
Quick-Page Workshop – August 2022

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Quick-Page Workshop – August 2022


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  • #80996
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      First of all, come and say HI once you register for this workshop.

      We want to know who else will be there, on our side to encourage us.

      Every page we will make will be different, based on each others’ photos, stories, and preferences but we can all get inspired by everyone’s projects.

      Once the workshop is started, on August 15th, you can post your pages in here.

      Make sure to resize your image to 600 pixels before uploading it so it won’t slow down the site when we have all those pages.

      Remember that each page should not take you longer than 5 minutes to complete.

      (if you missed the registration link or if you want to invite a friend to join you, HERE it is).

      Who is going to be doing their FIRST digital scrapbook pages?

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Here are my first Quick Pages (includes Diamond bonus). I decided to do a series featuring my friends from my Game of Thrones book club (ASOIAF). First are the administrators of this huge (80,000) group when at the 2018 convention. Second is my friend Aku, in 2020.

        cindy harris
          • 449
          • Enthusiast

          Hi  All

          Hi, Beautiful Ann glad to see You, Yours is so Nice and Interesting.

          working on mine now, yay

          cindy harris
            • 449
            • Enthusiast

            Hi   Need help     sending picture         I tried to make text and put some in banner but it Wont let me toggle it at all

            It gives me the lil red NO go sign     and I am on the right raster its own?      Why cant I?  make text downsize to put on

            the flags on the banner?   thank you stuck


            the nodes are present but the no go sign shows when I try to toggle letter down wont do anything.   Thank You stuck

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by cindy harris.
              • 2522
              • Superfan

              Cindy, check the settings for the Text tool. You have it set to Create as… Selection. Make sure it is Create as… Vector.

              cindy harris
                • 449
                • Enthusiast

                k  ty ty ty  hate being stuck  ty ty ty going

                cindy harris
                  • 449
                  • Enthusiast

                  THANK YOU


                  recent seen you talking about this Script so used it and the vintaged one  I love Scripts you make an Tubes.

                  Gerry Landreth
                    • 173
                    • Junior

                    The picture of the crepe myrtle tree is from Pixabay.

                    The Extra page features my niece, Amelia, who some may remember from the Mask Workshop.

                    cindy harris
                      • 449
                      • Enthusiast

                      Hi Amelia,

                      I loved that movie and you nailed it in your house!

                        • 199
                        • Junior

                        LOL! Gerry!  She will love that when she gets older — well, she might love it now, but she’ll really, really love it in 15 years!

                          • 2522
                          • Superfan

                          Ann (#81019), it is kind of fun to have a single theme throughout your layouts!

                          Cindy (#81051), that is a fun page and I see you are able to use scripts. Good for you!

                          Gerry (#81058), nice and colorful title for Amelia’s page.

                          Gerry Landreth
                            • 173
                            • Junior

                            Today we have a picture of Baby Amelia and her great-grandmother (my mom) from two years ago. Also, we have Amelia’s older sister, Maggie (named after my mother), who turned 13 in April.

                            Ann Seeber
                              • 1372
                              • Superfan

                              Today we have 2 photos of virtual friends: Clem always refers to her boy as “Monster.” Darryl and Leslie met in our chatroom and the wedding will be Spring 2023!

                              cindy harris
                                • 449
                                • Enthusiast

                                Using 2020   Put a Product I bought on our Campus Store Cass font sewing its great on around QP

                                Very Fast Super easy even with stitches.    Thank you   Carol

                                  • 69
                                  • Junior

                                  My QP-1 and QP-2. I used Corel-script here, hence the image is so blue and funny for me coz no neon in there. Never:)


                                    • 335
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    here is my page for Quick-Page Workshop – August 2022

                                    Anne Lamp
                                      • 320
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Piko I like the perspective  of the stack of boxes looking like they were huge.  I know the feeling. (How did I wind up with so much stuff? LOL)

                                        • 335
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        yeah… I’ve been packing and packing … giving away a lot – I’m moving into a studio apartment 10.1.2022
                                        and you see right… an invisible rope! – aaagh… I just forgot…


                                        Ann Seeber
                                          • 1372
                                          • Superfan

                                          QP-3-EXTRA: Well, I got one done so far. Of course I had to go and decide to change some colors and that’s why it’s taking SO LONG!

                                          When I first encountered Adam, he was known as “Lookout Onacliff.” It took about a year before he shared his real name and an actual photo! (Mr. Mysterious!) 😀

                                          (Hey, gals, don’t you agree it was worth the wait?)

                                          Gerry Landreth
                                            • 173
                                            • Junior

                                            Quick Page 3: Signs in my veterinarian’s office.

                                            Quick Page Extra 3: Texas Snowstorm 2021. Once Noah realized that there was a strict and cumbersome dress code for playing in the snow, he wanted to go to the beach instead. Fortunately, he figured it out. However, he still prefers the beach.


                                            Ann Seeber
                                              • 1372
                                              • Superfan

                                              Here’s my QP3 – BALTICON 50-2016 – Our crew stayed in this glorious Airbnb in Baltimore. George RR Martin, the author of Game of Thrones, was the special, featured guest at the convention, speaking and signing autographs.

                                              cindy harris
                                                • 449
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                   Hi All

                                                Awesome pages,   I used some tubes on mine because I love Color and Tubes and Scripts and Our Teacher!

                                                My mom loves fish and I love tubes so there we go, 🙂


                                                  <li style=”text-align: left;”>      H a p p y   A n n i v e r s a r y  
                                                  • 2522
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Gerry (#81096), are you going to make a whole album for Amelia? That would be great! (#81163) Those signs are so great. They make me smile!

                                                  Ann (#81103), the power of internet!!! (#81160) Did you try to use the Hue map to change colors? (#81166) that is quite a place!!!

                                                  Cindy (#81113), when you add stitching to a page, make sure it makes sense everywhere; for example, the arrows on the bottom are likely thick and it would not make sense to stitch on them. In that case, just erase a few stitches and it will look like it was meant to be there. (#81178) You are really having fun with the picture tubes!

                                                  Kasany (#81129), that blue tint photo looks great!

                                                  Pirkko (#81142), remember to take pictures when YOU move too!

                                                  For the others who have not posted yet, we want to see your projects. They shouldn’t take you a lot of time to make!

                                                  cindy harris
                                                    • 449
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I Love all the Tubes, Scripts, and all in Our Store and our Teacher     I always Love the Picture tubes and all of it.]]

                                                    and thank You, Your right I was just having fun being happy this is Fun.   AND SEEING EVERYONES WORK, ART.

                                                    • P.S.    HAPPY ANNIVERSIARY


                                                    Ann Seeber
                                                      • 1372
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Cassel/Carole: “Did you try to use the Hue map to change colors?” No, I favor the Paint to Target brush. I find if I’m fairly careful, I don’t even need a selection. It’s my go-to tool, now! And, yes, that building was awesome!

                                                        • 69
                                                        • Junior
                                                          • 335
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          this page is for QP 2022 – Day 3

                                                          child playing:

                                                          The Color-Changer tool helps to match the colors of the selected image and quick Page Template. Really quick 🙂


                                                          Ann Seeber
                                                            • 1372
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            QP-4: CHICAGO TRIP 2022 – My daughter, Laurey, and granddaughter, Jackie are visiting Chicago as we speak. Laurey sent me some photos. So here are some. And, yes, Carole, I used the Colorize tool under Hue. More to come…

                                                            cindy harris
                                                              • 449
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Hi Love everyones pages as always you all are so good.

                                                              Kasany did you make your clouds?   I made a couple once but then tried again and couldnt do it but Ill try again yours is Nice.  I like the clouds are they tubes?

                                                                • 69
                                                                • Junior

                                                                cindy harris: Glad, you like my clouds:). Yes, I have them in Tube, not in the sky;). I still work PSP9. They are there. I can send them to you as .png files.

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