
August TUT/TECH Challenge – Watercolor

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges August TUT/TECH Challenge – Watercolor

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  • #81268
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.

      This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.

      This time, the Tut/Tech Challenge will be to convert a photo to a watercolor design. You can use that technique to create a background for a scrapbook project out of a photo that is imperfect, or you can use it to showcase a photo on its own. You can follow the tutorial in this blot post to help.

      Show us what you learned.

      Susan Ewart
        • 763
        • Superfan

        This is so cool!  I have never done this or even imported brushes before.  This tutorial had all the instructions needed and a place to get brushes to import.  Fabulous!  I didn’t know where the Edge smoothing effect was but found it and did it at 30.  I don’t know what that effect does or if it did anything at all but I’ll keep doing it “just in case”. ?  I love this painterly effect.   I put it on a white background.

        I put a textured background on it and added a title.  The texture will probably be lost in this smaller format.  I was looking for a sort of watercolor paper texture.  Wish they had thin the texture effects. the font is Romantic Serif from Creative Fabrica.

        So, I noticed this on the one I posted to FB.  Carole, if you look at space between the N and I in the one called “resize” and the one called “-600” you will see the “resized” one is farther away.  I made no changes to the kerning and the psp version is closer together.  Do you know why it did that.  I went back to fix the spacing and saw the psp version was fine as was the full size jpg version.  I resaved the smaller size and it is closer.  very weird.


        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Susan Ewart.
        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Susan Ewart.
        Mary Solaas
          • 555
          • Enthusiast

          Susan that is real cool. I read the tutorial and downloaded it. I do have some watercolor brushes that I got as freebies from Creative Fabrica sometime ago. Might try them out on a photo before I leave on my September travels. Like what you do. This photo reminds me of when my husband and I used to go fishing.

          Susan Ewart
            • 763
            • Superfan

            Thank you Mary.  The photo does have that early morning (it was early) just-setting-out-on-the-lake feel doesn’t it.  I love that early morning quiet.  I think the watercolor effect has a lot to do with it.   This technique makes even a beginner like me look like I’ve done something complicated.  Have fun on your travels, I’ll look forward to the layouts you create upon your return.

            cindy harris
              • 449
              • Enthusiast

                 Hi Does any one know when the Title work psp  word follow up  will be up? thank You… in


              master class.

                • 2522
                • Superfan

                Cindy, if you mean the written document, I uploaded it just a few hours ago.

                Rene Marker
                  • 204
                  • Enthusiast

                  Carole, it still says “Do Not Download Yet” for the pdf document for Title Work 3. But when I hover over the graphic, it shows that there is a zip file available… but it is for Food For Thought 2. I’ve also been wanting to download it so have been looking for it.

                    • 2522
                    • Superfan

                    It should be there now.

                    Corrie Kinkel
                      • 1078
                      • Superfan

                      Yes I just downloaded it because I was waiting to do so too. I’m very happy with it, I loved that masterclass!

                      Corrie Kinkel
                        • 1078
                        • Superfan

                        Carole I have a problem with the watercolor brushes. I  am working on a photo and my watercolorbrush stays the same it doesn’t  rotate! All the settings are as in the TUT including those for the brush varience. I have checked and checked but I cann’t find what I’m doing wrong. I included a screenshot in the hope that it is big enough for you to see. So please help.

                          • 367
                          • Enthusiast

                          I think the photo of Susan turned out much better. Nicely done Susan!

                          I applied the Edge Preserving Smooth effect on my photo for the water color several times, but I am not completely satisfied with my result.
                          For the bottom photos I used the script lifted photo from Carole.
                          The texts are alphas that I once downloaded as a freebee, and colored them in.

                            • 2522
                            • Superfan

                            Corrie, what makes you think that the brush does not rotate? The preview? If you are to use black, on a white image, and click ONCE, then move somewhere else and click ONCE, are they exactly in the same angle?

                            Julie Magerka
                              • 144
                              • Junior

                              This is what I did with the watercolor technique. Nothing too fancy, just a photo of my boy in the grass on a hot day.

                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Julie Magerka.
                              Susan Ewart
                                • 763
                                • Superfan

                                Thank you so much Marie-Claire. I think it turned out because I didnt really know what I was doing, crazily clicking away.  We’ll call it a happy accident.  Hope I can replicate it again.  Yours and Julie’s are beautiful.  It’s such a cool effect.  I never tire of seeing pets either.  Love that sun streak Julie.


                                Susan Ewart
                                  • 763
                                  • Superfan

                                  I too didn’t think mine choice of brush was rotating.  I checked the setting too, but figured it was something I was doing to make it seem that way.  I cant remember if I was clicking and stopping or clicking and moving the mouse, probably a bit of both.  I did go back and click here and there to fill in some spots.  I got luck in how it turned out.

                                    • 335
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    I put my Oleander 🙂

                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                      • 1078
                                      • Superfan

                                      Good morning Carole and seeing a black brush on a white surface I know understand why I thought the brush wasn’t rotating. The brush do rotate but only on the paper while it keeps its original form that I choose and that let me think it didn’t rotate. Being a watercolor brush on the checkerboard I simply couldn’t see it clearly. Thank you for answering a “stupid” question!

                                      See you in the workshop

                                      Julie Magerka
                                        • 144
                                        • Junior

                                        Such fun projects! And everything so individual and creative. Love it.

                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                          • 1078
                                          • Superfan

                                          I know now that the watercolorbrushes did work and I finished it. I put a simple background behind from 2 papers blended together with the blend mode set to burn and a low opacity. Plus the name of the lake.

                                          Joyce Nease
                                            • 40
                                            • Rookie

                                            This is my current project.  Using the watercolor technique, I’m making some pages to use as ‘title pages’ in a video with Corel Video Studio.  The video is a collection of clips from my 8th grade grandson’s football games.  I took snapshots from the clips to highlight in the title pages.  Some I will use the Title 3 workshop skills I learned and some I will just use my pages as backgrounds for animated titles in Video Studio.  I just started the pages today, but I think it will work very well.  By the way, in this picture, he had played almost the whole game with the temperature at game time hitting 102 degrees!  I might add the look of sweat drops around the edges.  Does that sound gross?

                                            Susan Ewart
                                              • 763
                                              • Superfan

                                              Corrie, that is really pretty.

                                              Joyce, I dont think it’s gross.  You need to convey in someway how hot it was.  And you often see sweat drops on graphics to show heat or fear. Otherwise the viewer would never have known how hot it was.

                                              Joyce Nease
                                                • 40
                                                • Rookie

                                                Thank you, Susan!  I agree!  I need to show how hot it was!

                                                  • 108
                                                  • Junior

                                                  I love this tree and have taken many photos of it – I added a canvas background which doesn’t quite show on a reduced image and it seemed to need a frame, this is one that came with Paintshop.   I might try again with a different brush.

                                                  Great work on the Story Time challenges! They make interesting reading and feelings of happiness and sadness and a  way to relive and remember.   It has always been interesting to follow the Pickleball games posts and now to finally get an up close and personal story from the Pickleball itself was a great read!


                                                    • 1424
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Really beautiful stuff, everyone!

                                                    Susan Ewart
                                                      • 763
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Beautiful Euka!

                                                      Sue Thomas
                                                        • 1598
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        The laptop I’m using doesn’t have all of my recourses installed.  So it’s a pretty basic layout. I used a brush which  I already had installed, and a photo I took off my camera.  The depth of field isn’t to much, ideal to give that all round dreamy effect, whilst still focusing on the butterfly and the  Alf Alfa flower it is on.

                                                          • 335
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Sue – so beautiful

                                                          Sue Thomas
                                                            • 1598
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Pirkko, thank you for your kind words.  I haven’t had the time to scroll through the challenges, but I see, today, the campus is  extremely busy, so much creativity being displayed, by everyone.  Fantastic work, ladies and gentlemen!

                                                            Anne Lamp
                                                              • 320
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              This was created from a screenshot from an Explore live Osprey cam. I had fun playing with it. This is one of this years fledglings flying off the perch (not it’s first flight) One thing I did do was activate the original layer at the back and reduced it opacity wayyy down to just fill in some of the areas that I had not brushed in instead of leaving that part white.

                                                              Mary Solaas
                                                                • 555
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                You all are so inspiring that I just had to try my hand at this. Explained in the What are you working on forum that I had trouble at first with it, but I got an answer from Carole and I muddled through to finish up with this.

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