

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP May 2021

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  • #58272
    Annie Tobin
      • 2938
      • Superfan

      Wow Joe! All 3 are beautifully coloured projects. A joy to peruse my friend. 😉

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Ann, I do believe that if taught early enough mynah birds can talk. I have never heard them but it is apparently the case. Very nice page you created Ann … love those colours, they sure compliment one another.

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Cindy, I love this page. You had me fooled with the O.C.D. … but I finally figured it out, very clever Hon. You are really starting to get the hang of it. You Go Girl! ;D

          Annie Tobin
            • 2938
            • Superfan

            Busy Bees project complete.  Papers are my own except for the plaid which is out of Gina Jones’ kit Everyday is Caturday … which I have titled my page.  The scatter I made following Cassel’s tut and using elements from Gina’s kit.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

              • 1558
              • Superfan

              Annie, this is sooo cute! Love it…Great work, my friend!

                • 1558
                • Superfan

                Here is my Project#4


                Ann Seeber
                  • 1372
                  • Superfan

                  The final design for the May Bootcamp. Cassel’s is titled Concentration but mine is The House Wren. I was delighted when the Audubon Society released all of JJ Audubon’s illustration plates to the public for general use. I didn’t download all but I got the ones I am familiar with.

                  Susanne Lietz
                    • 20
                    • Rookie

                    Day 3
                    Due to the minimized size the Scrap is a little diffuse. 4 having fun in the sun are my 3 dachshunde and me 🙂

                    Joe Latchaw
                      • 12
                      • Rookie

                      Project 5….Everything but the hat was created by myself…papers, frame, star.  The photo is from a prior trip to monument valley.

                      Susan Ewart
                        • 763
                        • Superfan


                        Susan here.  First post for me.  I’m a newbie to scrapbooking of any kind and working with PSP (even though I’ve had it since 2019!).  What beautiful and inspiring pages I see on this forum.  Thankyou Cassel for your words (Edit, Copy, Close, Edit, Paste as New Layer) they got me through this.  I found myself saying the words as I did the action.  It’s the words of you speaking the instructions that I hear when I’m trying to remember what to do.  Great teaching style.  here’s my first go; from Day 3.

                        I picked this because it went from a sunny 26 celsius (4 days ago) to 2 celsius snowing heavy two days ago!


                        Kathy Trush
                          • 12
                          • Rookie

                          Finally created my first layout for project 1 using a picture of me at Wicked Dolphin distillery this year.

                          FYI fellow bootcampers:  While I was downloading the free kit from the link in the Day 3 tutorial, I noticed you could still get nice additions to the kit from several other designers participating in the Pixel Scrapper Digital Scrapbooking April 2021 blog hop.  Next week I am also going to download all the nice freebies from the May 2021 blog hop.

                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Kathy Trush.
                            • 2522
                            • Superfan

                            Cindy, I am really impressed how your layouts are becoming so good. I see that you didn’t distort any of the images in that ducks layout!

                            Cristina, that is a really fun way to make that pasta heart! I think I would try to make the shadow a little larger on those pastas as they are likely thicker than paper.

                            Ann, isn’t it fun that you got those photos just at the same time as this project? If I was to offer a suggestion, it would be to reduce the shadow on the bee scatters, especially where the photo overlaps it. It looks like the photo has a smaller shadow than the scatter. For your last project, of course, you can change the title!!!!

                            Susanne, happy to see you post in the forum. On your first project, I find that photo so cute! I would suggest you look carefully at the shadowing of the various components of the layout: the drops have shadows on the top right, the boat has a shadow toward the top left, and the photo has no shadow at all. If you have set the shadows on separate layers, you should be able to easily remove the layer and replace them. I would suggest you work on a duplicate of your layout so you can see the comparison when shadows are all in the same direction.

                            Joe, you are asking a very valid question. Since scrapbookers will use a digital version of their cherished photos, it is the same as using the paper version. Of course, the textures on a paper scrapbook are more tangible, those pages are also much bulkier, so many people will get their pages printed either individually or in an album. It saves on space (the albums are much thinner) and allows people to even have more than one copy of the same album without the work of redoing everything manually. But we also have people who will still add some tangible elements to their digital projects: we call that hybrid scrapbooking. You are obviously comfortable with your PSP to do all the components of the Solitude layout.

                            Annie, those are cute cats and they are showcased beautifully.

                            Susan, welcome to the Campus! Your first project is well done and the shadows are all consistent. Good habit to have. And yes, this forum and the whole site is full of inspiration, and friendly people too!

                            Kathy, welcome to the Campus too, and glad you posted your project. Yes, the blog trains can be a great source of free supplies and since they use the same color palette, they would easily coordinate. Your shadows are good although I think you forgot it on the photo itself. Is that possible?

                            cindy harris
                              • 449
                              • Enthusiast

                              I Love You guys

                              Love you all  so Much    thank You Teacher Anne,  Ann  Everyone


                              Especially Cassel and all her Amazing Work with ppl like me   and The Artist’s  here.

                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                Thanks very much dear Cristina … I think there are a lot of cat lovers on this forum, 🙂 I love your To The Pot page … you have made me hungry again my friend. The pasta scatter is way cool and the emoji made me smile … well done my friend. ;D

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Well Ann, your final design for this bootcamp is magnificent. A true representation of digital scrapbooking. Perfectly coordinated and executed … what more can I say. Congratulations my friend, I love it. ;D

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Susanne … a lovely relaxing page you have created. A lovely summery page and you are rugged up so I am guessing it was cold. I love dachshunds and we had a little fella who was a mix of Jack Russell and dachshunde. He passed just on 12 months ago. Miss him terribly but we just have to get on with life as they are not blessed with the same life span as we are … more’s the pity. Anyway, lovely page which I enjoyed perusing.
                                    Joe … you have been very clever with this creation. The frame is amazing and that lone star to replace the o in solitude is way cool, well done.
                                    Susan … for a complete newbie you have excelled! Welcome aboard and I hope you continue with us on this fun filled PSP journey.
                                    Kathy … lovely colours you have chosen for this page … the background paper is lovely and the glitter strip is gorgeous, well done.


                                    Susanne Lietz
                                      • 20
                                      • Rookie

                                      Thank you Annie Tobin, you’re so kind! Our love to dachshunds connects us. Yes, I agree, when our friends have to go it’s cruel. But they always leave their footprints in our hearts!! Scrapping for me means work over my thoughts and sorrows. There are hundreds of Scraps from my dogs on my computer 🙂 Once I had a homepage just for them …
                                      I’ve you like, you can join me at FB and have a look at my work. Hugs

                                      Susanne Lietz
                                        • 20
                                        • Rookie

                                        Sorry I mean, if you like to join me …

                                        Susanne Lietz
                                          • 20
                                          • Rookie

                                          Hello Cassel, thank you for point that out! I’ll look more carefully using shadows in the future.

                                          Joe Latchaw
                                            • 12
                                            • Rookie

                                            Cassel – thanks for the info.  I didn’t think about duplication, good point.  Also the idea of Facebook posting a scrapbook page rather than just a pic is appealing.

                                              • 1558
                                              • Superfan

                                              Carole, you are right; I used a paper-like shadow…I am always a little uncertain when it comes to bigger shadows.

                                              I am posting version 2, and for the shadow, I used 20/20/60/20. Is this ok, or should it be even larger?


                                                • 1558
                                                • Superfan

                                                Annie, thank you, dear friend. <3 …Your comments are always uplifting, even when I am not 100% satisfied with the result. : )

                                                Susanne, Susan, and Kathy welcome to the Campus!

                                                Kathy Trush
                                                  • 12
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Here is my Project 2 scrapbook page showing my grandson and his dog.  I used the Cherish kit from the Day 5 link but added a pin I created to hold the tag.

                                                  cindy harris
                                                    • 449
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    Love all your Artist work here.    Copied this text from my daughters page, her duck story.

                                                    Well, I made a mistake and I am always still learning.. Here’s how Ruby got what she wanted the most in the whole world:

                                                    A friend had a wild duck lay in her potted plant on her 3rd story balcony. After the frost lil duck mama just wouldnt leave her eggs. She was hungry but afraid if she left her eggs would go cold… We fed her. We candled around 15 eggs and found 6 with no signs of life.
                                                    1 was smelly and turned color, clearly dead.
                                                    5 looked like they were headed in the same direction as the stinky egg.. so compost for the rotten one and under my broody hen just in case I was wrong about the other 5.

                                                    2 hatched. One healthy and living, the other wasn’t meant to be, even tho we did everything we could. The other 3 eggs are duds. I am still learning. So, here is Ruby. She has been broody for about 6 months and she is SO HAPPY to have something to care for. I’ve never seen her like this. That chicken was born to be a mama… even if it is a duck

                                                    cindy harris
                                                      • 449
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Think I have all my work in,

                                                      Hugs All   yay I get to be in the Drawings!!!!    Plus I didnt have any fits trying to do my work, Loved that.!

                                                      Thank you Cassel     Oh got my D/l on Amazon to load,  I have 101 tips thank YOU   Love my ebook its my first one


                                                      is there away to save my 101 PSP tips to like a pdf?   thank you


                                                      I have 2020 and 2021 psp  hope to get in on the Diamond Membership or a Script all are to Awesome.

                                                      Kathy Trush
                                                        • 12
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Here is my page for Project 3 showing the caterpillars and butterflies in the flower garden I planted the past 2 months.  This took me longer because I wanted to show 4 photos so I had to learn how to crop a picture in the shape of a circle for one of them.  I used “Pixel Scrapper March 2013 Blog Train Kit” and “Oriental glitter paper from the links on Day 7.

                                                          • 2522
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Cristina, those pastas look more realistic with that larger shadow. I know that shadows are challenging, especially for elements that are not paper-thin. What do you feel when you look at the two shadows if you were to put the two projects side by side? Does one feel more “normal” than the other?

                                                          Kathy, you are doing great with your second project. How much blur do you use for the shadows? Although they are the right size and direction, they look a “little” hard, which can be softened with a little more blur. If your shadows are on separate layers, you don’t have to redo them. Simply go to Adjust > Blur > Gaussian blur and you can add some that way. Your grandson looks the same age as mine! What a great photo shoot for those caterpillar/butterfly pictures!!! Did you have to search much to find out how to crop in a circle?

                                                          Cindy, you have to find a way to put that duck story on a page. It says so much more than just the photos!!! I am really amazed how your layouts have become more consistent, more varied and so interesting! Look back at your first ones, to see a major difference!!

                                                          Susan Ewart
                                                            • 763
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Hi Everyone!

                                                            Well, project two was problematic for me.  For some reason it wont do the drop shadows at all, I’m using PSP 2019 and even took it into my PSP 2020 version with the same results.  somewhere along the way I’ve clicked on the wrong key  Where the word SAYA is looks like it did have a shadow but I think it’s actually how that element was.  When I was putting text in I got another layer below my Vector layer and it shows “T”.  Is this normal?  And when I wanted to use the Free Rotate tool I’d get a weird message. I just rotated it by the lever thing. This is the time to tell you; computers hate me.  This is why this is such a steep learning curve.  I really love all the other pages I see all of you making.  And I will keep at this.

                                                            Susan Ewart
                                                              • 763
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              thank you.  my 2nd project has had challenges.  But I will forge ahead.  My camera is so much easier to use!  But I’ve done photography for 40 years.  Maybe after the next 40 I might be able to do this.  hahaha

                                                                • 2522
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Susan, when you say it won’t do the Drop shadow, there are a couple of possibilities:

                                                                • do you have a RASTER layer active or a VECTOR one? Shadows won’t apply to vector layers
                                                                • do you happen to have a selection on your image? if so, the shadow will be applied to that selection and if it is tiny, you might not see it. To avoid this, go to Selections > Select None, and try adding the shadow again
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