
September Theme Challenge – TREES

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges September Theme Challenge – TREES

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  • #46780
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      This time of year, we can often see changes in trees. If we are in the northern hemisphere, trees are starting to show fall colors. In the south, spring is getting them to wake up from the winter. I guess around the equator, trees might not change that much, but then, you have plenty of trees to show us.

      What will you showcase? Some 4-season photos of the big tree in your front yard? The unusual trees you saw while on vacation? A tree where you did engrave your name and you loved one’s? Whatever it is, show use some layouts about trees. There are so many around, you can just go take a pic if needed!

      Let’s go!

        • 734
        • Enthusiast

        We had a challenge last december I didn’t finish and for one day I used pics of trees I made years ago. I just added the text now. I created different gradients, that’s one of it.

        sandra jones
          • 107
          • Junior

          Here is my Theme of Trees.  I love trees and we are getting ready to travel to north Michigan because they have the most beautiful display of fall leaves.  We try to go every year.

          I used Butterfly Kisses by Memory Chicks and I got my stock photos from a site called

            • 858
            • Superfan

            libera and sandra …you both have created lovely pages for this tree theme challenge.

            best wishes to you both,


              • 734
              • Enthusiast

              Thanks a lot Dawn for your compliment :-)!
              I really like Sandra’s cycle of life and I love trees too. Already have a great collection of pics, it’s a fascinating element of nature.


              Art Kuiper
                • 47
                • Rookie

                Where I live the trees grow big. I love to walk in these forests. It always amazed me that when these trees were cut that the stumps would eventually nurse new ones.

                The oak and maple leaves don’t really belong in a coniferous forest but they were the only photos I had that I could turn into embellishments.

                sandra jones
                  • 107
                  • Junior

                  Libera and Dawn : Thank you both so much for the compliments.

                  Art : I love nature trails and I would really be fascinated to walk around a forest with trees that large.  It is pretty interesting to see that tree growing out of a stump.

                    • 1558
                    • Superfan

                    I guess we all agree in our love for trees or nature for that matter. Libera, Sandra, and Art, you all created interesting and lovely pages. Good work!

                    Sawnie Robertson
                      • 10
                      • Rookie

                      Here is my submittal for the September Tree theme. I was already working on two file with trees and special backgrounds so I made a few revisions and added more trees. I have upgraded to 2021.

                        • 335
                        • Enthusiast

                        Hello everyone … Nice to see such wonderful works here. I’ve been away a while – summer company. Not much time to play on the computer. Glad to see everyone’s art. :o) I am a very early riser. My favorite time of day – to wake with the birds and listen. This was yesterday morning at 5:49am. Fog bank on the other side of the thin strip of woods in front of my house. Beyond those woods are farm fields and as you can see they were very foggy. Looked pretty so I ran to get my camera. Wasn’t quite dawn yet, so I didn’t really think it would come out … the sky was an eerie color – like you would see in a jigsaw puzzle. I didn’t really do much to it … was pretty just left simple.

                        sandra jones
                          • 107
                          • Junior

                          Mink I love your photo.  Looks very peaceful.  I love how you split the photo on your layout.




                            • 335
                            • Enthusiast

                            Thank you, Sandra. It is peaceful here on a dirt road. This morning there was no fog, but right outside the window, not even three/four feet from it, was a Mama Deer and her baby. Baby still has some spots. Ran and got my camera AGAIN! My house is in the middle of an ancient apple orchard and apples are starting to fall. Lots for them to eat. 🙂 I see them two maybe three times during the day … sometimes even in the back yard just beyond the pergola where they like to hang out. I can see them from my kitchen window and I think Mom knows I am watching as she looks right at me, too. Plenty of natural stuff to eat there. I usually get the wild turkeys, too. It was a flock of seven and it has grown to about 14 in a matter of a couple weeks. Not sure where they are getting the new clan members?? But they are fun to watch, even if they do clean house on all the birds seed.

                            Corrie Kinkel
                              • 1078
                              • Superfan

                              Minka, what a beautiful pictures!  This  American crayfish was walking across our street the other day. I have never seen one so far away from some water. They are not indigenous to my country but pose a thread because they breed very well here.

                              I will come and look what everybody is making, but I will not be doing very much because I took a fall and heavily bruised my hand. After X-rays it was clear nothing is broken and that is a relieve. Unfortunely it’s the hand I use for the mouse on my computer. Typing is okay, but working on a LO not! But I can attend the masterclass coming sunday, at least something to look forward to.

                              See you all

                                • 335
                                • Enthusiast

                                Hi Corrie … I have NEVER seen an American Crayfish … nevermind one out for a walkabout!  LOL  It sort of looks like a mini lobster, huh?  Are they in fresh water or salt water there?  I hope your hand heals quickly … and you can get back to what you do very well.  Make lovely stuff to look at!  Take care and be careful with that hand!

                                  • 858
                                  • Superfan

                                  Art, Sawnie and Minka each of you have created very nice pages.. well done

                                  Corrie falls are not pleasant when they happen… I am happy to read that you have not broken any bones and hopefully your hand will steadily improve… take care of yourself.

                                  best wishes everyone,


                                  Art Kuiper
                                    • 47
                                    • Rookie

                                    Shawnie, you’re arrangement of all those different tree variations is terrific. There are so many when we see them but don’t record them as you have. Very nice.

                                      • 252
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      My challenge for september “TREES” I have featured the image taken on the 1st day of spring in New Zealand, as we were greeted with such a cold day and quite heavy snow showing on the mountain range, and surrounding areas. There was no snow  on our ground.  The trees are in full blossom, I hope the fruit hasn’t been damaged.  The other images I have taken around town and on my travels.

                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan

                                        Minka, that crayfish is also called red crayfish and is about 10 cm long. It lives in fresh water and is apparently delicious to eat. It is some sort of fresh water lobster. Thank you for your concern, I will take care.

                                        Dawn, thank you, while doing nothing I can enjoy all the nice work that is done here and get inspired.

                                        Shirley, nice trees. It is a strange thought that while we  are going into autumn, you are into spring! I find it the loveliest season when everything gets green again and in bloom, enjoy it.


                                        sandra jones
                                          • 107
                                          • Junior

                                          Corrie  I was sorry to hear about your hand.  Prayers for a quick recovery.  That Crayfish would scare me lol.  Dont know if I would want to walk around with them in my yard.

                                          Minka =Your home looks very peaceful. I have enjoyed the photos.

                                          Sawnie I love what you did with all the different trees.  Great Layout!

                                          Shirley I love your layout especially the beautiful blooming tree in the middle.


                                            • 858
                                            • Superfan

                                            hello Shirley, your Tree page is beautifully done.

                                            best wishes,


                                              • 252
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              Thank you dawn, Sandra and Corrie.

                                              Nemisis Goosehabit
                                                • 26
                                                • Rookie

                                                I have always had a love of trees(perhaps because I earned my living at sea). I especially like the stark shapes of winter. This photo was taken on the Leeds-Liverpool canal @ Gargrave.  More a thought in progress rather than a work in progress.

                                                Thanks to everyone for sharing your collages and projects.

                                                  • 1424
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Wow, I’m really impressed with what everyone is doing. Great work!

                                                  Ann Seeber
                                                    • 1372
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    My Trees layout uses Cassel’s Picture Tube.. which is listed as “cass” ..not “trees” .. I think I went a little overboard!

                                                    Jan Wilson
                                                      • 52
                                                      • Junior

                                                      Hi I have done a template with Trees.  The Kentia Palms which are native to Lord Howe Island, Australia, but cultivated elsewhere for Gardens etc.    Took the photos several years ago on a visit to Lord Howe Island, such a beautiful Island.  Visitors are limited to 400 at a time.

                                                      Kentia Palms

                                                      Bonnie Ballentine
                                                        • 1643
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        I used a template but I have changed it so much…you would hardly recognize the original template. Template by Miss Fish, Left and Right 1_03. The signs read in part:

                                                        I am old, as old as can be,

                                                        I am estimated to be 400 years old you see

                                                        I’ve got to be very attractive

                                                        Because the surveillance on me is active;


                                                        My limbs are hollowed but you can’t

                                                        tell, because my bark keeps me looking well;


                                                        I don’t like it when you lean, pull, sit,

                                                        Stand or climb on me, also your purses,

                                                        Cameras or anything that would damage me;


                                                        I ask you just admire and let me be!


                                                        I want to live as much as 900 years

                                                        Because that is my life expectancy.

                                                        So you can gently rub me, you can

                                                        Gently hug me, you can gently kiss me,

                                                        And if you try to do anything else I’ve

                                                        Got someone who will tell you!



                                                        The Angel Oak Tree is estimated to be 300-400 years old. The life expectancy of an oak is approximately 500-700 years. An oak rots from the inside and is fragile as it becomes older.

                                                        Tree height: 65′

                                                        Circumference: 25.5 feet

                                                        Area of shade: 17, 000 square feet

                                                        Largest limb: circumference, 11.25 feet/length 89 feet”

                                                        The Angel Oak is on St. John’s Island in South Carolina, my home state.


                                                        Betsy Davis
                                                          • 32
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Spring tree near Nimisila Reservoir.

                                                          Betsy Davis
                                                            • 32
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            Spring sun – Nimisila Reservoir

                                                            Bonnie Ballentine
                                                              • 1643
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Another Angel Oak page. I used Carole’s Word Frame 3.

                                                              Nemisis Goosehabit
                                                                • 26
                                                                • Rookie

                                                                PSP template,my photos and Cassels “trees” with a smattering of autumn leave tubes.

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