
Paint Shop Pro X7

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Let’s talk PSP stuff Paint Shop Pro X7

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  • #5252
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      Call me the woman who can’t pass up a deal, but Corel sent out a notice of 40% off with the added enhancement of Topaz Simplify thrown in.  Now I’m trying to decide which version of PSP I should delete to free up memory.  I have my much beloved PSP 9 which I still use at times; PSP X4; X5; and X6 as well as, now, X7.  I have to admit I was never attached to PSP X5 but I’m going to wait to delete too much until I decide how I feel about X7.  Anyone else take the plunge?  I probably should have waited until it was bug free, but … well, I didn’t and there you go.




        • 396
        • Enthusiast

        I’ll just answer my own question. I’ve been using PSP X7 for two weeks now.  I’ve barely touched the surface of what it can do, I’m sure, but I don’t find that it has a big learning curve.  I love the fact that they brought back the mirror horizontal/vertical as a choice (amazing how much difference something so small can make).  I was a little confused by the color choices at first, but I quite like the fact that you can create complimentary, triad, tetral, analogic and accented palettes without having to go outside of the program (am I lazy or what).  I don’t always like the choices, but sometimes they push one to think out of a pattern (I seem to be stuck on light blues right now so it is time I move to a different color set).  So far no big problems.  Now I have to choose which of the older versions I delete…but I doubt if I’ll rush into anything.

        Larry McCumber
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          • Rookie

          I really don’t think you have to delete any.  Unless you are actively running a version it shouldn’t affect memory, only disk space.  I have X2, X4, X5, X6-32, X6-64, X7-32, and X7-64.  I’ll reinstall 9 if I ever find my disk.


            • 2522
            • Superfan

            I have all the versions, from 8 to X7 installed, and i often have more than one version running at the same time!

            However, i think that Dianne’s issue is hard drive memory, and of course, if someone has limited disk space, they can choose to keep fewer versions. If any version gives you issues, crashes, etc. consider that version as the first one to go!

              • 396
              • Enthusiast

              Sadly my PSP 9 has decided I don’t love it anymore and it committed virtual suicide (that is, it won’t work at all now).  I’m using X7 exclusively since it seems to do be doing all right (though it does have some odd moments).  I used to beta test, which is the reason I kept the old versions, but I don’t do that any more and, given the problems I’m having with hard drive memory (Cassel is right about that), I may have to clean house.  But thank you for posting.

                • 2522
                • Superfan

                You beta tested for Corel (or Jasc)??? that is neat.

                I am sad to head that your PSP9 is not working anymore. That is the version that has been the most stable for me and i am thankful since that is the version i need for scripting.

                  • 396
                  • Enthusiast

                  No, nothing so elevated.  I apologize for misleading you.  I was not a beta tester for Corel or Jasc but for a vendor that created scripts for Paint Shop Pro.  I miss my PSP 9 since it seemed the least buggy of all the versions.  Oh, well.

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