
Hello i'm new here

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Lobby Introduction Hello i'm new here

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  • #21952
    Virginia frazer
      • 17
      • Rookie

      Hello my name is virginia i’m from Australia and am new to leaning how to make scrap i love making things i draw digital art love it but now want to learn how to make scraps and learn how to use my psp better i manly use psp 9 as its my favourt i love it the most i have brout the newer vershions but don’t like it as much so hello from me also when you finish a course where do you show your lessons off so the teacher can see you’ve done a subjected thank you Virginia.


        • 2522
        • Superfan

        Hi Virginia,

        I am Cassel (or Carole), and I am the instructor here. As a DIAMOND member, you will have a LOT of stuff to look at and you are probably going to want to do everything!! Do you want to join our DIAMOND tour this coming Sunday?

        Make yourself comfortable and you will meet amazing other members in here.

        Virginia frazer
          • 17
          • Rookie

          May i ask a question how do i edit my profile ever time i click on the edit button it just takes me strait to the start page and how do you up load a photo of myself can’t seam to do this also thanks

            • 858
            • Superfan

            Hello Virginia, Welcome to the campus….. i am also from Australia and  feel sure you will enjoy your time learning more about PSP with all Carole’s  tutorials  and classes.

            best wishes,


            Virginia frazer
              • 17
              • Rookie

              Hello dawn

              nice to meet you i’m all ready addicted lol really enjoying completed 3 tutorials already 🙂 🙂 🙂

                • 145
                • Junior

                Hello from New Brunswick, Canada.  I have signed up for the Diamond membership. I have PSP 2019/2018/ and others. Have been playing around with paint shop pro for some time. I do enjoy colorizing my old family photos, just figured out how to do that. So have been scanning lots of photos. Now I would like to do some scrapbooking with them and other photos.


                  • 2522
                  • Superfan

                  Virginia, I have to say I am not sure how to edit and add your photo. It seems to grab the photo I am using on my google account, but I didn’t do anything. I have found that it is associated with the gravatar site, so you MIGHT need to add your photo there:


                  Hope it helps, but I can’t be sure 🙂

                  Virginia frazer
                    • 17
                    • Rookie

                    Thank you about the post Would have loved to go on the dimond club tour but i work weekends i did a 8 hour shift today i’m stuffed it’s 5.27pm here at the moment it think while i’m sleeping uses are awake lol i think not shore

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