
Reply To: BOOTCAMP January 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP January 2021 Reply To: BOOTCAMP January 2021

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    Lynn, looking forward to your projects.

    Cindy, welcome back. You keep improving with every Bootcamp you join!

    Anthony, welcome to the Campus. This Bootcamp was designed with the very beginners in mind, and if anything is unclear, this is the place to post your questions. I read every post, and respond to every request (although you will see that some members might be faster than I am!)

    Ann S., welcome back! I am sure you will either learn or perfect something else. Looking forward to reading the stories about your family.

    Leslie, welcome back. Yes, with a wider monitor, you have the luxury of space! Maybe some day I will get myself a wider monitor!

    Mary, welcome to the Campus and the Bootcamp. For the size of the images, you can resize to 600 pixels, which will be a little larger when we want to see more of the details of a scrapbook page. As for the Rulers, the numbers are set depending on the unit you chose for your PSP. By default, it might be in Pixels, which would explain what you see. I also use pixels because it is independent of the resolution. You will often hear and read mentions of sizes in pixels, so that is exactly what you see in the Rulers.

    Jennifer, welcome to the Bootcamp. Is that a photo of somewhere you went for vacation?

    Deana, I also agree that the ability to customize one’s workspace is a great feature of PSP!

    Annie T., welcome back. You really enjoy all those challenges and tutorials, don’t you? 🙂

    Clarine, welcome to the Bootcamp. When you join the Beginner’s Workshop, I hope it won’t confuse or overwhelm you as it is a completely separate program on a separate site. Teaching is very different. Let us know if anything gets confusing.

    Annie, I also started with PSP7, many years ago. You are welcome to post in your language, but would you be ok to also copy in English using Google Translate? I know some members can read Dutch, but others can’t. [Ik ben ook vele jaren geleden begonnen met PSP7. U bent van harte welkom om in uw taal te posten, maar zou u ermee akkoord gaan om ook in het Engels te kopiëren met Google Translate? Ik weet dat sommige leden Nederlands kunnen lezen, maar andere niet.]

    Jacques, welcome back. Are you going to make me envious of your nice and warm weather when we battle snow storms here? 😉  For the pdf issue, does it only apply to the blog posts or also with other downloads in the Campus?