
June Theme Challenge – PLUSH TOYS

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges June Theme Challenge – PLUSH TOYS

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  • #29564
      • 2522
      • Superfan


      You surely have had a teddy bear or a plush toy. Do you still have it? How about your kids, or grandkids? Or do you collect them?

      Create a layout about this memorable story that needs to be told.

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Hi, Scrapbook Campers.  The photo is from Unsplash and was taken by Alex Makarov.  I followed Cassel’s tutorial Wood Burning for the title.  The teddy bear is the freebie from Cass and I think he is really cute.  I made the flower sticker following Cassel’s tutorial for such and the rest of the elements I have had hanging around for an age.  Thanks for takin a peek.

          • 2522
          • Superfan

          That is really cute Annie! You don’t have a photo of a real bear that YOU saw in YOUR backyard? 🙂

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            LOL! Not in my backyard Carole. We do have koala bears here in Australia but they are very environment specific so I will have to continue poaching from Unsplash etcetera for this theme, 🙂

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              Hello Scrapbook Campers.  The photo is one my daughter took of her dog, Paddy.  He has since passed but he was a remarkable little dog, very intelligent and so easy to train.  He was a toy poodle and we loved him dearly.  Crocheted flower and lattice string are my own creations.  The Care Bear I tubed, the element is psptubez_dsgns_141 and the buttons are by Monti.  Fonts used are Broadway and Emily Regular and the background paper is from Pixel Scrappers by Saskia – dark shadow – p1 (colorized to suit the photo).  The layout was inspired by that of an unknown following a google search for digital scrapbooking.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                • 858
                • Superfan

                hello Annie, both of your pages above are simply beautiful…..  the photo of Paddy is adorable .. they really become part of the family and are missed when they are gone… well done Annie!

                best wishes ,


                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Thanks, Dear Dawn, very much appreciated my friend. Yes, they do become family members and are definitely sorely missed when they pass. I still tear up when I think of Paddy, Bart, and Dolly … all gone to doggie heaven. I have lost count of my beautiful cat companions that have passed on. We still have 2 cats, Minerva and Izzy and 3 dogs, Jasper, Jem, and Tobias but I have told Simone that I want no more once they have gone. I am getting too old and I couldn’t stand the thought of them having to be re-homed if anything was to happen to me. I really am a sook with my pets, LOL!

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    This is a 3rd for the Plush Toys challenge.  I was following the tutorials for Lab 8 Module 12 and decided to marry up some plushies with the smiling girls.  The photos were sourced from Unsplash and credits from L to R go to – Michael Dam, Hian Oliveira, and Gabriel Silverio.  The plushies were freebie tubes off the web.  Thanks for takin a peek.

                      • 858
                      • Superfan

                      hello Annie, your 3rd page is  lovely… i know i have mentioned it  before.. but again  will say,  you are very creative with the projects you do…. the plushies are cute and the  background effect behind your other elements is so effective. the pins you have created look great also…. well done!

                      best wishes ,


                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Dear Dawn, you are very kind and I appreciate your comments muchly, thank you, my friend. <3

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          This is another I have just finished.  I started out following the Master Class – No Kit Scrap 3 but I deviated a little from that.  The photos were sourced from Unsplash and the beautiful plaids I used are by Jessica Dunn from Pixel Scrappers.  Thanks for takin a peek.

                            • 1558
                            • Superfan

                            Annie, I love, love your layouts <3 … All of them are just great!

                              • 858
                              • Superfan

                              Annie, i also love the teddy bear layout ….  all your pages are inspiring and great creative use of the photos from unsplash.

                              best wishes,


                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                Dear Cristina and Dawn, thank you both so very much for your lovely comments on my work, always appreciated my friends. <3 🙂

                                Bram van Wingerden
                                  • 8
                                  • Rookie

                                  this bear is a realy old one , it was a present from my mother when i was born 64 years ago ,thanks to Cassel, now he have a new friend ! and with a bow he is very happy


                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Bram your page is lovely. How wonderful to still have the bear after all these years. He was obviously much treasured and most definitely not forgotten. Well done!

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hi Folks.  Another one for the plushie challenge.  Again the photo is from Unsplash and it was taken by Susanne Schwarz.  All papers are from Pixel Scrapper and the layout was inspired by a sketch from Rochelle Spears.  Thanks for takin a peek.

                                        • 734
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Wow Annie, you seem to be greatly inspired. I think my favourite is Padfoot. (Friends of mine had a poodle like this, named Roxanne and she was so lovely) Crocheted flower and lattice string are really well done. Background and the choice of colours harmoniously coordinated. Smiles, a funny and successful interpretation, plushtoys very good choice,  fitting well to the girls.  The polar opposites, the pic of the icebear and the comment match fantastically, background and choice of colors are next to nature.

                                        Bram, great to have still this bear. A real fanciful interpretation, also because of the numerous and well placed little details, how clever!

                                          • 2522
                                          • Superfan

                                          There have been “someone” going through our garbage in the last few days, at night. The garbage bins are closed and tied with bungy cords, yet, this morning, garbage was found all around, while the bin was still closed. We think it is a bear as there have been many sightings in the area lately. I have not heard it in action, so I could not take a picture. Maybe I can soon 🙂 We just attached big jingle bells so we should hear when he comes next. I will have a layout a bit later this weekend!

                                            • 858
                                            • Superfan

                                            Bram… you have created a wonderful memory page about a precious gift from your Mum…. well done!

                                            Annie …  another creative project… it  is enjoyable to view them…  well done!

                                            best wishes,


                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Thanks, dear Dawn. As I said to Libera I am really enjoying this challenge so there will be more to come from me yet! 🙂

                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                Bram, lovely layout and a wonderful way to keep the memory of a mother’s present… He looks happy with the new friend 🙂

                                                Annie, great layout… It looks like the polar bear is not amused lol…

                                                Carole, wow :-0 … An encounter with a bear is something that I would only like to have from a very far distance… Be careful.


                                                Marlene Lingham
                                                  • 241
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  So many lovely layouts, Annie you were obviously very inspired by the theme, and your layouts are so varied.

                                                  My layout is not a plush toy, but a knitted bear who became very famous among a group of intrepid 4WD travellers. A lady named Shirley made Brian while travelling up the Canning Stock Route, very bumpy track and lots of sand dunes, but she knitted all the time her husband was driving!

                                                  The background I made from a photo of a salt lake, used Image Effects, Seamless Tiling then flood filled at 200% I then reduced to opacity, with a white layer underneath, so it was easier to see the text. “Brian Bear” was done in Plantagenet Cherokee, outline only, then I used the Vector Tube script with one of Cassel’s Wool tubes. The photos were stock photos, and the flower cluster was one I made for a friend’s birthday card. For the journalling I used a rectangle selection and typed inside it. Same font as the heading.

                                                    • 858
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    great memory page Marlene ! …. hope you enjoyed your travels… Shirley must really enjoy knitting to have continued knitting going over all the bumpy tracks and sand dunes while hubby was driving.

                                                    best wishes,


                                                    Annie Tobin
                                                      • 2938
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      LOL! Cristina, I just hope there was a good strong fence between the bear and the photographer … he definitely did not look amused!

                                                      Annie Tobin
                                                        • 2938
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Hi Marlene, yes I have been inspired by this theme … still more to come I think. I love your informative page my friend and Brian is adorable. It is no wonder that he was popular during his travels. I’m happy to hear he is retired and that he has a retiree companion in Boab!

                                                          • 2522
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Great layouts everyone. Still testing the email notifications. Please, be patient.

                                                            • 2522
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Reply notifications should now be fixed. From this point on, you should be getting those notifications you expected.

                                                            Thank you for your patience.

                                                              • 1558
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Marlene, I loved Brian’s occupation: trip mascot (retired)!… Lovely memory page.

                                                              trish williams
                                                                • 805
                                                                • Superfan
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