
Alphabet Album – G

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  • #74162
      • 2522
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      Have you ever made an ALPHABET album? It is a fun way to showcase photos or stories, but with an added twist.

      I have created an alphabet album in the past, where each page had a title (and a topic) starting with one letter of the alphabet. Then, the pages were placed in alphabetical order, even if not in chronological order. So, for 2022, I am suggesting this long-term challenge for you. With one page every 2 weeks, we will be able to finish the year with a complete album. It is up to you to decide if you want to print it or share it otherwise.

      I will share my own pages, just for ideas, but I will also give you some more words that will start with the letter of the week. Try to think of one overarching theme to use. It could be about your last vacation, a family gathering, a hobby of yours, a location, etc. Think of something that you have lots of photos of or many words you can associate with.

      If you have not started yet and want to jump in, no problem. You know the alphabet so you know what letters you will have to do and you still have many months to catch up on those few pages, so don’t hesitate. There is also no deadline, so if this week’s page is done only next month, it is totally fine too.

      So here is my G layout.

      Of course, you can use words in your own language too. As you can see, this album was done in French.

      Here are some other words that could be used as title/theme:

      Gem, Generous, Gentle, Gift, Giggle, Give, Glad, God, Gold, Good, Great, Greeting, Guest, General, Geography, Ghost, Giant, Glitters, Grey, Gross, Grumpy, Games, Graduation, Grandparents, Greenery, Guarding, Geek, Graceful, Garbage, Gecko, Glass, Goose, Gym, Garden, Grab, Growing, and many more.

      What will your G layout be?

      Rene Marker
        • 204
        • Enthusiast

        G is for Gardens. There is a garden in town that is in a triangle shaped area surrounded by 3 streets. It is on a main street in town as well. The local gardening club was instrumental in having this area made. One man in particular. He was the father-in-law of one of my Dad’s brothers. His daughter (my aunt) helped him take care of it and also has the Master Gardener designation as did her father. A memorial plaque for Mr. Hepp is located there as is a flag pole that flies our country’s flag (Mr. Hepp’s career was in the Navy, over 20 years). My aunt still maintains the garden even now in her 80’s.


        Bonnie Ballentine
          • 1643
          • Superfan

          G = Grandparents

          The small pictures of my parents indicate maternal or paternal grandparents.

          trish williams
            • 805
            • Superfan

            an old one   G = GRAPES

            trish williams
              • 805
              • Superfan
              trish williams
                • 805
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                trish williams
                  • 805
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                  G= Great Gran

                  trish williams
                    • 805
                    • Superfan
                    Corrie Kinkel
                      • 1078
                      • Superfan

                      Trish, you have been busy with the G, like them all!

                      This is the “Geerkade” along the “Turfvaart” which is been of great inportance in the development of the village. After the production of peat stopped, there came small factories like a soapproducing one called “De Ster”(The Star), which nowadays is a restaurant with the industrial look intact. The water was an important supply-line for all the raw materials and finished products. But with the industrial revolution and the coming of the trains it degraded and was no longer of importance. Their are modern houses and apartments build instead.

                      Mary Solaas
                        • 555
                        • Enthusiast

                        Think this is where I will work today. Had a hard time finding it. However, now I know where to look!!!

                        Mary Solaas
                          • 555
                          • Enthusiast

                          And here we are. G is for Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have been here a number of times: 1st was in 1956 with some friends (pictures were in black and white) and we could get out and walk among and on the rock formations; 2nd time was in 2001 by myself and there were restrictions, but I could walk on designated walkways; this was the 3rd time (2021) and again very different from the other 2 times- we went in a tour vehicle with a guide that drove us all through the area. There were walkers and some were even allowed to climb on the rocks as shown in the bottom picture.
                          All the papers and elements are my own. The narrative on the sign tells some of the story of the Garden and of the area. It’s hard to read, so I’ll post the center layout which was done separately and maybe it will be easier to read.

                            • 367
                            • Enthusiast

                            Finally I have also continued with my alphabet album about the city where I live, Leuven, in Belgium.
                            this is for the G.

                            I’ll put the text here as well, so it’s easier to read.

                            The Grote Markt ( translation: the Big (large) Market)
                            is located in one of the most historic places in Leuven and has existed in its current design since the 14th century, when the Catholic University of Leuven was founded. Most of the buildings on the square are built in the Brabant Gothic style, such as the monumental town hall.

                            Other striking buildings on the Grote Markt are the Tafelrond, the Collegiate Saint Peter’s Church and a few guild houses. In addition, as in the whole of Leuven, there is no shortage of cafes and taverns here. In contrast to the more trendy, youth-oriented businesses on the Oude Markt, the Grote Markt has a more traditional-looking catering industry.

                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Marie-Claire.
                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Marie-Claire.
                            Ann Seeber
                              • 1372
                              • Superfan

                              Ghosts in the Tower of London. I started with an article in National Geographic History Magazine about the Ghosts in the Tower of London. I used a little text and 2 photos from the article and selected a template [ps_rachel-martin_287870_kamala-templates-template-04_pu] that had room for journaling. The large alpha G is from the marisal-Cambodia kit, along with the alphas for the word “ghosts.” The background paper is also from that mega-kit.

                              Ghosts in the Tower of London

                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Cassel.
                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Ann Seeber. Reason: to correct placement of image
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