
December COLOR Challenge – 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges December COLOR Challenge – 2021

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  • #50335
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      This time, I would like to challenge you to use one of the Colors of the Year for 2021. Personally, I find the two colors just a bit un-original, but maybe they can still spark some inspiration. Maybe those two colors will become trendy in 2021?

      The Hex code for those colors are these:

      What will you do?

      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Here’s my daily December Advent layout – Day 13 – which is Dec 13, St. Lucia Day in Sweden and the start of their Christmas season.

        I did use the colors on the title but they seemed rather wishy washy so I boosted them up some .. I’m more of a “sock it to ’em” with color! LOL

          • 335
          • Enthusiast

          Those particular colors, while pretty, seemed more Easter-like to me. I kept the color-code true … but concentrated on making splashes of coordinating colors be prevalent using masks. Using a piece of artwork by Christopher Forsey … I chose to remember First Date(s). I say it that way as I had one date with my husband. At the end of the evening he asked me to marry him. So we always laughed that I only got one date. I guess it was memorable.

          Bonnie Ballentine
            • 1643
            • Superfan

            Minka, I have a friend who did the same thing. They share the same birthday, month…day…year…and are still happily married in their 80’s.

              • 335
              • Enthusiast

              Oh my, Bonnie, how lucky they are! My husband and I were lucky to share just shy of forty years together before he died of cancer. Great years, wonderful memories … a very colorful life. Your friends are incredibly lucky to have such a long run!

              Margo Ahern
                • 13
                • Rookie

                These colors don’t seem too inspired to me.  More indicative of how 2020 has been. I wish they had picked something vibrant and cheerful to set the tone for next year.  I used the colors to make a couple of patterns and random shapes I might be able to use in something.  Wow, this upload makes the colors look really off but they are a match to the Pantone colors in my program.

                  • 2522
                  • Superfan

                  Margo, I have read many similar comments about those colors: a bit dated and not the cheerful colors we need after this year!

                    • 335
                    • Enthusiast

                    I had another go at those Pantone Colors. I looked them up and supposedly they were chosen for: “The colors are intended to convey “a message of strength and hopefulness,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, said in a statement about the colors. I guess everyone has their own opinion, but it looks like more of the same blah of life we just experienced for nearly the past year. Pantones set the stage for just about all purchased products. It seems like they should have chosen something a whole lot more upbeat. But really, do you consciously choose your purchases based on Pantone Color directives? I bet not. I know most people know what colors look good on them and stick to their preferences. I doubt anyone is going to repaint the inside of their house or change their furniture based on these two colors either. What they are going to sell to us will be interesting to see. :o) In my piece, I chose my favorite things … the ocean, boating and birds. That’s the greatest thing about scrappin’ ~ you get to choose whatever makes you happy. We don’t need no stinkin’ rules. Well, /cept maybe in this one! LOL

                    Ann Seeber
                      • 1372
                      • Superfan

                      I tried with the colors again after seeing how nice Minka’s layouts show them off. This is a true story from when I was about 9 years old. I’ll see if the text looks readable; if not I’ll post it separately with an edit. The background is a combo of a paper and an overlay from one of my kits.

                        • 335
                        • Enthusiast

                        ANN – I couldn’t get the graphic to enlarge … but I could read the print anyway (with my high test glasses on!) LOL What an interesting story. I looked him up and found a wonderful conversation about that Jetty and how it looks even today. I bet he was a fascinating person … anyone who dreams up large works such as that just has to be. Funny about the preying mantis story – I can remember as a child dumping a pail of snakes in my grandmothers kitchen. She was NOT happy. My brother and I were young and just so happy to be able to play with snakes in Maine … when we weren’t allowed to in the south. Poor Gram. They were only garter snakes, but she had a hissy fit. Needless to say, we weren’t allowed to bring the pail in the house again. Lovely l/o and I love a good story such as that!

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Ann, Margo, Minka … lovely work my friends, challenge well met. Minka I am so pleased that you have such lovely memories to carry you through your winter years. Cancer is a cruel thing and I saw a lot of it while working for our local Palliative Care. What I also saw was the beautiful peace that came to our patients at their very last moment … I don’t know where they were going but they sure did. I hope this has not offended you my friend but I sometimes think it is comforting to know that there is much more to “life” than we are aware of. <3

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Well I have taken up the challenge Cassel, 😉  I noticed that the colours were diminished once a texture was applied so I was very careful in sourcing the textures to use.  The background is a gradient (foreground/background) and the texture applied was Filters Unlimited2-Paper Textures-Canvas Fine … it has slightly degraded the gradient.  Over the yellow paper I have applied a snow brush and the grey paper I have left alone.  The ribbon is my own as is the arrow and the gnome … I gave her a red skirt just to lift the page and as it was about Rudi I thought that was ok.  The little bird was a tube by Graph Sabine and I had to colour his cap to fit in with the theme.  The Xmas deco was made from a script I have from Pinks Poetic Scraps.  It is called Xmas deco and apart from the green fir leaves I used only the colours from the challenge so the colour changes are the result of textures, bevels, shadows etcetera.  The reindeer was a beautiful pencil art freebie off the web and the red nose was the round brush with reduced opacity.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Hello again Campus Friends.  I thought I would post this xmas deco as it was another I had made using the colour challenge hex codes.  You will probably notice the changes from the original hex codes with only certain areas maintaining the true colour.  Three dimensional is like that yeah!  ;D

                              Corrie Kinkel
                                • 1078
                                • Superfan

                                Annie, lovely work with such “dull” colors and still so X-massy in style! You are so creative!  Love it.

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Corrie I am very happy that you liked the result. It was a challenge because when you first looked at the colours … it was like ooooh! Anyways, I think it has helped to mellow our Christmas days. Thank you my friend. ;D
                                  P.S. How is your husband faring? And, with COVID being such a big issue in the Northern Hemisphere currently are you going to be able to celebrate Christmas etcetera? I will be thinking of you my friend. ;(

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    I decided to play around again for another attempt at this challenge.  The two background papers were made using a PPS script (PPS PM Trees) and again I used only the colours for the challenge – one background grey and the other yellow.  The other papers were simply made by using the flood fill tool and a texture.  The xmas deco was made using a PPS script  and the snowman and tree by using AWS scripts.  A snow brush to drift diagonally across and the font used for the title is Base:Christmas.  The bow was made from one of Cassel’s scripts and the title was enhanced by following Cassel’s cartoon words tutorial without putting the sticker background to it.  Needless to say, I had some fun.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

                                    Dorothy Donn
                                      • 202
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Not an easy thing to think of these colors this time of year.

                                      I had recently purchased some things from Very Many Tubes (special Christmas edition of elements) and thought I would play around with those. I also used eight different  papers from Eyeinspire and Mein Lila Park. I made the garland and the flat ribbon myself.

                                        • 1424
                                        • Superfan

                                        Such wonderful work, everyone. Happy Holidays to all. <3

                                        Annie Tobin
                                          • 2938
                                          • Superfan

                                          Nice job Val, delightfully executed. ;D

                                            • 335
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            I had wondered earlier about when we would start to see these colors out there in the “marketplace”.  I had my first encounter this afternoon and I have to admit, I think they did a creditable job of making them seem more interesting than I thought they might be.  I was on a Murals website and they offered this: (their words) — Pantone’s color of the year is actually a duo for 2021; Ultimate Gray (17-5104) paired with Illuminating (13-0647). Gray and yellow speak to the duality of what we’re looking for in the year 2021. Gray provides a solid foundation in a challenging time, offering the chance to ground ourselves in the present and consider things from a practical angle. But beyond stoic fortitude, 2021 is going to call for ingenuity, optimism, and energy, encapsulated by the pairing of a bright, sunny yellow with a cool, calming gray. Pantone’s pairing reminds us that while it’s important to keep our feet planted firmly on the ground, it’s still okay to look towards the clouds and the sunlight streaming through them. — Spinmasters are great … It certainly seemed reasonable.  We aren’t nearly out of the woods yet – but big time hope is on the way.  Here were some of their pairings which I thought quite well done.  Hope it’s okay to share them.  🙂

                                            Ann Seeber
                                              • 1372
                                              • Superfan

                                              Minka: I think you’re right; those designs are really uplifting. I can see them as our background papers, for example. The yellow, in particular, looks stronger than the chip I saw. Better, to my way of thinking.

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                Very interesting Minka, I am glad you posted this. The colours do blend beautifully together and are definitely not boring as we initially thought … thank you. ;D

                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Annie, thank you for asking. My husband is slowly recovering and definitivly on the mend, but it still will take more time. As we are in lockdown at least until January 19 Christmas is not what is is supposed to be. We can have only 3 visitors per day plus children under 13. So it will be a lonely affair for a lot of people. No church on christmas eve and the next day only 30 in church. There will be a lot video streaming ofcourse. For us my son and his girlfriend are coming sunday, they live not in the neighbourhood so we don’t see them every week. My son has been visiting often since his dad was in hospital and then at home, but now they come together. We only see my daughter and the grandkids, who live in America on Skype! I’m a big fan of all the modern means of communication. I hope that you are well and can celebrate this Christmas. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!

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