
Basic Scrap Course Module 4-Spring

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Basic Scrap Course Basic Scrap Course Module 4-Spring

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  • #38837
    Dorothy Donn
      • 202
      • Enthusiast

      I did get my shadow presets over from old program and got your presets in as well. It is really interesting the vast changes between setting of 10 years ago vs current. Yes I did play with both and your are a lot better than what I have been using.

      I have always used guides and the snap to guide proceedure. In all honesty,  the first thing I do when starting a new image is determine the exact center by using a horizonal and vertical guide with a little math check tossed into that pot.

      Flip and mirror are lots of fun especially with elements as well as picture tubes I have discoverred. Check light and shadows was entirely new. Just one example why I need your classes.

      So without hesitation allow me to wish you all a very happy Spring!



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