
October PALETTE Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges October PALETTE Challenge

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  • #65748
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      This month, it is Fall (at least for the northern hemisphere) and trees are often changing colors. Pumpkins are part of the decor, and darker colors are also coming out of the closets. Here is a palette picked for this time of year. It is not specifically for Halloween, although you can use it for that if you want, but it is more for a Fall feel.

      Can you create a project using these colors?

        • 335
        • Enthusiast

        here is the story … 🙂 what name have you given this bird … we here in Finland call it the soot hen. This little one was born too late … its family left him behind ..

        I tried to use all the colors of the challenge        hope you like it 🙂


          • 335
          • Enthusiast

          the bird is here:
          © Francis C. Franklin / CC-BY-SA-3.  The colors fix just fine 🙂

            • 1424
            • Superfan

            Nice job on both, Pirkko.

            Anne Lamp
              • 320
              • Enthusiast

              Here is my palette challenge page.  The background was one from Autumn Watercolor Glitter Frame8 that I adjusted the colors to go with the palette. The photo is mine.  The frame is from

                • 335
                • Enthusiast

                I used all the colors but the blue.  It didn’t seem to fit with my project.  With thanks to Joseph, my handyman, for sharing the picture with me.  The leaf and little fox are PSP Picture tubes from past versions.  The font was Color Tube which I got at CF for free.  I always miss the colors when I come to Florida … and I miss the lilacs when I go back.  Next Spring I am going home a month early just to smell those lilacs!!!

                Betsy Davis
                  • 32
                  • Rookie

                  This is my October palette page. Just had fun changing colors of clip art ( to use the colors.

                  Betsy Davis
                    • 32
                    • Rookie

                    Also made this bunting.

                    Sue Thomas
                      • 1598
                      • Superfan

                      I’ve been preoccupied of late.  Making the most of the  last of the lovely weather.  I kayaked for the  last time yesterday.  The kayak has been  cleaned, and put away until next year.  All the cows have come home for the winter.  We had frost last night, -7c.  The forecast is for snow flurries tomorrow night.   I used the  eyelet script,  and the loop script, everything else is my own work.  I used the  frame template I created a short while back.  The background paper was a paper template which I colourized.

                      Ann Seeber
                        • 1372
                        • Superfan

                        I’ve been playing with the October Palette and with the new Gradient Script. After getting schooled by Carole about vector lines I finally got the script to behave and used the palette itself as my source. Which gave me a gradient that looked just like the palette with bars going across! So I poked in the gradient tool and came up with this, which I’m pleased with after adding a fall photo as the focal point. There’s a background layer of the palette orange at 75 % opacity and then the gradient where I applied the multiply blend mode. I selected each of the dark squares and applied an inner bevel. All I added after that was a Select Selection border to the photo. You might need sunglasses! 😉

                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Ann Seeber.
                        Corrie Kinkel
                          • 1078
                          • Superfan

                          The colors of fall here are not so vibrant as in the States and Canada. I was hoping that I could see this for myself but it will have to wait for another year or so! There are however in the autumn a lot of spiderwebs and last weekend on a walk I could take some photos. On places that were in the shade the spiderwebs were still covered in  morningdew. I used a leaf mask from Corel on one of the photos. Another not so good photo gave me the background on which a tried different effects until I was satisfied with the result. I was trying to keep it in the palette colorscheme. All the colors are used. The frame is made with the cisseltool, the beige paper has a blinds effect to give it some texture and it has scallopped sides. The blue is sparsely used in 2 thin stripes. Dark grey is the mat and it has orange stitches around it. Light grey and Orange is used in the text with fonts Arienne and Baby Garland. I put a spiderweb in the corner with some bubbles and I hope it’s visable.

                          Sue Thomas
                            • 1598
                            • Superfan

                            I decided to create another October colour palette page. It’s freezing rain outside, I hope it doesn’t turn into the white stuff just yet, as forecast. After seeing Ann’s post with the frames, I decided to frame a photo using all the colours in the palette. I used a starburst gradient using the orange and dark grey with a mask to blur and colour the edges of the photo. I used the selection tool in the text to cut out the words from a leaf, textures, sculpture. Extracted 2 rosehips from a photo to hang from the letter F. Created the tag, threaded the stem of the leaf through, lifted a mountain ash berry above the frame. All the creatures that have to endure a Canadian winter, will have plenty to eat this winter. I’m already feeding the voles with apples and carrots. I have to scatter seeds on the ground for the native sparrows, as they won’t come to the feeders. Some Juncos will though. This little chap is enjoying a feed of seeds without having to scratch for them.

                            Bonnie Ballentine
                              • 1643
                              • Superfan

                              Beautiful work, Corrie and Sue!

                              Sue Thomas
                                • 1598
                                • Superfan

                                Thank you Bonnie. Your pickleball pages are always beautifully executed, and action packed. I would hate to Hazzard a guess how many you have created, but there are loads of them. I for one never tire of them. I hope viewers feel the same way about my nature pages, particularly the bird pages. Lol.

                                Corrie Kinkel
                                  • 1078
                                  • Superfan

                                  Thank you Bonnie and like Sue I admire all your pickleball pages !

                                  Ann Seeber
                                    • 1372
                                    • Superfan

                                    I downloaded the Corel Freebie of the Week and tweaked the colors for the Palette Challenge.

                                    Mary Solaas
                                      • 555
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Ann – that is so beautiful – you made the colors of the challenge really pop and blend well.

                                      Corrie – I’ve forgotten how beautiful the spider webs can be with the dew on them.  Thanks for that beautiful LO.

                                      Sue – your Autumn quote is beautiful and a different way to use the colors of the challenge.

                                      Betsy – love your 2 halloween displays.

                                      Everyone has done some beautiful layouts.

                                      I’m presently working on a video for my granddaughter and so, though I’m itching to get back here, I’ll be absent for a little while.

                                      Anne Lamp
                                        • 320
                                        • Enthusiast

                                        I was wanting to use the new Freebee and Ann’s post had me doing like she did and used the color pallet to change the colors.  That was more time consuming than I thought it would be but it was fun.  The pictures are all mine that I took “after a rain shower”  Thursday.  After that we got another three inches of rain.  The pumpkin was purchased but the walnut and berries are from my yard.  Well I wound up with two pictures.  After I uploaded the first one, I realized it was the one without the shadows but I could not figure out how to delete it, so I just added the correct one.  I hope neither of them is the large file one.

                                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Anne Lamp.
                                          • 335
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          the bird is here:
                                          © Francis C. Franklin / CC-BY-SA-3.   The colors of Challenge fix just fine 🙂

                                          trish williams
                                            • 805
                                            • Superfan

                                            tried to get close to the colours, but had fun, well-done everyone lovely work on here xxx

                                            trish williams
                                              • 805
                                              • Superfan

                                              colour Pallette challenge,  pictures from Bing,  elements from  my stock,

                                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                                • 1643
                                                • Superfan

                                                Thank you, Sue and Corrie. Those are words of high praise coming from 2 very talented people.

                                                I haven’t gotten around to this challenge but I am enjoying the fabulous pages you are posting. Great work, Trish, Pirkko, Ann and Anne.

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