
July Theme Challenge – BEACH

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges July Theme Challenge – BEACH

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  • #20384
    Annie Tobin
      • 2938
      • Superfan

      Hi Cristina.  You may come by as soon as I arrive there, lol!  I agree with you … I am uncomfortable doing clusters!  This one I put together from a beach scrapkit by Carena.  It took me an age to do and I was nervous, lol!  In the end I thought it was passable and fitted with the main page so I went with it but it really is one of the hardest things for me to do.  I love them because it is like using a single element just to lend spark to a page.  Most clusters I find through a google search are based around a frame and as I use frames very irregularly they do not suit.  Anyway, now that I have had a play around and actually posted something I have made myself I will try and continue with my attempts.

      I wonder if Cassel has a tut on the subject … I haven’t seen one in my explores but there is so much here that I haven’t discovered yet!  May be a suggestion to put forward as Cassel has prompted us to do.

      Phew, have I rabbited on or what!  Anyways CupCake, thank you so much for the compliment, much appreciated.  <3

        • 858
        • Superfan

        Hello Annie, very nice page and I love you cluster it is very pretty… there is no harm in just dreaming of all the places you would like to see in person… I do that often.

        all the best,


        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Dear Dawn, thank you very much for your delightful comment. I am a dreamer Dawn, have been all my life … I’m still here where I started from and I do appreciate that but … dreams are just lovely and restful, 😀

            • 1424
            • Superfan

            Annie, ditto to what Cristina said. 🙂 And I, too, am an armchair traveler or should I say an Internet traveler.

            ~ Michele

            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              Thanks Michele! LOL! I have travelled all over the internet world and shall continue to do so … plus, where ever I travel to I receive all the comforts of home … go figure!!! So happy you have experienced the same thing…… <3

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                Hi Scrapbook Campus.  I had to play with one more for the beach challenge.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                  • 1424
                  • Superfan

                  That is so cute, Annie.

                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    Annie, this layout is terrific with great colors… I love these cute teddy bears on the beach! I like the way you made the title and Cassel’s layout is really nice.

                      • 858
                      • Superfan

                      Hello Annie… your page is very sweet and I also think the  bear images and photo are so cute..

                      best wishes,


                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Thanks Michele, so glad you liked it my friend. <3

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          So glad you liked it Cristina and thanks heaps for your lovely comments. <3

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Thanks dear Dawn, appreciate your comment my friend. <3

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Hi Scrapbook Campus.  Just finished watching the Cassel’s Webinar and boy oh boy was there a lot to take in!  Anyways I loved it and was fascinated with the photo weave technique so had to give it a go.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                                • 1424
                                • Superfan

                                Great job, Annie. I just finished watching it. It was a great class. I’m going to have to watch it again and follow along before I have anything to show.

                                ~ Michele

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Thanks Michele, so glad you liked it my friend. I kept forgetting the technique and had to keep rewinding the webinar video to jog the old brain cells but … I got there, lol! Can’t say I would be able to do it again today without prompts!!! <3

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Annie, terrific page! I like the way you mixed the color photos with black and white… Great effect. I also like the background paper with text… great idea!

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Thanks dear Cristina! I always appreciate your comments my friend. <3

                                    Viewing 17 posts - 61 through 77 (of 77 total)
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