Reply To: BOOTCAMP July 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP July 2020 Reply To: BOOTCAMP July 2020

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    I am using this boot camp opportunity to discipline myself to work on a ‘project’ rather than random playing around with images.  I’ve been using PSP since V1.0 when it was owned by JASC and was little more than a bitmap editor.

    I have used ‘dark’ colors for as long as that option has been available (I’m not sure which version that option showed up).

    I do a mix of docking and auto hiding tabs.  The beauty is that you can auto hide some of the tabs, float some of the tabs and auto-hide others.

    In  image area, I use the tabs.  I find I easily ‘lose’ one image behind another.

    I offer this for your consideration of work flow.

    A lot of people open an image and use duplicate layers to work on an image.  Usually, the concept of saving often is critical.  I work on a copy of the image.  That way if I want to use the same image for a different project, I always start from the ‘original.’  This also avoids issues with JPEG artifacts than might show up after multiple saves of an image.

    Cassel requested the images be sized to 600 pixels.  I don’t want to steal Cassel’s thunder.  But if you are truly new to PSP and don’t know how to accomplish this, here’s some help.  (I’m not showing screen shots.  Look around the dialog box that opens.  You should find this task fairly intuitive.)

    Open your image.  Go Image/Resize… in the command list as the start.  In the window (dialog box) that opens select ‘By  Pixels’ (at the top of the window).  Make sure there is a check beside the “Lock aspect ratio”  option near the bottom (ignore the numbers in the box to the side of that option).  In the area that shows “Width” and “Height” change the largest number there to 600 (the other dimension will change proportionally.  Then click ok.

    That sets the larger dimension to 600 pixels and keeps your image from becoming  distorted.

    The image I include here is of a ship named the Balclutha.  It’s a steel hulled sailing vessel currently part of the San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park.  I shot the image in October, 2014.  I cropped the original image but have done no other effects or changes to the image.  (It was a gorgeous autumn afternoon during “Fleet Week.”)

    I hope you got something from my long winded post.  I was an instructor before I retired and tend to go into a lot of details out of habit.

    Looking forward to future sessions.

    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.