Creating a Facebook Header Template

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Let’s talk PSP stuff Creating a Facebook Header Template

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  • #17693
    Jan Wilson
      • 52
      • Junior

      I have made a template from one (Shatter 1) I bought from from the Library in PSP2018.  The photos are positioned as I want them and all is ready to go.

      However these Facebook header templates have a white square at the bottom.  I know that is where your photo goes on your home page in Facebook, but with these templates – do I just leave that spot as is or add the photo myself and the surrounding template dividers white or is it ok to flood fill with my choice of colour/gradient or whatever.

      Does anyone know?  Thanks.  Jan

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        When you use that “template”, you don’t need to add your profile photo to it because that photo is set by FB. The square is only there to make sure you don’t put any important detail in that area (like part of a quote, or someone’s face in a group photo).

        As for the surrounding dividers, you are the designer, so give it a go and change the color as you want. 🙂

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