Reply To: BOOTCAMP July 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP July 2020 Reply To: BOOTCAMP July 2020

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    Allen, you can probably make a whole album about that trip with a complete section on food and drinks.

    Frances, we will help you all the way through those basic steps so you can get a good foundation. You will see that however powerful PSP can be, it is not that scary (and I love those cats!). What will you drink with your sandwich?

    Monique, I hope you discover the pleasure of doing scrapbooking to showcase your photos and stories. And yes, that sandwich always seems to make us feel hungry (especially looking at all those sandwiches).

    Rita, will we have a whole album about that Greece trip? It will be fantastic to travel along with you.

    Ben, the spoon might be for your coffee, or maybe there is dessert coming?

    Ann, I thought you just preferred whole wheat bread.

    Fay, I am curious; what was that one specific thing that you learned in this lesson?

    Robert, I had never heard of the PICNIC acronym. That is a good one we should remember! Isn’t it amazing how far PSP has come from that first version?

    Amy, since you are at least familiar with PSP and familiar with scrapbooking, you will see how the two together can be so enjoyable and create fantastic showcase pieces. Your son is a cutie! Bon appetit for your sandwich.

    Brad, the Classic Materials palette shows as similar in the main workspace, but it is when you click on the swatch to select a different color that you will see the difference. You can always change it later if you prefer it (especially since I always use that Materials palette). Linking and unlinking are functions of layers: linked layers are like “glued” together so when one moves, the other follows. Are you referring to something I mentioned in the tutorial or something you read/heard somewhere else? in recent versions of PSP, the default resolution was changed to 300. If yours is set to 200, you can change that going to File > Preferences > General Program Preferences and check the Unit tab where you can then change it to 300 ppi.

    Henry, you have a nice tablecloth under that lunch! Did you add some Oreo cookies for dessert?

    Bill, you finally got a nice tablecloth. You can also adjust the Scale value if you want the pattern to be smaller. It all depends on the size of your project and what effect you want to achieve.

    Remember that if you are just starting, you will have plenty of time to catch up. Don’t be shy and post your projects. If you have questions, post them too. I will respond to every one of them.

    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.