
BOOTCAMP – May 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP – May 2020

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  • #42654
      • 1558
      • Superfan

      I think I overdid a bit 🙂 In addition to the sandwich, I added a sunny-side-up egg and a piece of a strawberry cheesecake.

      Lynda DiGregor
        • 1047
        • Superfan

        I made a sloppy sandwich…added some seeds to the tomatoes and some veins to the lettuce, although you really can’t see them. Also a little mayo, napkin, and a glass of water. All sitting on a picnic table. 🙂

        Lynda DiGregor
          • 1047
          • Superfan


          I checked out the Snip and Sketch tool. Seems it’s an upgrade to the Snipping Tool. You just have to type Snip and Sketch into the search bar at the bottom of Windows 10. There is no charge for it. I don’t know how much use I would have for the added features in Snip and Sketch but it might come in handy. Right now I just need the screen shots.

          Thanks for the heads up


          Isabel Vasquez
            • 50
            • Junior

            Hi, I used a PNG table cloth from Clean png. I also put a little bit of shadow on the cup bottom. Thanks for looking. I enjoyed this tutorial,

            Isabel Vasquez
              • 50
              • Junior

              I am sorry I forgot to put the bread together with the bottom one.

              fiona cook
                • 112
                • Junior

                Looking forward to another sunny day in England tomorrow so have produced my sandwich lunch in al fresco readiness. I set the table but made a mess on the tablecloth. I love my pickles. Londoners call them wallies.

                Just seen I had hidden the onions. They are back again. See new image.

                Glenson Jones
                  • 20
                  • Rookie
                  Joan White
                    • 10
                    • Rookie

                    I used a photo of one of my quilts for the tablecloth.

                    Isabel Vasquez
                      • 50
                      • Junior

                      Joan White  Great job on your sandwich.

                      Mary Solaas
                        • 555
                        • Enthusiast

                        OK – I did learn more this time, although I had to keep the tutorial up and go over the transfer part more than once.  However, I did better than the last bootcamp as I added a tablecloth this time.  Couldn’t figure out how to do a napkin so I left that off.  I did remember how to turn the handle of the cup to the right which is what I did last time.  I had a problem with the tablecloth, but did manage it at the last.  Whew!!  So here is my result.

                        Ruth Seibert
                          • 6
                          • Rookie

                          I’m glad I kept the tutorial open.  I got lost a bit and went back for a “refresher.”  Skipped the onions.  Also turned the cup around so the handle was on the right.

                          Jose Marquez
                            • 7
                            • Rookie

                            Took me a while since I was busy today as I am at home in quarantine but doing work…LMAO. That said, I made a table background, created a placemat from the texture that PSP gives us by creating a layer and then selecting an area. I then Put the paint bucket in the middle of the selected area and just clicked it a few times to get it to the level where there was no opacity , gave some shadow as light never hits straight in most cases to plates, cup, utensils sandwich and amenities, plus in my household the silverware never goes straight. Made a napkin, did a little mesh and then added the pig from the tube section. Most of it on their own layer. I took the top bread and duplicated and changed the layer to multiply to give it a darker looking bread. Then I saved it as .jpg so I can upload. Well that is all I can remember……. enjoyed doing the lesson.

                              • 252
                              • Enthusiast

                              Day 2 layers

                              cindy harris
                                • 449
                                • Enthusiast

                                I did it in a good time, no fussing, or cussing, felt good like when crocheting. Because I felt I could follow you good.
                                I got the images from Bing free pictures.
                                thank You I needed this tonight. It was my Calgone for sure.

                                  • 2522
                                  • Superfan

                                  Ruth, glad to see you made it in. Looking forward to your projects. Are you going to have tea, coffee or something else in that cup?

                                  Shirley, since your project is not one from the lessons in the Bootcamp, you might want to post it in the What are you working on? thread instead, so more people will see it. For the Bootcamp, try to stay a bit closer to the “lesson plans”, simply so that newcomers could get inspired and recognize the projects and not wonder why their works don’t resemble yours. It is also going to be easier for me to know which project (from the lessons) you are doing.

                                  Euka, glad that you found the way to use the Classic Material palette. I personally just don’t care for the new format. You have a cute little spoon for your coffee. I guess not everyone needed one!

                                  Krystyna, I hope the tea was good as it is all gone now 🙂

                                  Robert, you are quite right about the Copy merge, however, the exercise was to show how to move layers from one image to the other. Another detail about using the Copy merge is the fact that all those layers will be merged (obviously), which won’t allow the user to manipulate the layers anymore. In scrapbooking, it can be an inconvenience as we like to keep layers separate to maintain that ability to change our minds. But in other contexts, yes, it is a great command, and I also use it often 🙂 As for the transparency, it is always removed if you save in jpg format. If you save in PNG format, it will keep the transparency.

                                  Cristina, you are going to make everyone envious of your lunch!

                                  Lynda, very detailed sandwich and ingredients! that wood background definitely look like a picnic table.

                                  Isabel, you also thought of turning the cup! That tablecloth is perfect for a picnic.

                                  Fiona, with PSP, you can so easily customize that sandwich and have as many pickles as you want!

                                  Glenson, how did you add the texture on your bread? It looks quite good and realistic.

                                  Joan, you better be careful not to get your nice quilt dirty, like it happened to Fiona!

                                  Mary, it is great that you learned something new and are now going to be more comfortable with the process.

                                  Jose, those shadows really add dimensions. Although it was not part of the lesson (keeping it simple for the beginners), you seemed to have had fun with it and the result is great.

                                  Cindy, you make me want to have those fries! I am glad you managed this project without cussing! 🙂

                                  Darcy Quimby
                                    • 7
                                    • Rookie

                                    Sorry for the late night post.  I decided this would be my midnight snack.  I put my pickles on the side and took off the tomatoes.  I did add extra onion I can get away with this while we are on stay at home. I learned to drag one element from one image to another image super easy for me now.

                                    Glenson Jones
                                      • 20
                                      • Rookie

                                      Hi Cassel

                                      You asked how I got the toast effect on my bread. Basically, using PSP 2020 I made a selection of the bread using the Magic Wand from the Toolbar. Seeing that this only selected the center of the bread, I expanded the selection by using Selection / Modify / Expand and added 10 pixels so that the whole of the bread was selected. I then added a new layer above the bread and chose the Airbrush from the Toolbar and set this to about maximum size. Choosing a mid brown colour, I tapped within the selection. I then changed to a darker colour and tapped again. I liked that effect.

                                      I’ve been a digital artist for about six years using Corel Painter so I knew about layers and airbrushes.

                                      Robert Sindt
                                        • 3
                                        • Rookie

                                        I used layer blend modes and layer styles.

                                        Sue Thomas
                                          • 1598
                                          • Superfan

                                          Day 3. I used one of my photos for the background paper with  blend mode (overlay), blur and opacity.  Prints are a brush.  I opted for a round framed image.

                                          Sue Thomas
                                            • 1598
                                            • Superfan

                                            Nice work Robert.  I’m still waiting for  my flowers to bloom.  I like the blend mode tool.

                                            fiona cook
                                              • 112
                                              • Junior

                                              I have completed our Project 1 and feel I have done a better job than my first attempt in the March Bootcamp and have in the process incorporated all the elements Cassel has featured in her tutorial. I enjoyed this one a lot more but still take ages to do anything.

                                              I have encountered 2 issues that I have not yet got to the bottom of: I tried to crop the photo after I had pasted it as a new layer into the main canvas and the crop affected all the layers. As a result I had to redo. The second problem is another technique one, having made a selection of one of the paper backgrounds, I wanted to move the selection area to another part of the paper for a different colour effect. I didn’t know how to do that.

                                              Krystyna Nicholls
                                                • 23
                                                • Rookie

                                                OK, so I have used my butterfly picture, and had a look at Gingerscraps, and found some embellishments there which I downloaded and used for my picture.  Basically followed all the instructions in the video tutorial. Had fun moving the layers around.

                                                Marica Law
                                                  • 8
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Good morning. A little behind the times, but I am working on catching up. First time using PSP so I had to figure out how to save a photo as 600. Not sure I’ve done it right but I have uploaded our new grandchild which unfortunately we have not been able to hold – yet.

                                                  I chose a background of light grey and closed both the Learning Center & Organizer. Windows has been “untabbed,” ruler has been checked and the 300 ppi was the default setting. I left the materials palette as it is.

                                                  I am not a scrap booker but I would like to learn how to create some interesting keepsakes for the photos that I take or have been sent. We also have 2 other grandchildren who unfortunately are in another country and we can only visit by FaceTime. I would like to send them their ‘shared’ photos back as a keepsake and if possible get them involved in creating their keepsakes – ages 8 and 12.

                                                  I am looking forward to learning a lot.

                                                  Stay safe.


                                                  cindy harris
                                                    • 449
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I love any kind of Potatoes even if they are yams. yipppeeee I dont think I had a problem one, and there again was No fussing. Only Fun. I am there on this part 🙂 yipppeee again no Fussin. 🙂 I liked your spatter of dots so copied them and put them in mine, and I made it a tube too, and put tiny lil ones everywhere I love Tubes the most. First time it was Only fun. thank YOU…

                                                    Marcia Beautiful Baby, I have 9 and I cant hug them their parents bring them over and I hugged their backs. But I am a Granny that picks them up if I can. But I am so hands on its hard. And so Scary right now. Loved everyone’s work too.

                                                    Carole I had no problems at all on last 2 and I did it your way. Loved it. thank YOU

                                                    Darcy Quimby
                                                      • 7
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      I enjoyed putting together my first page.  for the background I used the picture bg and just blurred it.  I was trying to find a picture tube with just bear tracks and did not find one.  Would be interested in learning more about picture tubes.



                                                      Marica Law
                                                        • 8
                                                        • Rookie

                                                        Had some fun working with the layers. Managed to make a decent lunch. Can’t wait to figure out how to change colours and create napkins, tablecloths, etc.

                                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                                          • 1047
                                                          • Superfan
                                                          Carol Little
                                                            • 3
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            May Challenge – Day 3

                                                            Sorry to be late to the party… I did not see the emails till today and now I am trying to catch up.

                                                            I consider myself to be an experienced beginner at the software. I have done a few things many times but have barely dipped my toe in the water when it comes to most of the functionality.

                                                            Having watched today’s video, I became quite excited – this is exactly what I was hoping to find a few years ago after an amazing trip to the southern hemisphere. I had hundreds of amazing photos. All of which I now find that I have somehow deleted. I found I had uploaded a few on a photo site (now low quality, unfortunately) so will use those for this class.

                                                            1. The background is a photo of a floor on a boat that we took around the lake in Queenstown.

                                                            2. Not a very flattering photo in so many ways…but here we are on an incredible day in Milford Sound. Due to a snowfall the night before, only eighty of us were on the huge boat. And it was the ONLY boat on the Sound.

                                                            3. I found a Maori tattoo image that I cleaned up a bit and then inserted three times with various degrees of opacity to simulate a stamp.

                                                            4. Found some water drops that I duplicated several times going down the center of the page.

                                                              • 252
                                                              • Enthusiast
                                                              Carol Little
                                                                • 3
                                                                • Rookie

                                                                Forgot to mention – on the photo with my husband…I forgot to change it from perspective to scale. But I decided I liked it that way. Then changed it to scale to enlarge the photo on the page…

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