
January SKETCH Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges January SKETCH Challenge

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  • #51577
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration, and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.

      This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a “boring” base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies.

      Here is the sketch you will want to start with.

      And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

      Bonnie Ballentine
        • 1643
        • Superfan

        Here’s mine. This mockingbird brighten every pickleball match!

        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan

          I made a script of the sketch at 3600 x 3600.

          I used my new script, Carole’s Clip-to-it to add some of my macro photos and Lift Photo script to create the ribbon like elements.

            • 1558
            • Superfan

            Bonnie, what a lovely layout and bird. Great idea to use the out of bounds technique.

            Lynda, very nice layout to showcase your macro photos. Great result… I love Cassel’s Lift photo script and you had a good idea to use it with the ribbon-like element… I have never thought of using it this way.

            Lynda DiGregor
              • 1047
              • Superfan

              Thanks Cristina, What I really like about the sketches is that I can make scripts out of them and use them at a later date without having to set it up again.

              Anne Lamp
                • 320
                • Enthusiast

                Here is mine. My sweet Foxy dog. It was fun going back through my pictures of her from the last nine years.

                Lynda DiGregor
                  • 1047
                  • Superfan

                  From another sketch

                  Lynda DiGregor
                    • 1047
                    • Superfan

                    LOL Anne, looks like we both had the same idea. We do love our puppies!

                      • 335
                      • Enthusiast

                      What a fun challenge. I chose do to mine on a pet raccoon I had for seven years. Her name was Lil, short for Lillian. I adopted her when she was first born as she had only brothers and they would push her out of the range of food. I started to feed only her. She became my “bestest little buddy” and followed me around like a puppy. She had her own dishes and toys and loved cookies … just like me. 🙂

                      Anne Lamp
                        • 320
                        • Enthusiast

                        Lynda: What a handsome dog.  I have to disagree with you on one thing.  MINE is of course the best dog ever. LOL

                        Corrie Kinkel
                          • 1078
                          • Superfan

                          Here is my take on this sketch challenge. I took the sketch as a starting point and used 3 photos that I took a couple of days ago after a cold night. I was looking for an idea how to use them but was not satisfied with what I had come up with; so this sketch challenge came at the right moment! The background is a simple black one  but with an overlay from the free InkyDeals that Carole mentioned on Facebook. The winter wonderland font is Childish, a free one from Creative Fabrica, they have a free one everyday. So I could have posted this LO in the Freebie Challenge too.

                            • 335
                            • Enthusiast

                            Gorgeous, Corrie. Love it! They do, indeed, look sugar coated! :o)

                            Corrie Kinkel
                              • 1078
                              • Superfan

                              Minka, thank you so much. It was a bit of luck that I could take this pictures because we don’t often have the necessary weatherconditions. And snow is these days not so common as it used to be when I was younger. Instead we have a lot more rain due to climatechange and the temperatures are higher too.

                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                • 1643
                                • Superfan

                                Wow! Beautiful creations, all!

                                Here is a pickleball page and it fulfills two challenges….sketch and word cloud.

                                I used Carole’s script to create the post mark…it was either 6 or 7…I don’t remember.

                                I rotated the sketch and changed some other things. I begin with all good intensions of using the sketch and by the time I finish, many changes have been made. I put a drop shadow on the word clouds of 0, 0, 70, 1. Now I’m thinking I should have reduced the opacity.

                                We are expecting snow tonight…about 5 inches. Carole and many of you would not even take notice of 5 inches. We are expecting to add to that amount on Monday. I grew up in the South and was 14 before I saw snow. It was a big event. Now, I don’t want it…of course, now I have to shovel it and it is almost impossible to find a good sledding location.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Bonnie, Lynda, Anne, Minka and Corrie what lovely work you have all put into these pages. I confess to being ignorant of this challenge and I do find that I often ignore the right hand column of the forum page … go figure! Perhaps it is a brain funk or something … or an age thing, could be either with me. Anyway, lovely work my friends. ;D

                                    • 734
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    End ot january, but still possible to wish a better new year than we had the last one 🙂 at all of you!!

                                    So many new participants at the campus and creative works all over! Fantastic!

                                    Special thanks to Carole, who worked so hard and made the website so much faster. It’s a real pleasure to jump from one side to the other. Thumbs up Carole!!!

                                    Finally I had time again to play a little bit with PSP!

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      A lovely job on both pages Libera, well done Hon … and, a happy new year to you!  ;D

                                      Annie Tobin
                                        • 2938
                                        • Superfan

                                        Well it is the 1st of February for me here in Australia so I decided I could sneak in another post before the calendar officially turns over for the whole world.

                                        This is another little bird that is endemic to Australia … the Splendid Fairy-wren.  They live in arid to semi-arid areas, in mostly dense shrublands or woodlands of acacia, and mallee eucalypt with dense shrubs.  Like most of the fairy-wrens, Splendid Fairy-wrens eat mostly insects and forage on both the ground and in shrubs. They live in groups which forage together.

                                        Apart from the sketch layout the rest of the work is my own.  Font used for the title is A Song for Jennifer.  Oops … I lied, the poem (barely visible and in differing fonts at the top) is by laughing_soul.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  🙂

                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                          • 1047
                                          • Superfan


                                          Love your Fairy Wren.  I originally asked in this message if this is the natural color or digitally enhanced. Never mind, I just looked it up and discovered this if the natural color. I’ve never seen a bird like this.  Very pretty.


                                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Lynda DiGregor. Reason: change an idea-question
                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                            • 1047
                                            • Superfan


                                            Beautiful job on your sketches. Love your photos of daises. Using a field of daises in the background is a great idea and I love your sentiment…”Spring is Coming Soon”

                                            Keep up the good work.


                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Sorry Lynda, I did not see your query. Sometimes I respond to a post and voila! … it simply disappears. It happened 3 times in a row a couple of weeks ago after which I just gave up. Sometimes when it happens I will post again and then suddenly I have 2 posts of the same thing! Hats off to Carole in dealing with these issues.

                                              I see you have discovered that this is the true colour of the Splendid Fairywren. I am saving photos from Australian Geographic to use in creating pages. I myself am amazed at the diversity of beautiful and colourful birds we have here. In fact, I am finding absolutely gorgeous coloured birds from all over the world! Of course they don’t always fit with the theme etcetera but they are cool for the What Are You Working On forum. You don’t need to go searching as you are a very handy photographer and a lot of your photography is exceptional. ;D

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