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  • #41574
    Sharon Wilke
      • 140
      • Junior

      I thought I would update my living status! I have been in lockdown for a good while now. I live in Georgia and they haven’t given an end date yet. They did suspend schools for the rest of the year and the children are all home schooling. It’s drive through only restaurants and some are just shut down completely. The grocery stores are staying stocked a little better!! Everyone seems to be adjusting to this “New” Normal. Unfortunately for some in my area things really took a bad turn Easter Night. Several tornadoes touched down in the Murray County area where I live. Eight people were killed. One touched down less than a mile from my house. We only had 1 tree limb fall. Our power was out for quite some time. The first responders worked so tirelessly to reestablish the utilites. Some roads are still closed today. In some places it looks like a war zone! I am so thankful that it passed over us. There are some YouTube videos of news copter out of Atlanta that shows some their footage. I think it was Channel 11 News and they tagged it Murray County If you want to look it up. My internet keeps going in and out so I thought  I should update ya’ll while I can. Please stay safe (and six feet apart)!!

        • 734
        • Enthusiast

        Thanks for your “update” Sharon, hope things will turn better for you in the next weeks! Don’t give up, may be you can sign in for the Wise Words and have a little bit fun -:) ….
        Stay safe too !!



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