Grab Bag


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  • Author
  • #88525
    Brian Dowling
      • 29
      • Rookie

      This family history website illustration features the Grab Bag script.  Easy to use but does take a small practice before you get the way it works.  Nice variations available and a good-looking result overall.  The bag front has an image using the Cass Elf Alphas that were given away and add to the Christmas feel for a technical topic.

      The labels on the bags were more give-aways this time from Sue with nice cut-aways.  Tied on the bags with tubes.

      This image is on an automatic rotation and appears at on 16th December only each year.

      Other products in use on this image: Custom Calendar; Distressed Edge (on the card); Acrylic Glitter (on the card logo); Metallic String tube (on the left tie); Natural Rope tube (on the other two); Bokeh Maker (on the background of Christmas Tree lights, then blurred).  Garland tubes #1 (across the top first made straight like a ribbon in a red and a green); Curled Ribbon (to curl the garlands and then layer the red and green together so they create a DNA helix… now did you really notice that!?)

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    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.