
Alphabet Album – H

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges Alphabet Album – H


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  • #74983
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      Have you ever made an ALPHABET album? It is a fun way to showcase photos or stories, but with an added twist.

      I have created an alphabet album in the past, where each page had a title (and a topic) starting with one letter of the alphabet. Then, the pages were placed in alphabetical order, even if not in chronological order. So, for 2022, I am suggesting this long-term challenge for you. With one page every 2 weeks, we will be able to finish the year with a complete album. It is up to you to decide if you want to print it or share it otherwise.

      I will share my own pages, just for ideas, but I will also give you some more words that will start with the letter of the week. Try to think of one overarching theme to use. It could be about your last vacation, a family gathering, a hobby of yours, a location, etc. Think of something that you have lots of photos of or many words you can associate with.

      If you have not started yet and want to jump in, no problem. You know the alphabet so you know what letters you will have to do and you still have many months to catch up on those few pages, so don’t hesitate. There is also no deadline, so if this week’s page is done only next month, it is totally fine too.

      So here is my H layout. When the kids were young, I made (almost) all their Halloween costumes until they reached their teens.

      Of course, you can use words in your own language too. As you can see, this album was done in French.

      Here are some other words that could be used as title/theme:

      Handshake, Handsome, Hand, Handy, Health, Healthy, Highway, Heaven, Heart, Help, Hero, High, Home, Honey, Hug, Hygiene, Hair, Hissing, Huge, Hungry, Head, Hat, Horse, Husband, Happy, Hard, Hot, Heat, Horizon, Habit, Helicopter, Hockey, Hiding,  and many more.

      What will your H layout be?

      Corrie Kinkel
        • 1078
        • Superfan

        For my letter H I need to take some photos, but the weather was so bad recently that I couldn’t do so. Next week it should get better according to the weatherforcast and then I can make my H! The same goes for the letter I, so hopefully I can do those photos too. For most of the remaining letters I have all the pictures I need.

        Rene Marker
          • 204
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          Continuing with my book of my city, H is for Harmon Field. That was the name (changed in 2020 to a corporate name) of the football field that was built in the 1930’s. Many improvements were made over the years but it still is important to this town. My father played football there and I marched in the band on the field during my high school years. It will always be Harmon Field to me and it is located about one half mile from my house. For many years, the field has been the location of games in the early weeks of the state football playoffs. Teams from all over have played there and most are very impressed with it.

          Harmon Field

          Susan Ewart
            • 763
            • Superfan

            Rene, beautiful H layout. I like your write up, it give real life to this important field in your town.  Too bad they had to change the name, the history with it’s original name has so much more meaning and feeling to it.  There’s nothing “homey” about a corporation name.

            Rene Marker
              • 204
              • Enthusiast

              Susan, it is now called “Mercy Health and Wapak Ford Field”. Mercy Health is a healthcare organization in Ohio and Kentucky. There is a physicians’ office in town that is affiliated with them. Wapak Ford is a car dealership in town. The Ohio High School Athletic Association now refers to it as “Wapakoneta Mercy Health Ford Field”. Harmon Field is much easier to say!!!

              All comes down to the school district receiving money for the naming rights.

              Bonnie Ballentine
                • 1643
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                Corrie Kinkel
                  • 1078
                  • Superfan

                  Indeed the weather turned a lot better and I could take the photos I wanted. It’s somewhat crazy to take pictures of the places that are so familiar, you don’t even think about doing so! I made everything from scratch but a template gave me the idea for the mask over the full width of the page.

                  The letter H is for “Haansberg” which translates in rooster mountain, althought mountain in this case only means a slight rise in the terrain. This little road was once a quiet countrylane with small farms on both sides, now on the righthand side it is the city limits with only some farms left on the lefthand side of the road. Most of them are converted into housing accommodations. At one end of the road is a iron plaque of a rooser and on the other end a small war memorial that the inhabitants of this neighbourhood erected as thanks that their street wasn’t damaged in WWII. There has been heavy fighting in the area.

                  trish williams
                    • 805
                    • Superfan

                    H is for some of my favourite flowers

                    trish williams
                      • 805
                      • Superfan

                      H is for Heron the pest of the garden pond

                      trish williams
                        • 805
                        • Superfan

                        H is for Home and Happy

                        Mary Solaas
                          • 555
                          • Enthusiast

                          H is for Halloween.

                            • 367
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                            a bit behind but here is my page for H

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