the first one but now I’m trying to do the next one and I don’t know how to make the opening for the pic to show through… I would love any help that can be given..


                      Barbara Hall
                        • 99
                        • Junior

                        Day 6–Yes!  I’m getting tired.  I’m happy that I’ve participated and learned lots of things, but I’m ready to stop learning for awhile and just get to work on making scrapbook chapters of my grandchildren’s different activities–OR to go out and photograph birds–this is a good time to see bald eagles and a couple kinds of hawks down here.  We’ve had some beautiful days–interspersed with cloud and rain (after all, it is winter, sort of)–and, unlike Sue–I don’t seem to be able to photograph and scrapbook at the same time (same day).  It’s one or the other.  And then it’s nap time.

                        I have a feeling I’ll end up changing my background.  I sort of played with the bokeh effect but I make great big blurry circles, mostly in blue, so the change in color is just barely noticeable. The color goes with the picture but, as I look at it, it reminds of the way blue construction paper gets all faded when it’s been left on a bulletin board for a long time.

                        I didn’t  make the mask-I think I bought it at The heart bunting is by janet scott at  I don’t know where I got the other heart (it’s the same heart that I recolored, sized differently).  As usual, there’ll be no narrative until I finished with all seven pages.  And my granddaughter is doing a back bend in both pictures–there’s a year-and-a-half between the two pictures.  She’s more flexible at eleven than she was when she was ten. (It’s just the opposite for me–with every year that passes, I stiffen up more!)

                        Barbara Hall
                          • 99
                          • Junior

                          @Rhonda–your page is the essence of Mardi Gras–great job!  I like the way was placed the beads in the double oval around the largest picture.


                          Barbara Hall
                            • 99
                            • Junior

                            @Nana Ray:  I don’t know if I can help or not.  Can you see all of the different layers over on the bottom right of your screen?  If so:

                            1.  click on the layer that has the dark blob (mask) on it and click “select all” (I probably do this the long way, but I go to the top of the screen, click on “Selections” and then click on select all)

                            2. push shift and “f” together–another layer will appear with the (mask) blob and a padlock

                            3. click on the same layer you did in #1.  Go to the top of the work space where file, edit, view, etc. are and click on layers–under that click on “new mask layer” and click on “show all” (there’s probably some shortcut to doing this, but I don’t know it)

                            4.  over in your layers palette, drag the mask layer with the padlock on it down to the one that just opened up in #3

                            5.  push shift and “d”–the mask on the screen will turn white

                            6.  at the top of the screen click on image and go down until you see negative image and click on that–and you should have a mask


                            Is that what you needed?


                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Thanks shutterpixi, appreciate your sentiments. <3

                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                I love this result redradar, the colour scheme is very pretty, well done Hun. <3

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  A very nice result Teri, well done. <3

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Lovely page for a lovely wedding Sharon, well done Hon. <3

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      I like your style Rhonda, stick with it my friend. <3

                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Very nice result Barbara, well done. <3

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Hi Scrapbook Campus Friends.  Again I have used a pc wallpaper for the main image.  Font used is Permanent Marker.  The title and the frame are the result of using Cassel’s tip of blend mode – dissolve and reducing the opacity to about 90%.  Thanks for takin a peek.


                                          P.S.  Cassel I really loved how your page turned out and your wedding photo is beautiful!  A couple in love and you have carried the theme throughout.

                                            • 42
                                            • Rookie

                                            Day 6
                                            I’ve rushed this one a bit……….  added a few sparkles to the bokeh ( I used a yellow back,  not a big fan of the black) and did a bit of texture
                                            I couldn’t get the mask to look right and gave up in the end and made a mask and used.   Don’t know why but nothing I did ‘worked’  with the theme I wanted.  Tried using a maple leaf around the edge of the mask and it just looked horrible.
                                            So after 5 attempts and on borrowed time,  I gave up, it was quicker to make one than keep fiddling.

                                            The theme I wanted was Canada as hubbys cousin was over from Canada.
                                            So heres what I did.   Next week when I have some time I might try again.

                                              • 2522
                                              • Superfan

                                              @Nana, the mask is a “Mask layer” attached to a layer that you want to hide/show through (that is why it is in a group). The mask layer will show what is underneath where it is white, and will hide where it is black (the way to remember is Black will Block). The mask layer can only have white, black or various shades of grey. You can brush, paint, draw on it, but only in white or black or grey. Wherever you will draw/paint in black, that will hide what is underneath (just like masking tape when you are painting at home), and wherever you draw/paint in white, it will show the  layer underneath. Wherever it is grey, it will partially show what is underneath: the lighter grey will behave closer to white, and show more, and the darker grey will hide more, closer to the black.

                                              Does that illustrate more how to create the mask?

                                                • 519
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Annie – Your parrot bokeh looks great — good idea!  Aus – I know exactly how you feel!  I’ve redone mine several times, too.  However, you shouldn’t worry, because yours looks just fine.  The mask you chose works well with your picture.

                                                  • 519
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Day 6.  The font I used is Canela Bark Bold Personal Use (free font, can’t recall where I got it, though).  Bokeh and I are not good friends (LOL), but it was good learning how to do this.

                                                    • 1558
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Wow, since the last time I commented here, there are so many more amazing layouts posted! It is so inspiring to see all of them.

                                                    Congrats, Art Kuiper, Aus, Annie, AngelStarr57, Barbara, darlenek, Dee347, redradar, Rhonda, Sharon, shutterpixi, Sue and Teri (I hope I didn’t forget anyone)… Your pages are gorgeous!!

                                                    I participated in last year’s challenge and it was so much fun… For the 2019 challenge, I am sooo late…  Only now I am beginning to make something, and as I am going to travel next week I will not have the time to finish in time… I am a slow scrapper… I will try once I am back.

                                                      • 23
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      OK, day 4 . Brush I had. Brush I had already for Photoshop. Whoo, whoo. I got lots of Photoshop brushes. Thanks Cassel!!!! The pic of one of my masks from my Mardi Gras Tree last year. Fixin to put it up again. Movin on to 5.

                                                      @Barbara. Tks for Kudos. Always nice to hear. I am so enjoying work.

                                                      @Annie. only style I got is my style! haha. TKS. Am learning from you and others everyday. Can’t wait to see more of your stuff. There’s a couple of other players I look forward to seeing each time.

                                                      LOVE these flexible hours.

                                                      Shannon Cooper
                                                        • 23
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Running a bit behind, life gets crazy sometimes! Anyway, here I go…Love Story Challenge, day 1. I am in love with my own family history, were it not for all those who came before me, I would not be the same person, or might not exist at all. These pages will honor their stories.

                                                          • 23
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          @Sue Thomas. You know I love your nature shots. I love your sparrow page because you did some paper punch in your corners. Really achieved a paper project. You know you can just keep on posting your work even after the study. I would come to look.

                                                            • 23
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            When I went back to my PSP my last page was up. Had to do more. Here’s the second rendition.

                                                              • 23
                                                              • Rookie

                                                              And here is Day 5, I think it’s day 5. Who cares. Having fun. Learning tons. You guys are great! Want to see more beginner stuff. What?  This has been beginner stuff? @Cassel, you are indeed what we beginners and intermediates need, not too hard, not too easy. All you guys understand the learning process. And some of you even have the same software I run, you know the one that gives you trouble sometime.

                                                              Day 5 is one of the many cats we have had. I just love this shot. The bkgrd is some watercolor pages I downloaded but cannot remember from where. Maybe Creative Fabrica. Not sure. But it is a great site for fonts, artwork, etc.

                                                              Annie Tobin
                                                                • 2938
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                You got there in the end Aus and your page is lovely, well done my friend.  <3

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