
August Theme Challenge – HOBBIES

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges August Theme Challenge – HOBBIES

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  • #60244
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      So many things can be hobbies, whether they are craft-related, technology-related, activity-related, and more. This will be a perfect opportunity to share with us, your hobbies. Of course, you use PSP as one of them, right? but what else? Photography? Dance? Cooking? Genealogy? If you have a hobby, you sure can talk about it and find pictures for it, so I expect we will have lots of projects posted this month!

      Let’s go!

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Hello Scrapbook Campers.  I have a few hobbies so have listed 2 with this one.  The layout is from my own template.  The corner cluster is by Marisa Lerin from PixelScrappers.  The hen is a tube from toppng.  Background papers are my own.  The font used for the title is Planet Benson 2 and for the journaling Ossellany Script.  The photo is a freebie off the web.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

        Sue Thomas
          • 1598
          • Superfan

          That was quick Annie,  I love the layout, and the colours, which enhances the  photo.   You could almost be self sufficient.  There isn’t anything nicer than   cooking veggies straight from the garden, the flavour is  far superior to bought produce, and then you have free range eggs.  Two very practical hobbies to have.  I spell veggies with two g’s, I would have thought the Australians would spell it the same as us in the UK.   The Canadians don’t refer to vegetables as veggies, as we do.  Nor do they refer to it as a veggie patch, but as a garden.  To me a garden has a lawn and  flower beds.  To Canadians they refer to a garden as a  yard.

          Corrie Kinkel
            • 1078
            • Superfan

            As most of you know by now I love taking photos of flowers, but I decided to set another hobby in the spotlights. I have been making lace for many years until my hands didn’t cooperate any longer. If you are making lace you have to keep a constant tension on the bobbins otherwise the lace becomes uneven and wobbly. So I stopped and sold all my materials!

            This hobby theme is a nice way to show you some of the things a made and tell something about the history of lacemaking. The background is made by 2 lacepapers I found on Pixelscrapper and by using a blendmode; the lace doily is from Pixelscrapper too. The photo of the painting and  the bobbins I found on the internet. The 2 lace photos show my own work. Furthermore I made a flairbutton with my own lace and a clapperboard. I used a template by AntebellumPress as an idea to make this page.

            Annie, nice garden of yours, I hope you enjoy the eggs!

            Corrie Kinkel
              • 1078
              • Superfan

              I see now, always to late, that I have a typo on the name of the painter Rembrandt van Rijn. Before I post this on Facebook I’ll correct this, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I go to bed now.

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                Thanks dear Sue, very much appreciated my friend. Australians are very laid back, even with out language, hence the single g in vegies, lol! I expect though that some of us would use the gg. Here in the land of Oz you either have a vegetable patch, herb garden or flower garden. Lawns are grass that you have to mow … yuck! We also refer to the outside of the house as the yard and the backyard is where we have our barbies! Languages are such a peculiar thing and even though we are english speaking countries we all have our peculiarities and I dare say that would be the same worldwide. ;D

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Dear Corrie you have created a beautiful page. Your lacework is truly beautiful and a beloved keepsake. I enjoyed reading about the history of lacemaking … very interesting. Like yourself my handwork (crochet) has had to be put on the shelf because age has claimed the nimbleness I once had. But, I enjoy my graphic artistry so just another change we all must get used to. Lovely page and work my friend. Oh, and we do enjoy the eggs! ;D

                  Ann Seeber
                    • 1372
                    • Superfan

                    Annie: So nice to have a veggie garden and hens for eggs. In my first veggie garden I was overwhelmed with cucumbers! I never had hens but three gifted ducklings turned into good layers. We enjoyed duck eggs, larger and richer than chicken eggs. One thing I don’t follow. You said ” The hen is a tube from toppng.” What does that mean? Your layout is very pleasing!

                    Corrie: What beautiful lacework you created! I never did much in that line but my mother was big on crochet. Yes, thank goodness for digital graphics; a lot easier on these elderly fingers. While you are fixing Rembrandt’s name check the last line and fix the word “contemporary.”

                    Anne Lamp
                      • 320
                      • Enthusiast

                      Corrie – What lovely lace.and a well presented page. I haven’t started on it yet, but I have decided to use Tatting as my theme. I tat like heck for a while and then put it away sometime for years in between and have to get out my how to book to remember how to do some of it. It has been a while since I have done any and have been thinking about trying it again to see my my hands will be up to it.

                      Sue Thomas
                        • 1598
                        • Superfan

                        Anne, I haven’t done tatting for years. I went twice a month to a a ladies tatting guild in our village, they were so much older than me, and extremely experienced at tatting, They taught me so much about tatting.

                          • 367
                          • Enthusiast

                          Crochet is one of my hobbies.
                          Besides going out into nature with my dog and photographing flora and fauna, I crochet or knit. Also puzzling (1000 piece jigsaw puzzles), and of course working with paintshop Pro. Between these hobbies I also read books.

                          With this page I show some shawls I made.
                          As always I struggle with the shadows.

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Beautiful shawls Marie-Claire. Have you registered for the webinar this coming Sunday. It should be very helpful as the subject matter is shadows. I think a lot of us struggle with that. Cassel has a tutorial for laser cut doilies and in that she has included a shadow for that ‘holey’ kind of work … perhaps that would suit your shawls better. You are definitely not alone with your concerns. Well done on your page Hon. ;D

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Ann, so glad you liked the page my friend. topPNG is a free image site most of which are png and transparent background … tube. They have some terrific images and it can save you time spent extracting in PSP. Just type into the google search bar and it comes up immediately. Have fun exploring my friend. ;D

                              Ann Seeber
                                • 1372
                                • Superfan

                                Annie: Thanks for the reference. I went there and already downloaded two flocks of flying birds! I also use, in case you need more resources.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Happy to be of service Ann and thank you for the pngtree tip. ;D

                                  Ann Seeber
                                    • 1372
                                    • Superfan

                                    I felt sort of stuck for a topic for hobbies as I’ve illustrated almost all of them here already. I’ve done my cats and tropical fish, my wild birds and other wildlife. I finally decided to do my favorite music of all time, the iconic Freddie Mercury and Queen.

                                    Template from cass; images I’ve collected through the years, background is gold glitter, round frame from Pixelscrappers.

                                    Annie Tobin
                                      • 2938
                                      • Superfan

                                      Oh Yeah! A fantastic tribute to the man, well done Ann, I love it my friend. ;D

                                      Art Kuiper
                                        • 47
                                        • Rookie

                                        Hello All,  It been a while since I contributed anything to the forums, but the hobby challenge got me going again. The COVID thing made it so that I could not get out much and so I haven’t taken many new pictures. This challenge however allowed me to go to my stored pictures and share my passion for birdwatching. The sandhill crane lives at a bird sanctuary in my neighbourhood and is in its colourful mating plumage. The sea eagle was seen in Australia during a boat trip and the guide was throwing small fish in the air for the eagle to catch.

                                        Let’s go Birding!


                                          • 1424
                                          • Superfan

                                          I am absolutely loving all of your hobbies and your presentations of them. Fantastic!

                                            • 1558
                                            • Superfan

                                            Annie, very nice layout… Is there a time when your “helpers”  overwork and eat all the vegetables?  : )

                                            Corrie, Marie-Claire, Ann, and Art Kuiper, lovely layouts to showcase your hobbies.

                                            Well done, everyone!

                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              A lovely page Art and very nice photography. Well done my friend. 😉

                                                • 367
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Thank you Annie, I registered for the webinar on shadows, but it’s late here in Belgium when it goes on and so wasn’t live, today I saw the replay, and I’m glad there’s another part 2 coming.
                                                Thanks for the tip from the tutorial for laser cut doilies, I’ll look it up

                                                Thank you Cristina.

                                                Art Kuiper
                                                  • 47
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Thank you all for your nice comments on my photos. It really spurred me on to share another hobby I enjoy. During the colder months I like to do some indoor hobbies and as you can see it relates to sewing. A trade I learned from my dad.

                                                  As a challenge within this challenge, I invite you to guess where I live from the hangings in this picture.


                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Art: That is a most interesting design. If you don’t mind a suggestion; I would twist the hanging at the bottom to the right, so the right edge is lower than the left; the opposite of the red one just above it.

                                                    Now if I had to guess where you live I’d say in Canada based on the maple leaf but not sure exactly where?

                                                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Ann Seeber.
                                                    Annie Tobin
                                                      • 2938
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      I love this page Art, my kinda scrapbook page. I would probbly go with Ann’s suggestion but only because we are a pair of ‘twisted’ women, lol! ;D

                                                      Sue Thomas
                                                        • 1598
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Great page Art, you put a lot of work into it. It would have to be Canada, I see orca whales in the page, so I’ll say you are out in BC. As I’ve seen orca whales, many years ago when I visited Vancouver Island.

                                                          • 1558
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Art, another great page to showcase your other hobby. Well done.

                                                          Art Kuiper
                                                            • 47
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Thank you all, Ann, Annie, Sue and Cristina for your comments and suggestions. I appreciate the feedback.

                                                            And congratulations to Sue for guessing correctly. I do indeed live in British Columbia, Canada.

                                                            Ann Seeber
                                                              • 1372
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Showcasing my hobby of reading books. I used cass-bookshelves, I extracted the girl and her pile of books from an illustration for Book Week using the selection brush, the trees and bushes are tubes, the paper was from the Animal Kingdom kit, the background and title are colored with a rainbow gradient. The photo is from HViP and the white photo frame and the sky/clouds are both PSP Picture Frames.

                                                              Edit: I forgot to mention the title font is Georgina.

                                                              Annie Tobin
                                                                • 2938
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                A truly delightful page Ann. Rather whimsical in it’s own way, well done my friend, I love it. ;D

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