
October TUT/TECH Challenge – Changing color

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges October TUT/TECH Challenge – Changing color

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  • #48381
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      The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.

      This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.

      This month’s Tut/Tech Challenge is to change the color of something on an image. You can change the dress color, but you can also change a hat, a house, a car, or even a dog! In order to see what you did, post both the before and after images.

      HERE is a blog post that explains how to change colors with one particular tool. If you use a different method, you can show us your result, as long as you tell us how you did it.


      Dorothy Donn
        • 202
        • Enthusiast

        I started with a grey scaled image done long ago. (01)

        I painted the image, (02) but what was in my minds eye was not what i was seeing.

        I started playing with user defined filters.

        This took another 2 weeks to get just exactly the effects I wanted,

        I am rather pleased with the end result  of Dixie Neon and Dixie Emboss.and I  am posting my filters for your information and use. Have fun with them 🙂


        Fairy Frolic o1 , 02 and 03.



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