
Alphabet Album – X

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges Alphabet Album – X


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  • #87411
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      • Superfan

      Have you ever made an ALPHABET album? It is a fun way to showcase photos or stories, but with an added twist.

      I have created an alphabet album in the past, where each page had a title (and a topic) starting with one letter of the alphabet. Then, the pages were placed in alphabetical order, even if not in chronological order. So, for 2022, I am suggesting this long-term challenge for you. With one page every 2 weeks, we will be able to finish the year with a complete album. It is up to you to decide if you want to print it or share it otherwise.

      I will share my own pages, just for ideas, but I will also give you some more words that will start with the letter of the week. Try to think of one overarching theme to use. It could be about your last vacation, a family gathering, a hobby of yours, a location, etc. Think of something that you have lots of photos of or many words you can associate with.

      If you have not started yet and want to jump in, no problem. You know the alphabet so you know what letters you will have to do and you still have many months to catch up on those few pages, so don’t hesitate. There is also no deadline, so if this week’s page is done only next month, it is totally fine too.

      So here is my X layout.


      Of course, you can use words in your own language too. I really had to cheat for this one as there are way to few words in French, starting with X and none of them fit my photos.

      Here are some other words that could be used as title/theme (even in English, there aren’t that many words starting with X):

      X-rated, X-mas, X-ray, Xerox, Xylophone. You can also think of phrases where the X stands on its own like “X marks the spot”. And if you still can’t find a word/image combination with something that STARTS with X, you can cheat a little. Afterall, this should be fun, right?

      What will your X layout be?

      We are almost done the whole alphabet!

      Corrie Kinkel
        • 1078
        • Superfan

        My letter X is about the X-mas lights in the center of my village. I took the photos last year in the blue hour when we had a clear sky. I used the Lab 12-11 template and for the background and decorations the kit Holly Jolly Christmas by DB Magnolia.

        Rene Marker
          • 204
          • Enthusiast

          I used a sign that is seen many times in my town for the letter “X”. The symbol for railroad crossing is an “X” and we have 9 railroad crossings in town. It is a major north/south railroad and in years past passenger trains went through town but these days it is all freight trains. As a kid my mom and I would get on the train at the station in town and go south to Cincinnati to stay with a high school friend of hers for a week. Dad would drive down on Friday night and we’d come home on Sunday and this was before I-75 was built so the trip that is now a little over 2 hours took much longer. The station house is still there but is now used by the railroad for storage.

          Wapak X

          Bonnie Ballentine
            • 1643
            • Superfan

            X for Xenas…four of the strongest women I know. My Mom and 3 friends…one of them is the reason I continue in sports. Love each and every one of them!

            Bonnie Ballentine
              • 1643
              • Superfan

              I tried blending with this layout…didn’t like the results. I have another layout in mind to use the blending techniques. The background of this layout is 2 photos blended. Both photos were very bright and washed out. Multiply blend mode deepened the colors. I chose ocean photos because the ocean is so strong and powerful like these lovely women.

              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                Bonnie: That’s a great layout! I didn’t know that Xenas was a general term for strong women. I’m familiar with a minor superhero type named Xena Warrior Princess who had a tv show until 2001. Of course, she was shaped like a Playboy Bunny for the masses. It was many years ago and women were not as appreciated then as they are coming to be now. I have always been a strong advocate and dragged my daughters to Women’s Rights marches in the 60s.

                Bonnie Ballentine
                  • 1643
                  • Superfan

                  Thank you, Ann. The first thing that comes up in a Google serch is Xena, Warrior Princess….but if you dig deeper you find the more general meaning. Either way, it fit the X challenge. I too have always been an advocate for women’s rights and equality. I also enjoy Xena, the TV show.

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