
Bootcamp – March 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Bootcamp – March 2020

Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 212 total)
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    cindy harris
      • 449
      • Enthusiast

      OH didn’t check my typing… I meant NO Fussing… not so

      meant NO fussing at my laptop just did it 🙂 and it was fun.

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Day 5 result.  Jenny and her husband, Gary, are very keen on fishing and a lot of that is done on their bi-annual trips around Australia.  The photo is of Jenn holding a couple of crayfish (Red Claw in this instance) that they had just caught.  Gary took the photo and I should imagine he would have been salivating as Jenn is a fantastic cook, 🙂  Papers are my own, flower was made using an Angel Wings Scraps script and the two chefs were freebies off the web … the one on the right I had to extract using the magic wand with a feather of 1 … super easy as it was on a white background!  Thanks for takin a peek!

          • 252
          • Enthusiast

          Hello folks, My day 4/5  did turn out to be a camping adventure when these 3 guys came for breakfast.  The horse almost had his head in the caravan window for the invite.   I love the donkeys expression, and the horse is looking after the black sheep.  I have used 2 photos as they tell the story.  I used 2 papers from the suggested freebie and everything else is also from Antebellim Press including the spray I made from her flowers. The dog is my daughters.  I made the tubes of her when she was a puppy.  I probably would have issues attempting that now!  lol.

            • 252
            • Enthusiast

            Clever you Annie.  I’m coming for tea.

              • 252
              • Enthusiast

              Keep working on it  Jackie, this is a good start.  Well done

              Liese Strupp
                • 21
                • Rookie

                Hello Scrap Booking friends,

                I am jumping in late here, however my travels are over for a while and I want to catch up.  Carole, thank you for your help and patience.  Looking forward to jumping in!

                In the meantime here are some travel pics that I want to use.

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  You are welcome anytime Shirl, 🙂 Your camping page is great and the background paper you have used really makes the photos pop, great job my friend. <3

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    Dear Scrapbook Campers, there are just too many posts for me to comment individually this morning so just let me congratulate you all on jobs well done. And, thank you for providing me yet again with wonderful viewing to be enjoyed with my morning cuppa!

                      • 2522
                      • Superfan

                      Lynda, a nice way to focus on a small section of a larger image!

                      Lee, that bed looks so inviting!

                      Diana, I am glad you are getting excited about picture tubes. They are such misunderstood tools of PSP!

                      Jackie, that is a great picture you have showcased in the first layout! I think that if you were to add some shadows to your elements, it would give a more 3D effect. Check out the end of the video about the shadows. For the second one, you have some elements with shadows, but others without. Consistency is key. And yes, you did post correctly in the right place.

                      Trish, nice photo to showcase. You should include that story ON the layout too!

                      Cindy, you seem to really be getting the hang of it! I am glad to see you enjoying the process instead of banging your head on your computer! 🙂

                      Annie, you can also add that story on the layout itself. Who knows who will want to look at it and wonder who it is or where it was?

                      Shirley, this is a really fun story to tell through those photos!!! Great layout.

                      Liese, it is ok to start a bit late. You should have time to catch up.


                      Lynda DiGregor
                        • 1047
                        • Superfan

                        This is my day 5 . Another Indian monument from Arizona. All elements and photos are my own.

                        Lynda DiGregor
                          • 1047
                          • Superfan

                          This is an extra I thought I would share. I recently got a telephoto lens and I was testing it out. I don’t think I have the hang of it yet but these are my first efforts with the lens.

                          Lynda DiGregor
                            • 1047
                            • Superfan

                            I’m with Annie… just to many great posts to comment on all, although Annie does a great job of it.

                            Anyway , everyone keep up the good work.

                            Denise Mueller
                              • 13
                              • Rookie

                              Here is my project.  I subscribed yesterday to Pixel Scrapper and downloaded some stuff which I then used today.  Having some trouble at times with the Materials palette and also clicking on the text inside the selection to be able to highlight it.  Practice makes perfect!   Have a great day everyone!

                              Liese Strupp
                                • 21
                                • Rookie

                                Hello Scrapbookers,

                                Here is my attempt at making a sandwich… I like your table cloths.

                                Give me a clue on how you are doing that.



                                Mary Stander
                                  • 13
                                  • Rookie

                                  Hi everyone,

                                  Here is my Day 3 project.  I’m having fun learning a lot of new things and relearning some old.  I’m not sure I did the right project for Day 2 so I am uploading Day 3.  Someone please let me know if I am not posting the way I should.

                                  I am not creative so I really enjoy looking at other projects!

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Wow Lynda! You are well on your way to mastering the telephoto lens. Great photos my friend and your Tuzigoot National monument is really lovely. Admire your work Lynda and the information you provide is greatly appreciated. Not only are we learning about Paint Shop Pro and digital scrapbooking but a wealth of international information is being offered to boot. Campus it surely is! <3

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hi Liese … to make a tablecloth you could try one of Cassel’s tutorials for making plaid paper and then follow it up with one of her edge tutorials. They are fun and you should end up with a reasonable tablecloth or place-mat … whichever you prefer. Have fun!

                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan

                                        Hello, this is my first attempt at scrapbook – homework for day 3. Due to the corona-virus crisis I am a bit late. I am living in the Netherlands and this corona thing is a big issue overhere. So lots of television reports and phonecalls, emails, skype and facetime from family and friends. Very much appriciated but it costs a lot of time, but I’ll try to catch on. We have tot stay at home anyway,  almost everything is closed down and shopping is becoming a nuisance as people are hoarding.

                                        Sharon Wilke
                                          • 140
                                          • Junior

                                          WOW! Everyone has such phenomenal creations! Ya’ll are such an inspiration to me.

                                          Congratulations to Carole!!! Welcome to The Grandma Club. Now you have an endless supply for scrapbooking!

                                          I pulled together Day 5’s project yesterday. Of course it is of my Grandchildren, Bella and Jimi. Jimi turned 9 on February 14 and he had a Bowling Party. That’s the first time I’ve in a bowling alley since my son was little. It hasn’t changed much but I think these modern children need bowling lessons. They were throwing the ball instead of gracefully rolling it. I don’t see how the floor holds up!


                                            • 2522
                                            • Superfan

                                            Lynda, what a great trip you are inviting to!

                                            Denise, you are doing great if you are new to scrapbooking, or PSP, your shadows are well used.

                                            Liese, in order to make a placemat or a tablecloth, you can simply add a new layer, make a rectangular selection and fill with a color or a pattern you can find in the Materials palette, under the Patterns tab. And yes, you posted your work correctly.

                                            Mary, this is project #1, correct? Your arrangement for the project is great. If you were to add some shadows, it would give a more 3D look. Give it a try since you must still have the .pspimage format, right?

                                            Corrie, as a first project, it is a great start. And even if you are starting late, it is ok. You still have a whole week before the end so you will have plenty of time to catch up. And yes, with this Covid-19 situation, it is a good time to stay home, stay indoors and enjoy this new hobby.

                                            Sharon, this is a fun story. Have you considered adding that to your project? Such stories make the whole layout even more interesting than photos alone can. And thanks for the welcome in the grandma club! 🙂

                                            Watch out for the next project, #3, tomorrow.

                                            And if you are still just lurking, come on and join. It is not too late!

                                              • 13
                                              • Rookie

                                              Here I am again.  The paper used is my own.  I colorized the glitter to match my Mom’s green blouse.

                                              I am a minimalist in scrapbooking much of the time and it looks like it is transferring to digital as well.

                                                • 17
                                                • Rookie

                                                Here is Project #2 from me on Day 5.

                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  And here is my project #2. I am catching up, as the Netherlands are almost in lock down since this evening. So no going out for a coffee or a meeting etc. The shops are still open but the mall is very empty without many people. Its has a strange atmospher.

                                                  You asked: what did I learn sofar and the best tip for me was to uncheck the Tabbed Documents. The shortcuts come in handy and I assume they are always the same for every thing you do in Paintshop. I am beginning to like this. Tomorrow  hopefully the next project!

                                                    • 17
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    Here is Project #3 from me on Day 7.

                                                      • 252
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Hi, Here is my project for day 6/7

                                                      have used rush ranch papers and elements except for my country’s map of course.
                                                      What an unexpected fun day meeting up with friends at Oamaru on the Otago coast.  There they have a Historic Precinct with old whitestone buildings, some are retail some are like museums.  They are the Steam Punk, and penny Farthings capital of NZ.  There is also a penguin colony. So much to see.

                                                        • 2522
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Jackie, minimalism is definitely one style you can have. And the fun thing with digital scrapbooking, is that you can always TRY to add more and remove them if you don’t like the result: no glue residue!

                                                        Lee, that is a nice background that you used! I hope you have a copy for yourself without the faces covered! For the beads, I think that a shadow with a smaller offset might look more realistic. Your current shadow seems to make the beads float a bit off the paper. For your project 3, you seem to be getting more and more comfortable with the tools!

                                                        Corrie, glad to hear about what you learned so far. I hope you are staying safe, and yes, indulge yourself in PSP’ing!

                                                        Shirley, what a fun adventure you had. Those photos are really making me smile!

                                                        Now that the weekend is over, you have another day to work on the first three projects if you have not completed them yet.

                                                        Annie Tobin
                                                          • 2938
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Project #3.  I used the scrapkit “The Good Life August 2019” from Pixel Scrapper.  The glitter was made following Cassel’s tutorial and the fish element was made following Cassel’s Stencil tutorial.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                                                          Definitely some great work showing up here.  Keep the lovely work coming my friends … we need some comfort from the global crisis … 🙁

                                                          trish williams
                                                            • 805
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            This is my project 3 , lost count of the day, had such a shock turning on my comp. Someone had taken all my photos , the projects I was working on, the tag I have made for this bootcamp and some new kits I had just bought, plus an old photo of my mum and the tag I was making her for mothers day, Im scared to look any deeper.
                                                            These are some photo taken in 2013 in Hastings, they are of the lift from the beach level where all the fishing boats are of the lift and part of the paneramic  view you get from the top of the lift.
                                                            I chose to use various glitters for all the pages, representing the sea.  the elements are old ones from my stock, font is corseva and embassed black wide, the glimpse of the tappestry of william the conquer I found in images x

                                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                                              • 1047
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Project 3 – We were in Arizona since Christmas and didn’t see a drop of rain. All the rivers were dry and plants were pretty much brown. Then we had a few days of stormy weather and all of a sudden the rivers came alive and over shot their banks…nature is amazing.

                                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                                • 1047
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Love your fishing excursion. Goin’ South to avoid the snow! We go south and west to avoid the snow!  🙂

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