
Lab 5 Model 10

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums The Lab Lab 5 Model 10

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  • #39966
    Dorothy Donn
      • 202
      • Enthusiast

      Lesson 1  and 2

      I had a great deal of trouble with lesson 1.  I kept following the film and the downloaded instructions but for some reason using the brush I had saved each time over the last 2 days would never show anything on the new opened page to test it.

      Tonight  I tried changing  brush locations to different drives  to no avail.  Then it dawned on me, I had made brushes, not a preset for a brush. Do I feel silly.

      I followed lesson two and then did it over using the script I made. I feel like I am getting better but than again a little knowledge is a dangerous thing sometimes.


      cindy harris
        • 449
        • Enthusiast

        Hi Dorothy, 🙂
        I am going right now to try to catch up with you, Ha ITs good to dream. But for real going now to try hard.

        your work looks good to me. Do you mind If I try to follow you in work? thanks said hi to you when you joined. 🙂 I am cindy. aka nana 🙂

        Dorothy Donn
          • 202
          • Enthusiast

          No problem Cindy. I am sort of new at this too so I might not be right but you are more than welcome to tag along with me if you want. 🙂

          I look forward to seeing your work tool



            • 2522
            • Superfan

            Dorothy, don’t feel bad for missing that detail. It happens to me at times. Lucky for me, it turns into a new tip for the newsletter or a blog post! 😉

            Dorothy Donn
              • 202
              • Enthusiast

              Thanks Cassel   Just keep watching what I do and you will end up with a years worth of tips  to use.

                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Dorothy, I sure will. You should see all the little post-its I have in my agenda for potential blog posts or tutorials!


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