
July DIY Challenge (2022)

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges July DIY Challenge (2022)

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  • #80066
    Anne Lamp
      • 320
      • Enthusiast

      I think I used all of the components but only added color to them to use as backgrounds for other stuff.  My dear Foxy isn’t a puppy any more, but she sure does love her “lamby” toy.

      Susan Ewart
        • 763
        • Superfan

        Ann, that’s awesome.  The background and the photo’s really complement each other.  I didnt know there was such a thing as freshwater shrimp.  They are so vibrantly colored.

        Anne, Foxy looks so sweet.  I love it when they have a favorite toy and they know it by name.  That is a great photo of her.


        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan

          Wow Ann, I didn’t know these types of shrimp existed. I like them a lot and you showcased them so well. Thanks for sharing these incredible little creatures.


          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Susan: Thanks for your compliments. I’m enjoying my colorful new hobby.

            Lynda: Thank you for your kind words. These colorful little crustaceans are fascinating.

              • 858
              • Superfan

              Sue your juvenile robin page is wonderful … love how you arranged the shapes and added elements.. one thing for sure they will not go hungry they seem to enjoy what you put out for them to eat and of course a great photo opportunity for you. .. you showcase your photos so well  and i look forward to viewing them… best wishes to you


                • 858
                • Superfan

                hello Anne, your page is lovely… Foxy is a real cutie

                best wishes,


                Harmony Birch
                  • 38
                  • Rookie

                  Decided to have a go at this one. The photos from the latesst LARP (LIve Action Roleplay) I went too dropped this week and there were some great ones from my monster slot which I wanted to showcase.


                    • 367
                    • Enthusiast

                    What beautiful pages you have made! This evening I also tried the DIY challenge with pictures I took of my neighbour’s cat. These are on vacation and I’m taking care of the cat in the meantime.

                  Viewing 8 posts - 31 through 38 (of 38 total)
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