
Basic Course Module 2

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Basic Scrap Course Basic Course Module 2

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  • #45737
    Susie Grant
      • 13
      • Rookie

      It took a long time to find the supplies to finish this one. I am not good at making clusters so will need to do that more often. I have learned so much  about using psp 2020 already. So happy that I found this web site.

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Basic Course Module 2

        Quite a few new techniques with this one. Not sure I understand the Warp Brush yet. I enjoyed making my cluster but my mats/frames were not cooperating very well. I also struggled with shadows on a separate layer with my banner. I didn’t put any shadows on my title because that lettering has it’s own 3-D design.

        This is my great-granddaughter, Magic, again that I featured in the Bootcamp. I was impressed with their photos and it turns out a friend is a professional photographer. Magic is now almost 2 months old but she looked this way at birth. It helped she weighed in at 8 lbs. My other great-granddaughter, Sonya, born July 26 only weighed 4 lbs 8 oz and was stuck in an incubator for 3 weeks while she gained enough weight to go home. She’s now home and eating like a champ!

        Susie Grant
          • 13
          • Rookie

          Beautiful Grand Daughter and a very good job on the graphics.

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