
August Theme Challenge – CIRCUS

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges August Theme Challenge – CIRCUS

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  • #20480
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Do you have photos of circus, either photos of the acts OR photos of yourself, friends or family members enjoying time at the circus? It is time to show them off. If you have an older project, you can still show it off!

      One interesting thing I wanted to share is that for me, circus meant that tent with various acts with clowns, acrobats, animals, etc. And when I moved to New-Brunswick, kids would say “the circus is in town this week”, and I learned that the fair (with the rides, attractions, Ferris wheels, Merry-go-Rounds and such) was typically called “circus” here. Interesting to realize that the same word might mean something different in different places!

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Hello Scrapbook Campus Friends.  This is my first effort for the circus challenge.  All original here except for the big top photos which I snagged from the web.  Thanks for takin a peek!

        Annie Tobin
          • 2938
          • Superfan

          Hi Scrapbook Campus.  Another for the circus challenge.  The layout is by Carolyn Johnson and I found it in Lab 6 – Module 10 – Experiment 2 – Slide Frames.  The 2 photos were freebies off the web and the alpha is a freebie from Digi Delights – Kristin Aagard Designs – Carnival (Marquee Alpha).  The frames were such fun to make, the tubes and graphics were also freebies off the web and the paper was from a Scrapbook Campus tut.  Thanks for this experiment challenge Cassel, I love it.  Thanks for takin a peek.

            • 858
            • Superfan

            both pages look terrific Annie…well done!

            best wishes,


            Annie Tobin
              • 2938
              • Superfan

              You are a champion Dawn, thank you so much my friend.  <3

                • 1558
                • Superfan

                Annie, only today I saw your layouts. They are both great, so many techniques!… I like the cluster 🙂  Good job!

                Annie Tobin
                  • 2938
                  • Superfan

                  Hello Scrapbook Campus.  I used the layout by Phellewell for this one – Lab 6 – Module 10.  The pictures used are from a collection of google images under the search surreal circus.  Elements were created by me from tuts on Scrapbook Campus.  The alpha is a freebie by Violet Irisovna – Bright Days Scribble Alpha.  Thanks for takin a peek.

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    Thanks dear Cristina. Sometimes I get so caught up in the lessons and then I forget to put a page together and post! Does this happen to you? LOL! <3

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      I agree Cassel. Here in Australia a circus is an event that happens all within the enclosure of a tent whilst a fair/show/carnival is where you walk around, play games, take joy rides, eat lots of calorific food etcetera. These days I think the term is fairly broad but for me … circus = tent, clowns, acrobatics. 🙂 <3

                        • 858
                        • Superfan

                        Annie another beautiful page!.. you do very creative  projects… well done!… places like unsplash and pixabay are great for free photos to use when we don’t have any ourselves…. I have never been to a circus.. the nearest I have got is the Brisbane Ekka many years ago .


                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Thank you dear Dawn, you are very kind. And … another thank you for the tips about the photo sites. I have visited them and joined and they are beautiful, much appreciated my friend. I stopped going to circuses a long time ago because I couldn’t stand to see the caged animals. Lions and Tigers de-clawed … aaarrgh, human beings have a lot to answer for. I am a real animal lover but … I am not a vegetarian. Sometimes I just cannot figure my own hypocrisy … blinkers and head in the sand type of gal … I think I too will have a lot to answer for!!! <3

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Hello Scrapbook Campus.  I had spent about 5 minutes writing up a nice little story about the creation of this scrapbook page when POOF!  the whole lot disappeared from my eyes … go figure!  Anyway I am really tired now and sulking, of course, so I appreciate your taking a peek and should you wish to know anything about this creation please don’t hesitate to ask.  <3


                              • 1558
                              • Superfan

                              Hi Annie, these layouts are really beautiful!! I love your work. <3

                              I also love Cassel’s tutorials and they were the reason for me to join the Campus and stay… And I’m still loving them… I don’t forget to create a page because I always want to practice the technique I’ve learned and Cassel’s challenges give me this opportunity… I said it before, I would not have that many layouts if were not for the challenges.

                              It happened to me once, I wrote a long comment, explaining what I did, the page closed and so my comment 🙁 … It was late and I was tired, so I only post a very short version… no explanations lol

                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                Thanks Cristina, I so appreciate your comments my friend.  Like yourself I love Cassel’s tutorials, they are so user friendly.  I’ve got some catch up work to do as I have finished the Lab tuts (to date) but have not done a page to show off the techniques since completing Lab 6.  I have been busy doing the scripting tutorials which I purchased about a month ago … a little bit of a challenge but again so very user friendly.  Not sure that I am going to be any sort of champion with creating my own scripts but at least I shall have a good grasp of the concept and may be able to fix any errors should I encounter them … or not, LOL!  <3

                                DeLoris Musick
                                  • 264
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  I made this page even though it has been decades since I’ve been to a circus.  They never have them here any longer which is good for the animals.  But, I wanted to make something, so I found the picture online.



                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    Wonderful job DeLoris. Fantastic pic, makes such a fun page. Love your work Hon. <3

                                    DeLoris Musick
                                      • 264
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Thank you Annie!  I love yours too!  It was fun looking at everyone’s Circus pages.  Such unique styles!



                                        • 858
                                        • Superfan

                                        Hello Annie you have created another lovely page.

                                        Deloris your circus time page is very colourful  … great effect.

                                        well done to you both.


                                        DeLoris Musick
                                          • 264
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Thank you April!  That was a hoot to do!



                                          Annie Tobin
                                            • 2938
                                            • Superfan

                                            Thanks dear Dawn, always appreciated your comments my friend.  <3

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