
A Gilded Cage

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  • #17933
    Annette Rhodes
      • 1
      • Rookie

      Hi All,  I am not new to the campus, but am a novice at posting anything, so hope I can get this right!  I had so much fun with the birdcage preset shape that Cassel shared with us, that I just wanted to share what I did with it.  I wanted it to look like the parrot was really inside the cage, so – after changing the color with a gold gradient –  I merged the vector group; duplicated that layer; and then added my parrot to an added raster layer that I moved in between the two cage layers.  I then moved the bottom cage layer just slightly offside to show as the “back” of the cage.  Simple.  Then I added the bow just to show-off for myself.  Hope you get a kick out it, as I did.

      And thank you, Cassel, for helping me post this.  Annette

      Sheila Hogg
        • 468
        • Enthusiast

        Great work. love it.


        Sheila x

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