
Bootcamp – January 2022

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Bootcamp – January 2022


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    Susan Ewart
      • 763
      • Superfan

      Here is Day 3 Project 1.  The back ground is a PSP gradient to match Mother Nature’s gradient in the photo.  the acorns, leaves and owl (that I put there because it was so cute) came from  the strip is  a flood filled strip from one of the colors in the layout.  The font is DeArloy from Creative Fabrica.  The photo is mine.


      Anne Lamp
        • 320
        • Enthusiast

        This little lady made herself at home in the bushes by the pond at our Church.

          • 335
          • Enthusiast

          here is my result – all made by myself 🙂

            • 335
            • Enthusiast

            Marie-Claire – Your page is so cute – I like dogs, too 🙂

            Mary Solaas
              • 555
              • Enthusiast

              I’m going with places I’ve been.

              The birds are from NicePng.  The fonts for the title are: Amazone BT, Arial Black, AR JULIAN.  The papers are mine.  Love seeing what every one has posted – so many different interesting ideas.

                • 107
                • Junior

                I thought I’d use photos from a place I used to visit a lot – Fountains Abbey. This is my very first digital scrapbook page!

                  • 57
                  • Junior

                  I am very impressed by the beautiful work that I see for Day 3 Project 1. It both encourages and scares me.

                  Gerry Landreth
                    • 173
                    • Junior

                    Randy – I had the same reaction when I participated in Boot Camp two years ago. It was my first and I felt lost. This series focuses on the basics to help you get more comfortable. Approach the projects with that in mind and you will be fine.

                    BTW – I’m still in awe of the work of the more experienced participants. This time around, I admire it and take notes of ideas I might try another time.

                      • 2522
                      • Superfan

                      Perry, looking forward to see that photo in a project.

                      Mary, would you share your fries? They look delicious!

                      Ann, great layout. To help save some work on the threaded string, you can check the interlacing technique in this tutorial.

                      Linda, you can definitely rearrange a scrapbook page to fit your printer. Many scrappers do that.

                      Gregory, you have a great start for your scrapbook project. I would suggest reducing the offset of your shadows at least by half because it gives the impression that your elements are very thick or even floating above the paper. (sorry but I am a bit picky about shadows!) Did you fix the issue you had with the Pick tool?

                      Susan, beautiful photo and layout. I see that you are already comfortable with your shadows. Keep it up!

                      Anne, that will be quite a few little ducklings soon! Could you remove the confetti that are covering the text under the photo? It would make it easier to read.

                      Pirkko, that is a beautiful flower. Why not move the glass a little away so it does not cover the flower?

                      Mary, great use of the colored title. I see the little birds overlapping the paper edge on the top right. Maybe you would want to move them so they don’t appear overlapping two surfaces. You could put them on the paper or even on the corner of the photo itself.

                      Sharla, great montage. Your shadows are perfectly applied. If I could suggest something is to offset your photo a tiny bit from the strip of paper so we can clearly see the layering. You could move it a little bit toward the right or the left. Both would work well.

                      Randy, take the inspiration from everyone else. Just follow the steps, one at a time and it will work out. Although I give feedback for all the projects, I only aim to help everyone.

                      Although you should get the second project tomorrow, don’t worry if you have not finished the first one. You will have plenty of time to catch up, so if you have not posted yet, we are waiting for your projects.

                      Mary Solaas
                        • 555
                        • Enthusiast

                        Yes, Carole – I really wasn’t happy with the birds “stamped” on the 2 layers of paper.  Thanks.  I went back and changed it to 1 bird and moved the picture down a bit so that the stamped bird was only on the cream layer.


                          • 335
                          • Enthusiast

                          Carole  … Better now ?   🙂

                            • 335
                            • Enthusiast

                            Sharla Race – Your page is so elegant – I like it very much

                              • 108
                              • Junior

                              Ugh I went off the page and lost what I was posting.  Also for the first time ever I was not able to save as a pspimage for some reason (I kept getting an error msg)  – fortunately jpg was ok.

                              Love the amazing and creative pages being posted.  My notebook is getting full of inspirational ideas and suggested tweaks for improvement

                              The butterflies are from various, bee – Crazy Spring Beetles, sprinkles – Captivating Nights,  background paper – Blissful Butterflies, fonts Academy Engraved and Arial – the rest mine.

                              On tour – walk out the front door and look left and there is the magnificent hibiscus.  They can be messy but so pretty.

                              Gregory Knopp
                                • 15
                                • Rookie

                                Hi Cassel and Linda

                                thanks for the ideas. I will try them next time I am using PSP.

                                Theresa Di Cesare
                                  • 37
                                  • Rookie



                                  It’s great seeing everyone’s creations 🙂

                                  A little behind with the Projects but have done Day 2 with the table and sandwich 🙂

                                  Added tea to the cup and turned it around as I like the handle on the right… As for a sandwich, layering a digital one is just as important as doing a real one… lettuce first, on top of bread, followed by tomatoes, onion and pickle… and then the meat, direct in the centre if its a round slice. Then reverse the bottom layers so that the 2nd piece of lettuce is beneath the top slice…


                                  I’m feeling hungry now 😉 🙂

                                  Diane Lochala
                                    • 30
                                    • Rookie

                                    Day 5 Project: Outdoor Adventures

                                    Thank you to Pixel Scrapper Blog/ The Curio Pantry for the freebies to help in this project.Outdoor Adventures Birdwatching and Hiking

                                    Peter Sherrill
                                      • 27
                                      • Rookie

                                      Project 2:  Still hit a few bumps in the road, but not as many as last year.  A great refresher and a satisfying project.

                                        • 367
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        Carol, thanks for the compliments on my dog.

                                        Day 5, project 2

                                        This is a holiday photo from 2017, together with our friends on holiday in Austria. They have 2 Scottish Collies, one is my dog’s brother. Before there was corona, we went for a walk with the dogs every day. The brothers have seen each other every day for 4 years. Due to the restrictions, they now see each other less and we see our friends less.

                                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Marie-Claire.
                                        Jeff Negrey
                                          • 8
                                          • Rookie


                                          I’m using PSP2022.  I like the darker colors for all the parts of PSP that I can set.  I only keep the Materials and Layers windows open, as well as the full tool bar.  I have yet to decide on photo, depending on the subject matter I plan to make.

                                          Ann Seeber
                                            • 1372
                                            • Superfan

                                            Here is the next Bootcamp project, Adventure-Logan-Bear Hug! My great-grandson Logan will turn one on Feb. 6. His gender reveal party was invaded by a real, live, young black bear so we use that as his totem. Papers from my stash; Cardinal is clipart from Corel, bears are from NicePNG, Logan’s name is in Vladimir Script and the heading is Ravie font.

                                            Jeff Negrey
                                              • 8
                                              • Rookie

                                              Well here is my sandwich and table.  For me it isn’t a sandwich without mustard and pepper.

                                              Liz Kershaw
                                                • 81
                                                • Junior

                                                Hi Cassel

                                                I have fixed it now i think


                                                Mary Solaas
                                                  • 555
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  Oh, my!  Everything posted today looks wonderful.  Liz – now I see why you mentioned mermaids!!  Like your posting.

                                                  This is my Project 2.  The adventure was a trip we took in 2008.  All the papers are mine, the font is CooperBlkOul BT for the title and of course Arial Black for the narratives.  Oh, and the elements are mine also.  Love working through the labs – Carole has so much to teach us!  Thank you, Carole.

                                                  Theresa Di Cesare
                                                    • 37
                                                    • Rookie

                                                    Day 3

                                                    The Moon picture is mine which I took on Monday 17th, and the pic of the wolf is from FREEpng’s. I added a picture frame from PSP 2022 and also edited the edges slightly with the push setting on the warp brush. The background is from a set I bought from Etsy. A simple title and a font from PSP 2022 – Monotype Corsiva.

                                                      • 27
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      I can’t find the Bootcamp Posts for Day 5 Project 3 (including the Sandwich). When I put in Bootcamp Day 5 I got last years posts so will you please put in the link of where to go to post on the Project Day’s Directions. I had to change the Tag Below to Day 5 so I hope it goes to the right place!

                                                      I think there are glitches in PSP 2022. I sent screen prints to your email with the problems I am finding. Very frustrated today!


                                                      cindy harris
                                                        • 449
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Hi Everyone’s work is so good

                                                        I’ve started but my eyes aren’t working with me maybe I can get my work uploaded tomorrow I hope.   I have a bad uti and covid very sick.    hugs to all  I am so confused I wasn’t even on the sandwich but a whole different lesson 🙁

                                                          • 2522
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Mary, it is amazing the tiny change can make such a difference! You did a great match of the color of the papers with the colors in your photo.

                                                          Pirkko, yes, now we can appreciate the beautiful flowers.

                                                          Euka, glad to read that you take notes of all suggestions, even if they are not directed at your projects. That is what I hope! I wonder what kind of error you get when trying to save in .pspimage format. Do you remember?

                                                          Theresa, happy to see your sandwich. I see you are right-handed too! That is a great background paper for your moon photo. Very matching. Thanks for sharing where you got it.

                                                          Diane, yes, PixelScrapper is a great resource for scrapbook supplies! You are doing great with the shadows.

                                                          Peter, happy to see it as a refresher. If I could offer one suggestion, it would be to move the text slightly off the paper so it would not overlap two surfaces. If you were to write on a traditional paper scrapbook page, you would not write something overlapping like that.

                                                          Marie-Claire, I would repeat the exact same suggestion as I did to Peter, above. Move the text slightly to the right so the tail of the “y” does not touch the paper.

                                                          Ann, I hope you will document that story somewhere!!!

                                                          Jeff, I see you also added a  napkin too. Great start!

                                                          Liz, yes, I see that the paper is back in place.

                                                          Gramie, isn’t the link to the forum thread on every page of the Bootcamp? Unless I had missed updating one? I like how you played with the shadows for the icicles.

                                                          Cindy, did you get all the emails or maybe some were lost or sent to your spam folder?

                                                          Ann Seeber
                                                            • 1372
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Cassel/Carole: Here’s our bear story. I did scrap it last year.

                                                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Ann Seeber.
                                                            Linda J Walker
                                                              • 142
                                                              • Junior

                                                              Day 5, staying with the winter theme, because it is cold today! This female red bellied woodpecker has been around daily. I keep looking for a male, but have not seen one.

                                                              I adjusted the page size, so I can print it on my printer. Again, not sure I like the shadow on the headline text, I tweeked it a bit, and put it on its own layer so I can delete it easily, if I want. I could not quite get this done yesterday, so I am glad to have 2 days and be able to finish it this morning.


                                                                • 367
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Carole, quite correct, a detail I overlooked.
                                                                I’ve also moved the title slightly to the right.
                                                                thank you.

                                                                • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Marie-Claire.
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