
Love Story Challenge 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2021

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  • #52421
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?

      Who will be your “loved one” that will be featured in your Love story pages?

      The registration is officially open and the challenge itself will start on February 8h, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.

      And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.

      Did you find this thread before the registration page? Here it is.

      (and yes, it is the same series of tutorials, but I’ll try to find more supplies)

      Lynn Young
        • 62
        • Junior

        The second round, trying again to get all the way through without being hit by a foul ball.

          • 1558
          • Superfan

          Hi Everyone!

          I also have participated in previous Love Story Challenges… I like it because it is about masks, which is a way for me to improve and feel more comfortable working with them.

          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Masks? Oh, good! I need more practice with them and I’ve seen examples of how awesome they can make a layout.

            Speaking of snow: we got about 32″ which is a record for us going back to the 1960s!

            Lynda DiGregor
              • 1047
              • Superfan


              Wow, 32 inches! In one shot?


              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                Lynda: Staring Monday and in fits and starts that never really stopped until today (Wed morning). It’s pretty spectacular here!

                Corrie Kinkel
                  • 1078
                  • Superfan

                  This is the first time I participate in this challenge. It’s about masks and that will be very useful, because I like masks very much and try to use them with more or less succes. I think I will center it about a hobby because my loved ones have explicitly asked (read forbidden) me to use pictures of them! I know I can blur their faces but I don’t like that; it ruins a hopefully nice LO, at least in my opinion. If I make one with the grandchildren in it – which I love and sometimes do – I have to keep it private and cann’t post it here or on facebook. See you soon!

                  Lynda DiGregor
                    • 1047
                    • Superfan

                    Ann S,

                    We have around 15 or 20 inches….starts and stops also. Nothing today but it’s pretty cold. No photos because my husband keeps the snowblower going so it doesn’t get out of hand and our city is pretty diligent as far as keeping the streets plowed. 4:30 AM and they are there.. We were looking at photos from another snow storm and it looks pretty much like yours. Cars were snowed in. Yea, snow day! I was driving the school bus at that time so it was 8  plus years ago. With retirement we are usually in Arizona or some other warm place. Covid kept us home this year.

                    I hope you are having some fun in the snow. I loved it when the kids were home and younger.  It was play time for us.

                    Don’t know where the years go.

                    Cathy Anderson
                      • 17
                      • Rookie

                      Hello Everyone

                      I look with envy at the beautiful photos of your snowy winter days.  Where we live in New Zealand it is a temperate climate so only rain and an occasional frost.  I completed the Bootcamp last year and am looking forward to tackling another series of tutorials.

                      Annie Tobin
                        • 2938
                        • Superfan

                        Hi Scrapbook Campers. I participated in this challenge in 2019 but not last year … not sure why. I am looking forward to it this time around because I want to cement my knowledge of masks … one of my favourite ways to display in PSP. 😀

                        Jennifer Leighton
                          • 21
                          • Rookie

                          Hi Everyone!

                          I’m ready to give this challenge a try

                          Jnet Allard
                            • 179
                            • Junior

                            I too am ready. I have already done it, I like the exchanges that take place throughout the challenge.


                              • 335
                              • Enthusiast

                              Nobody specified what your LOVE had to be about. Mine is being on the sea. 🙂 Well, actually … anywhere on a boat. Preferably not dry dock or the storage yard! LOL

                              Sue Thomas
                                • 1598
                                • Superfan

                                We are in another deep freeze, -37c with a wind chill of  -52c,  with blowing snow across the landscape. Needless to say the  school busses are  not running.  I failed to  locate and download the template, so I used a photoshop template from a previous  challenge.  I used a heart font for the heart butterflies.

                                Sue Thomas
                                  • 1598
                                  • Superfan

                                  Very nice Minka,  I can’t wait to get out on the water with my kayak.  At the moment  the lake is frozen,  18 inches thick.   We can now drive across it.


                                  Jennifer Leighton
                                    • 21
                                    • Rookie

                                    Day 1

                                    Jnet Allard
                                      • 179
                                      • Junior

                                      <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Beau travail Minka, Sue et Jennifer!</span></span>

                                      <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Voici mon jour 1 avec des photos de Nathan, mon petit-fils et filleul. </span><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Il fera l’objet de mes mises en page lors de cet Amour</span></span>

                                      Carole, can you give me the parameters to save in jpg with compression? I touched on that yesterday and there I see that my page does not come out as on my computer


                                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Jnet Allard.
                                      Jnet Allard
                                        • 179
                                        • Junior

                                        Sorry, as soon as I edit my post it comes out with lots of codes

                                        Alicia Garbelman
                                          • 53
                                          • Junior

                                          Hello, everyone. This year I’ll be creating my Love Story about my new grandson – he’s almost six months old. Finding pictures won’t be a problem, but choosing from among them might be 🙂

                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                            • 1047
                                            • Superfan

                                            Day 1

                                            I know it doesn’t look like it but I did follow the tutorial but then went off trail and got this. Changing the original template to be used as a mask etc was enlightening.

                                              • 335
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              Wow .. Sue. I think you will have to wait a while before breaking out that kayak! A long while! That’s cold!

                                              Lynda DiGregor
                                                • 1047
                                                • Superfan


                                                I love your day one. Old photos are the best.


                                                Lynda DiGregor
                                                  • 1047
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Everyone is doing great  <3

                                                  Jennifer Leighton
                                                    • 21
                                                    • Rookie


                                                    Thank you!  I love family history and especially the old photos.  Great job everyone.

                                                    Ann Seeber
                                                      • 1372
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      I struggled with the masks on the small photos. And when I added a background paper, it ended up on top of the lower left photo?? I ended up copying and pasting the photo over the top.. As you can see I copied Carole’s layout for our new great grandson.

                                                        • 2522
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Minka, you are correct: you can showcase anyone or anything you love!

                                                        Sue, what was the issue with the template of the day?\

                                                        Jennifer, that will be a great tribute if you continue on this theme! Do you notice the hard edges on the left and right of the larger photo? If you use a soft eraser tip, you can soften that edge a little if you want.

                                                        Jnet, you chose a similar theme as mine! 🙂 To answer your question, if you want to save for printing, you will likely want as little compression as possible but that will make a large file. If it is only for viewing online, on a monitor, a compression value of 20 will usually not even show much compression.

                                                        Lynda, how did you modify the original template to end up with that heart shape? Was it still a mask just like the original?

                                                        Ann, if your background paper appeared on top of the photo, it might just be a layering issue in the Layers palette. Did you see where that paper ended up? Was it “stuck” inside the mask group? If so, you can just click it, and drag the layer below. But you will have other pages to practice!

                                                        Anne Lamp
                                                          • 320
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          I tried to use only use only the stuff from the links Cassel posted.  This was a nice challenge & I learned a couple of new things.

                                                          Sue Thomas
                                                            • 1598
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Carole, I don’t have Dropbox, so I tried to download it, I found the preview of the  template, but no download button, Perhaps I had to sign up, which I didn’t do.  If possible would you be able to send it me via email, if not it’s OK.  I downloaded the previous ones from  the very first love story challenge.  I’ve had a new laptop since.

                                                              • 2522
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Sue, if it is in French, it is the word Télécharger, and it is on top right. And no, you don’t need an account to download from Dropbox. Maybe give it a try again?

                                                              Sue Thomas
                                                                • 1598
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Carole, I retrieved the files from dropbox, but they were the templates  from 2016 challenge.  Which I have.  I will have to download winzip7 in order to open the files from the French site.

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