
February TUT/TECH Challenge – Paperclip

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges February TUT/TECH Challenge – Paperclip

Viewing 4 posts - 31 through 34 (of 34 total)
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  • #54000
    Lynda DiGregor
      • 1047
      • Superfan

      Just testing. When I clicked on Michele’s link in e-mail it took me to this TUT/TECH forum but there are no replies  here  . There are no links to other parts of the forum except for the link at the top the states that the topic has 30 replies ,10 voices and was last updated 3 hours and 28 minutes ago by Michele. Her link works . Very strange! Anyone else have the same problem?


      I’ll add an image to see if it works

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        I had to remove the threaded replies features in order to get the images to display again 🙁

        Maybe you got the notification between me adding it and removing it.

        Sue Thomas
          • 1598
          • Superfan

          Mary,  I have only  now found your comment on my  Finch layout and  lace mask.  Thank you very much for your kind comment.  I’m so pleased that you will be putting the mask to  good use in your cards.  Again thank you!

            • 1558
            • Superfan

            I haven’t been able to keep track of what all of you are creating, and just today, I noticed all the lovely work from this thread. Great work, Everyone!

          Viewing 4 posts - 31 through 34 (of 34 total)
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