
Airbrushed Paper

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  • Author
  • #83208
    Brian Dowling
      • 29
      • Rookie

      These papers were made featuring the ‘Airbrushed Papers’ script.  They were made easily and give a lovely effect.  I used 3600 x 3600 and, on the prompt, selected my website colours: green, white and yellow (gold-ish).  The script allows for additional ‘passes’ and both of the attached were passed through the script twice.

        • 2522
        • Superfan

        It is so easy to use this script and then to tweak it as you wish, with more or less blur, additional textures, or even a colored overlay. And you get something different every time!

          • 199
          • Junior

          Nice! It looks like the yellow one has a little bokeh effect going on, too! Veddy nice!

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